Chapter 49 Oral Checks
Taking advantage of the serving time, Yang Ning took out a twenty-page contract from her bag and handed it to Fang Jing.

"Take it back and look at it clearly, and sign it to me within three days. It's best to find a lawyer to help explain it, and you can ask me if you don't understand."

Fang Jing's head hurts from reading the dense regulations, and he couldn't understand some technical terms, "Sister Yang, I believe in you."

Before Yang Ning could speak, Fang Jing continued, "Just tell me the key points and what else needs attention."

"Okay!" Yang Ning had nothing to do with him, and nodded helplessly, "I won't talk about the benefits of resources, it's clearly written."

"Let me tell you something related to actual interests. B signed the contract for seven years, and the liquidated damages were 800 million. In addition to the higher share than C, there is also an extra 50 signing fee."

"You have to buy the five insurances and one housing fund yourself, and you have to pay for the salary of the assistant yourself. There is nothing else to pay attention to."

"Then if I write my own songs and release an album, will the company take a share?" Fang Jing asked the biggest question. He still has a lot of classic songs in his stomach. If the company has to share money for each song, then he is not at a big loss.

"Depending on the situation, if you want to use the company's resources, you will have to charge a part of the fee, such as publicity in variety shows, MV shooting at public expense, and the promotion department will cooperate."

Seeing Fang Jing's pained face, like a money fan, Yang Ning laughed, "The publicity fee is very small, and it won't take much of your share, at most 80."

The corner of Fang Jing's mouth twitched, 80 is still very little?How many pigs would I have to sell to earn back?

"The MV is a bit more expensive, the film crew, arranger teacher, producer, post-editing, choreography teacher, professional dancers, renting the venue, at least 200 million before and after."

Yang Ning's price is still a conservative estimate. There are dozens of staff before and after an album, seven or eight machines are turned on every day, and it costs money like water every day.

First-line singers cost tens of millions of dollars for an album, and they only pay 200 million for renting the venue.

Hearing the price, Fang Jing felt guilty, "So an album costs at least 300 million? Doesn't that mean I can't earn much?"

The company invested 300 million, and Fang Jing couldn't believe that they only took the cost back, at least double it, and this time it cost 600 million.

Physical albums have collapsed these years, who listens to songs and still goes to CD stores to buy albums?It's all on the phone.

So I can only post the songs on the Internet and post digital albums, so that the music website will charge at least half of the fee.

Each of the two big tigers took a bite, and he probably didn't have any soup for this little shrimp, Fang Jing felt very cold.

Yang Ning gave him a blank look, "You can't make money from making music, and listeners can download it for a dollar and listen to it for a lifetime.

Even if you are a first-line singer, you will only have 2000 million downloads if you die, half of the 2000 million platforms will be taken, and if you get 1000 million, the company will take the bulk again. In the end, you will have 300 to [-] million downloads, which is not bad. "

"For these two 300 million, how much time and cost do you have to spend? Let alone a few months before and after."

"Doesn't that mean that the music is not good?" Fang Jing frowned.

"Who said that, you don't understand this. Singers gain popularity with their songs, and then they appear on variety shows, and it's easy to pay 80 yuan at a time."

"Some singers' songs are all free, why is that? Do you think people really think they have too much money?"

Fang Jing was speechless, "The water is so deep?"

"It's not bad!" Yang Ning said after taking a sip of wine, "When you become famous, I'll take you to shoot a variety show on TV, that's the big head."


After eating a meal for more than two hours, Yang Ning and Fang Jing became much closer. From the old manager, Fang Jing learned a lot about the rules of the entertainment industry.

Yang Ning also made a simple plan for Fang Jing's future. The promise of no money made him dizzy. It was a concert and a TV series, and even said to take him to make a big movie.

Fang Jing didn't recover even after leaving the door, and he didn't wake up until he returned to the TV station in Shanghai.

Originally agreed to go back and read the contract carefully, Yang Ning had already signed it unknowingly, and he wrote a lot of verbal checks, and he kept thanking him.

After taking a shower and resting on the bed, Fang Jing smiled brightly as he recalled Yang Ning's music business model.

"A singer may not be able to release a hit song in a few years. Of course, he can't make money. He can only rely on variety shows to attract money."

"But I'm different! There are so many good songs. Seven or eight songs are released a year. Even if one song earns 100 million, that's 800 million."

Thinking about the future, Fang Jing was about to fall asleep, when suddenly there was a knock on the door, like thunder.

"Who the hell is this?" Fang Jing wanted to beat someone up.

"Dong Dong Dong Dong!!"

Knock harder and harder, accompanied by the sound of the key unlocking.

Putting on his slippers, Fang Jing just opened the door when a figure rushed over, the pungent smell of alcohol made him frown.

"Hey! Why did you open the door by yourself?" Shen Hao muttered with his eyes closed.

"I'll drive you, uncle! This is my room, you went wrong!"

"Fang Jing... Let me tell you good news, I signed the contract, and I will be a star in the future."

"Okay, okay! I know, can't you go back to your room first?"

"You don't know... this Xiong is not a good person... he is perverted... Qian Mengjun just... vomit! vomit!"

Fang Jing's facial features were distorted, looking at the wine on his pants and the stench in the room, he wanted to kick this guy out.


In the early morning of the next day, when the slight sunlight shone through the window, Shen Hao had a splitting headache. Xiong Li had a treat and drank too much yesterday, so he didn't know how he came back.

Opening tired eyes, "Huh? It's a bit cold, where did my clothes go? Why are my feet tied to the edge of the bed?"

Looking at the bare arms, Shen Hao panicked a little.

Turning his head, he saw that the door was ajar open, the cool wind was blowing, the floor was a mess, shoes, socks, and short sleeves were everywhere, and there were a few traces of blood on the edge of the quilt.

Shen Hao was jolted, and instantly sobered up. His face was pale, his mouth was trembling, and he lifted his buttocks and abdomen gently with a nervous heart, and took a deep breath.

"Huh! Fortunately!"

The entertainment industry is not safe, there are all kinds of people, it seems that we should pay attention in the future, if we meet bad people, we will suffer, there is nowhere to cry.

"But where did the blood come from?"

After finally pulling out a slipper from the bottom of the bed, Shen Hao jumped over the mine circles and obstacles to the bathroom.

After taking a shower and changing clothes, the whole person is much more energetic.After cleaning the house, I went downstairs to take out the trash, just in time to meet Fang Jing who came back from running.

Yesterday, their respective managers took the newly signed players to a dinner party. Knowing that they would not be able to get up, He Kangsheng hereby granted them a day off to rest.

After not exercising for a long time, Fang Jing's bones were almost rusted, and he deliberately ran twice in the morning to sweat.

"Are you awake?" Fang Jing didn't give Shen Hao a good look.

"Hmm! Do you... know how I got back yesterday?"

"I know." Fang Jing sneered, "You knocked on my door first, then spit on me all over the place, yelling that you were going to hold a concert on the rooftop, saying it was a bird's nest."

"I can't help it. You knocked on the stairwell and your nose bleeds. Two security guards came from behind and tied you back."

"It turned out to be like this." Shen Hao was pleased.

(End of this chapter)

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