Chapter 523

"I'm going, Teacher Fang, I'm too fat, right?" Fu Xiaotang touched the director's studio at some point, and pointed to the replay screen excitedly, "Why Qingxue and the others are so good-looking and I'm so fat, who took this? Unprofessional? Remember the P-picture beauty in the later stage."

Looking at the black-faced Luo Yongchang, Fang Jing laughed: "If you don't understand, don't talk nonsense. The camera ratio is different, and the effect of shooting has a sense of expansion, which is why celebrities are generally much thinner than they look on TV. "

"Or do you think that people insist on losing weight every day for the sake of looking good? It means that you are students and I don't have this requirement, otherwise you have to lose at least a dozen catties."

Artists lose weight not only to look good, but more importantly for their jobs. Some girls weigh a hundred in real life, with lordosis and back warping. They look just right and beautiful, but they look fat when they are on camera.

The best weight is ninety catties, it looks thin, and the photos come out standard.

Fu Xiaotang and the others are not regular actors. Fang Jing has no requirements for this, nor does he force them to lose weight, otherwise the parents will not rush to the door to settle accounts with him. It is time to grow up. How dare you let my daughter starve?Don't die?
"This is the director's studio, it's nothing to do with the actors going out." Luo Yongchang didn't give Fu Xiaotang a good face. He was the one who took the video just now. "How can you point fingers here? Get out!"

"Slightly slightly slightly, I don't want to stay yet." Sticking out his tongue and making a face, Fu Xiaotang ran away.

"Students nowadays are really... ignorant and fearless." Luo Yongchang laughed, "After so many years, there are not many actors who dare to talk to me like this on the set. This girl is good, she doesn't talk too much all day and still points fingers."

"Students, it's normal!" Fang Jing smiled, "There may also be reasons for me. I usually treat them too well, and there is no sense of distance, and my words are becoming more and more casual."

On the set outside, when the actor saw the director, he was not afraid of offending someone with a word, but this group of students was fine, they didn't have any worries at all, and even went to the cafeteria to eat after filming.

"That's you, I would have scolded you earlier, forget about it." Luo Yongchang waved his hand and said, "The plan you asked me to make came out, and the filming will be completed in 20 days without delaying their classes."

"20 days? Could it be too soon?" Fang Jing was startled, "Don't be perfunctory to me."

Those directors make movies, who doesn't have three to five months?It took ten years for a generation of masters from preparation to release, but it took him 20 days.

"It's really not perfunctory. I'm still fast. Let's talk about the venue first. 90.00% of them are in school. It doesn't bother you at all, and you don't have to compromise the actor's schedule. Everyone can shoot after class and study until evening."

"Brother, there are only more than 120 scenes in a 70-minute movie. How many days do you want to shoot?"

"Cough cough cough, I'm sorry I'm not used to it." Fang Jing rubbed the bridge of his nose in embarrassment, "I used to film for a few months, but the sudden 20-day shock to me is quite big. Do you think the bad movie that the audience said is right? me?"

It takes 20 days to shoot a movie, and when the news is released, Fang Jing can predict that the screen will be full of curse words.

Luo Yongchong said earnestly: "Whether a movie is good or not has little to do with the shooting cycle. It mainly depends on the content. Good content is enough. Although slow work produces meticulous work, fast work does not necessarily mean shoddy work."

"Besides, this is a low-budget movie, how much is the total investment? It's only a few million, and 40.00% is paid to the actors as the film's salary. The radio and television companies are ashamed to say that you committed crimes against the wind and paid sky-high prices."

With a budget of 400 million, the actors accounted for 160 million, and the rest were crew salaries and post-production.

There is no fee for the venue. The principal said that it is enough to remember to include the name of their school in the movie, and all the teachers and extras are free guest appearances.

In return, Fang Jing told the cafeteria to kill a pig a day for extra meals for teachers and students.

Leaning against the wall, Luo Yongchang clasped his arms in front of his chest, and recalled: "Many years ago, I worked in the production crew in Xiangjiang. The standard staff of the production crew was 40 people, which doubled for better ones. The script was written now, and the filming speed It’s fast, one movie a month is slow, and it’s still a hit.”

"In recent years, a crew of hundreds of people here in our mainland is said to be shabby, and three to 400 people are just like playing. Thousands of people are not uncommon."

"A lot of people is not necessarily a good thing. Besides, the subject matter is different, and it's not a military blockbuster. Why did it take so long?"

There are only dozens of staff members in Flash Girls. The actors are all students, so they are easy to manage. They do what they say, unlike well-known artists who have a lot of work and pick and choose.

The themes are small, the scenes are small, there is no need to settle for actors, and there is no need to travel around to shoot. Luo Yongzhuan said that it is reasonable to shoot more than 20 scenes in 70 days.

"Come on!" Fang Jing snapped his fingers, "When the movie is released, I'll add your name to it. It's my credit for the popularity. If I'm scolded, I'll blame you for making it."

Luo Yongchang chuckled, "Mr. Fang, you are wrong. Believe it or not, the result will be the opposite. If it becomes popular, people will say I directed it, and if it hits the street, they will say you directed it."

"If it's a big hit, it's a good thing that the audience will say [-]% what kind of movie you, Fang Jing, can make as an actor? If it's not for the assistant director's help, the audience will also say that it's expected. Everyone can be a director, and Fang Jing is an actor. Go guide, who else will he attack if he doesn't?"

Fang Jing...

What the hell is going on.

"Haha! Just kidding, do you think I look like someone who cares about other people's opinions? It was just for fun, the box office is so happy, there is nothing sad if it is not good, a few million, this is drizzle."


Lihai Music Affiliated High School is different from ordinary high schools, the holidays are early, and their entrance to university is not to take the college entrance examination, but the unified examination of the corresponding university.

Stuck on the day before the students' holiday, the crew wrapped up.

In the cafeteria in the afternoon, Fang Jing invited all the students in the school to have a meal and various extra meals.

"Child, take care of as much as you want. There is no limit today. Come back after eating."

"Thank you auntie!"

In the cafeteria, the auntie's hands finally stopped shaking, and her smile returned. The chicken legs were beaten out desperately, and the food was enough.

A student looked at the stewed potatoes with braised pork on the dinner plate, tried to take a bite, and was so excited that he burst into tears, "This is really braised pork, and I finally don't have to brush it in the soup before eating it."

In the past, there was no such dish as braised pork and stewed potatoes, but few people ordered it, not because it was expensive, but because it was unpalatable.

The person who ordered the dish must put the braised pork in the soup bowl and wash it again before he dares to eat it.

Chicken, duck and fish can be ordered casually, and hundreds of boxes of drinks can be taken casually. Today's cafeteria has less complaints and more laughter.

At the table, Fang Jing said to the leading actors while eating: "Your parents are paid for the film, go home and rest for a few days, and I will notify you to run the show promotion after a while."

(End of this chapter)

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