Chapter 630 Go Abroad
"Wow, I love this singing style."

"It should be Er Yuehong from Old Nine Gates. This song is very suitable for the occasion."

"The combination of the two singing styles is not uncommon in recent years, but not many of them have made it out of the circle. Most of them are catered for. There are not many songs like Fang Jing that run through the whole song and integrate into the story of the song."

Backstage, Yu Wenwen squinted at Fang Jing like a little girl, "Mr. Fang, why haven't you sung this song before? If you could sing it when Lao Jiumen just came out, the popularity should be much greater." ?”

Fang Jing was embarrassed, he couldn't say he had forgotten, could he?There are so many songs in my mind, how can I find the right ones at any time, most of them are used when they feel suitable in a specific environment.

"Ahem! Didn't remember that, do you think the inspiration is Chinese cabbage? If you say so, you have it?"

"That's right, but you are also very good. You can't finish singing so many songs in a few lifetimes."

"Low key, I'm exhausted now, I plan to release a few albums in a while, and take a good rest this year."

Crowd: ...

It's still a familiar smell, Chen Biwang, is that you?

Opening my mouth is to release a few albums. Doesn't it take a month or two for someone to release an album?Meticulous polishing, publicity, and various packaging are just a few pieces at his opening.

Let's take a good rest this year, the key is that there are only a few days left this year!It is now August, and there are still four months left. He will release several albums in these four months, and he can rest for a while after listening to the breath.

Is this so human?

Holding the trophy from the program group, Fang Jing left. He still had a lot of work to do, and he had to hurry up to make the album when he got back. In addition, he had to watch over the crew. Lu Yang reminded him every day that he couldn't do it without him.

At the end of August, in the last episode of Actors Please, Fang Jing won the best role with the video clip of haircut. So far, this variety show that took several months has come to an end.

In mid-September, Fang Jing released an album, three albums at a time, with 22 songs, but there was no response on the Internet, because he did not release it in China, but abroad.

22 songs, most of which are songs released before, such as Blue and White Porcelain, Chrysanthemum Terrace, and the wind blows.

It is not unheard of in China to make an album out of a single that has already been released, and it is notorious, but Yang Ning comforted him, saying that foreigners have not heard it, and this is for their benefit.

Fang Jing was ashamed for 0.01 second, and he felt relieved when he thought that he was earning Lao Mei's money.

But in order to make up for it, he still added a few brainwashing English songs, all of which were the popular Douyin Divine Comedy.

I opened Facebook on the day of releasing the online digital album, and gained more than 600 million fans two days later, some of them are foreigners, and some are overseas Chinese.

The rankings on the music charts are also terrifying. Six out of the top [-] are his songs, and the first and second are the two English songs. A large number of fans ran to his social account to leave messages.

Five days later, when the Divine Comedy spread to China, Fang Jing couldn't laugh or cry, "Is this export for domestic sale?"

After posting so many songs, I thought it was the first step to go abroad, but I didn't expect that it was only a few days, and I came back after walking.


At the end of September, Nanjing once again made a big move. Three dramas, Mo Dao, Xiangmi, and White Night Chasing the Murder, were launched. In addition to the unreleased Nezha, Snow, and Journey 2, Nanjing is producing six dramas at the same time.

Under the hype of the media, it rushed to the top of the hot search.

"Fang Jing is looking for death! Once he loses money, he will not be enough to jump on the roof ten times."

"Six dramas, each with a minimum investment of 20 million yuan, plus Xuezhong's one billion yuan, that's an investment of nearly [-] billion yuan. Fang Jing is crazy."

"Look, if these few dramas hit the market, the advantages that Nanjing King has developed so hard to develop will disappear, and the stock price will fall to grandma's house overnight."

"Hahaha, do we still have to wait for the street? If it weren't for the support of Nanjing Creation 101, the stock price would have fallen by now."

"Mengxin is trembling, and now he is staring at Nanjing's stock every day, for fear that Fangjing will cash out and run away."

Creation 101 started recording a month ago, and now it has aired several episodes. It is the most popular variety show at the moment, and each episode has constant topics. Nanjing can survive now because of the high popularity of this variety show.

The melon-eaters outside were worried, but Fang Jing, the person involved, had a very leisurely life. He ran between his home and the snow studio, and stayed for ten and a half months, not to mention how comfortable he was.

In November, Fang Jing came to Yanjing to stand in for the premiere of Journey 2. After so long filming, Xu Zheng traveled to several countries, and finally made this movie.

"Director Xu, thank you for your hard work!" Fang Jing hadn't seen Xu Zheng for a long time, and his whole body was dark and thin.

"It's okay. I'll go home and sleep after today. Just don't forget my share later, or my wife will beat you to death."

Fang Jing turned around, not far away, Tao Hong was wearing a white dress, although Shaohua was no longer there, she was still the little dragon girl back then.

"Don't worry, I will give you a big red envelope as soon as twelve o'clock after the release, congratulations on the box office success of Journey 2's first day."

"Did you forget about me?" Huang Bo in a sapphire blue suit hooked Fang Jing's shoulders and complained, "Xu Zheng is working so hard. He goes surfing on foreign beaches a lot, and he doesn't miss the sauna."

"We actors are the ones who really work hard. The wind and rain come and go, and when the director opens his mouth, the actors will lose their legs."

Huang Bo starred in Journey 2, and he took the initiative to lower his salary. He went abroad to shoot in early spring, and now it’s almost winter when he comes back. It’s really hard work.

Hearing someone slandering him, Xu Zheng quit. His wife was still watching from the sidelines, saying that he was going for a massage. What should I do if I misunderstood him? I can’t kneel on the washboard when I go home?

"Huang Bo, don't talk nonsense, make those massages look like you are not there?"

"I didn't go in, I was waiting for you outside, don't you remember?"

"Fart!" Xu Zheng blushed, "Obviously you have the longest time."

Looking at this pair of live treasures, Fang Jing was helpless, turned around and found a seat to sit down, there are many celebrities and entertainers here today, and all the idlers from Nanjing's side came.

Other directors, producers, and artists who have worked with Nanjing King have also come, plus some film critics, the seats are full, waiting for a while after the film is played, everyone will go back and post on Weibo to promote it.

Fang Jing noticed that Hu Ge, Zhang Yi, and Wu Jing were chatting happily on the side of the first row. Seeing him, Wu Jing waved to him.

"Fang Jing, I want to make a movie recently, The Climber, about rock climbing Mount Everest, are you interested in investing?" Wu Jing was very excited, "I'll finish the script, it's absolutely fine, only the funds are short."

Looking at Zhang Yi and Hu Ge who were gearing up, Fang Jing smiled and said, "They are your actors?"

"Not only that, but also Zhang Ziyi, Wang Jingchun and the others. I didn't do it on a whim. Seven or eight meetings have been held for this plan, and all aspects have been thought of. As long as the funds are in place, we can start the machine at any time."

Wolf Warriors started filming, and some big names are willing to join. The previous Wolf Warriors 2 won the China film championship. I don’t know how many people are jealous. This time, they directly joined the actor Wang Jingchun, the actress Zhang Ziyi, Shidi Hu Ge, half of the actor Zhang Yi, the team is exploding, as long as the script does not jump, it will be a [-]% hit.

(End of this chapter)

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