Rebirth: Entertainment from the Breakup

Chapter 148 "Unfortunately Not You"

Chapter 148 "Unfortunately Not You"

"I will still stop at that familiar intersection, as if you will appear in my sight in the next second"

Chu Qing's voice sounded slowly, and the audience was already used to it.

Since Chu Qing said "I still can't eat spicy food" before singing last time, she always said this sentence before the opening as if it was a narration.

And the audience really liked this set, and many people even wrote it down directly, and then went back to sign it!
After Chu Qing finished speaking, the staff at the side ran over with a guitar. This was Chu Qing's [Godfather Guitar]!
Chu Qing carried the guitar on her back, and activated five prop cards silently at the same time!There were flashes of light that only he could see, and Chu Qing only felt a numbness in his throat, as if there was an electric current.

After everything was ready, Chu Qing turned around and nodded to the band. The next moment, the music sounded slowly.

Among them, the one that attracted the audience's ears the most was the guitar in Chu Qing's hand!
With LV20's guitar skills and this [Godfather Guitar], Chu Qing showed unimaginable brilliance on stage!
"This moment suddenly feels so familiar"

"It's showing at the same time as yesterday and today"

"I sounded like you"

"It's not proof that we loved"

As soon as Chu Qing opened his mouth, the audience felt their scalps go numb!It was as if Chu Qing transmitted the current from his throat to them!
In the public lounge behind the stage, the expressions of the other contestants became serious.

Laymen watch the excitement, and experts watch the doorway!Only professional singers like them knew how impeccable Chu Qing's singing skills were just now!

"I almost lied to myself and you"

"Loving and being loved are not necessarily directly proportional"

"I know being hurt is a kind of luck"

"But I can't give myself completely"

The audience in the audience listened quietly, and no one even waved light sticks or support cards. They just listened and watched quietly, as if they were stone puppets!

This is the first time this scene has appeared in "A Singer", but even the on-set director didn't raise his cards to make them come alive.

Because the on-site director was dumbfounded, she just sat under the stage blankly, holding a huge sign in her hand, which was used to 'command' the audience.

But now she doesn't want to care about anything, and doesn't think about anything, she just wants to listen to the music quietly and enjoy the music!
"Work hard for you to change"

"But it can't change the reserved voltage line"

"I thought it was forever by your side"

Chu Qing lowered his head and played the guitar. The audience couldn't see his face clearly, and didn't know what his expression was at the moment.

But through the trembling in his voice, the audience can still feel that his heart must not be at peace at this moment.

"As if it was yesterday"

"But yesterday is so far away"

"But I can still see with my eyes closed"

Chu Qing's hand plucking the strings suddenly stopped, and he slowly raised his head to look into the distance, as if there was someone there.

The band also stopped moving, and the conductor stared at Chu Qing, not letting go of any movement.

"Unfortunately, not you"

"Accompany me till the end"

"Walk together but lost that intersection"

Chu Qing finally spoke, and the moment the chorus sounded, the audience felt as if an invisible fist had hit the bridge of their noses, making their noses sore and giving them the urge to cry.

Thousands of people have thousands of faces. At this moment, almost all audiences have a face in their minds. It is a face that they will never forget as long as they live.

It was the face that they would subconsciously lower their movements as long as they heard the name.

Zhang Ailing wrote in the novel that maybe every man has had two such women, at least two.

Marry a red rose, and over time, the red one will turn into a smear of mosquito blood on the wall, while the white one will still be the moonlight in front of the window.

If you marry a white rose, the white one is a grain of rice sticking to your clothes, but the red one is a cinnabar mole on your heart.

Only those who lose can understand, and those who can't get can only cherish.

"Thanks for that being you"

"Take My Hand"

"Can still feel the tenderness"

Some people, some things, if you miss it, you will miss it after all, no matter what you do, it will be irreparable.

It's just that occasionally when you pass a certain street, a certain intersection, or when you leave footprints, you still feel dazed.

Why wasn't you the one who followed me to the end?It's really a pity.

The backstage directors were dumbfounded, they were attracted by Chu Qing's singing, and even more attracted by the story in the singing!They knew it would be another hit song!Thinking that this is the first song on their show, they trembled with excitement!

With the popularity of this song, the popularity of their show will also be greatly increased!

"At that time we were close to each other"

"I think I have more right to care about you"

"Maybe you have stepped into someone else's scenery"

"I wish there were projections of starlight"

Chu Qing on the stage had already started to sing the second verse, and the audience finally came to their senses, watching Chu Qing's body swaying from side to side to the rhythm of Chu Qing's music, as if a sunflower was chasing the sun.

The rest of the singers behind the stage began to panic, but at the same time they were a little fortunate.

The panic was because none of them had the confidence to fight him with Chu Qing's current ability!
Fortunately, Chu Qing was the last one to appear on the stage. If she was the first to appear on the stage, she might have sung them without confidence!

At the same time, many people are also feeling that this kid Chu Qing will really come to trouble. It turns out that when recording the program before, he has been 'letting them'!

It wasn't until the finals that he really broke out his true ability.

"Thanks for that being you"

"Take My Hand"

"It still warms my chest"

After Chu Qing sang a song, the audience's dry eyes and tired eyes were healed!The tears flowed one by one, and the sadness flowed like a river!
Not to mention the audience, even many staff members cried!
No way, who made Chu Qing use his big move so fiercely this time!
Not only used [The Godfather Guitar], but also used five prop cards, and the lucky aura was opened from beginning to end!

If so many points still can't conquer these audiences, then Chu Qing should quit the circle altogether.

When Chu Qing left the stage and the host Pan Zhi came on stage, there were even some audience members who didn't react.

Here I have to sigh with emotion, the superposition of the five BUFFs of the prop card is too powerful!
Soon, the staff began to organize audience votes!
Different from the previous exit voting method, in the final championship game, the audience voted through the voting machine under the seat!
After all, in the Night of Champions, if there is no witness from the audience, something will undoubtedly be missing.

After the host introduced tonight's rules, all the contestants took the stage, and the chief director of the show also stepped onto the stage, ready to announce tonight's champion.
(End of this chapter)

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