Chapter 182

Chu Qing happily agreed, and handed the boxed lunch to Duan Pengdao.

"Help me put it away, I will come back to eat later"


Duan Peng turned into a ruthless cooking machine at this moment, eating happily without raising his head.

Chu Qing came to the campervan where the director was resting together with the scene manager. Naturally, the director and big-name actors would not have dinner with Chu Qing and the others.

Even in the harsh desert where they were filmed, their basic conditions were good.

There are beds, sofas, toilets, air conditioners, and even TVs in the RV.

After the scene manager knocked lightly on the door, he heard director Liu Dalong's voice: "Come in!"
The field manager smiled and opened the car door, and gestured to Chu Qing to come in.

Chu Qing didn't think much, got up and walked into the RV, and the door behind her was closed immediately.

The caravan is very spacious, and there is also the smell of barbecue.

Sitting next to the meal group are four people, namely director Liu Dalong, male number one Zhang Sanli, male number two Jin Jie, and producer Wu Xin!

In the crew, the director is the soul of the crew, because everyone has to listen to the director when filming.

But the most powerful person in the crew is actually the producer!

Because most of the time the producers represent the investors and they decide which director, which script and which actor to use!

In the crew, there is also the right to decide whether a certain person will stay or stay with one word!

Chu Qing checked the information of director Liu Dalong and producer Wu Xin long ago. Of course, Liu Dalong needless to say, he is an old director in the circle, and Wu Xin has very little information on the Internet. It's an exaggeration!

Chu Qing felt some pressure, but more excitement!

Opportunities and crises have always coexisted.

Zhang Sanli was the first to see Chu Qing, moved in with a smile, and gave up a space and said, "Xiao Chu, come and be next to uncle."

Chu Qing hurried over, but did not sit down, but greeted a few people first.

"Hello, Teacher Jin, Hello to Director Liu, and Hello to Producer Wu"

Wu Xin seemed to be a very easy-going person. Seeing this, he smiled and said, "Don't be so cautious, just sit down."

Chu Qing smiled and nodded, but her heart was beating fast!
He carefully sat next to Zhang Sanli, but only took about one-third of the seat. This is the workplace art of the previous life.

Through this morning's observation, Liu Dalong had a good impression of Chu Qing, so he took the initiative to find a topic to talk about.

"Xiao Chu, during the filming in the morning, I felt that you were deeply attached to this character! Did you prepare in advance?"

Chu Qing smiled and nodded, "Well, I wrote a biography of the character."

Liu Dalong couldn't help but nodded in satisfaction. Who doesn't like this kind of actors who are prepared in advance?It's better than the kind of people who don't know what they are playing before filming!

After hearing this, Jin Jie asked with a smile, "Oh? How many words did you write? Are you lazy?"

Chu Qing scratched her head and smiled, "One hundred thousand characters"

The rest of the people were startled, Liu Dalong stared and said, "One hundred thousand words?"

The people around were also in disbelief. Wu Xin narrowed his eyes slightly and said, "Haha, I haven't seen such a talented and serious actor for a long time. Did you bring the biography? I wonder if you can show it to me." ?”

Chu Qing nodded with a smile and said, "Of course, I'll go get it now."

After Chu Qing finished speaking, she wanted to get out of the car, but Wu Xin grabbed her!
In fact, Wu Xin is just a test, because for Chu Qing's small role, writing a biography of [-] to [-] characters should be blocked to death. How could it be possible to write so much?
That's why he said what he just said. If Chu Qing was embarrassed and said that he didn't bring it, he would think that Chu Qing didn't write it at all. What he said just now was bragging, just to win the attention of his old guys!
But I didn't expect Chu Qing to say that he would take it naturally. This kind of naturalness didn't seem like a show.

"Hahaha, don't worry, don't worry, eat first, it won't taste good when it's cold"

Chu Qing also reacted, and took advantage of the situation to sit down again.

Zhang Sanli on the side handed him a pair of bowls and chopsticks, Chu Qing was not polite, picked up a chopsticks of meat and started to eat.

Liu Dalong smiled and said, "It's not easy to write a [-]-word biography, so tell me, what kind of person is Wang Weiguo in your mind?"

Chu Qing put down her chopsticks and said, "Lively and active, full of curiosity about everything, love to learn, and easy to accept new things. The most important thing is that the blood is not cold, and the spirit of sacrifice is full."

Liu Dalong nodded in satisfaction, Chu Qing's three sentences almost perfectly summed up the essence of Wang Weiguo's role!

That's why when he saw Chu Qing's curious eyes when he was filming the scene of getting out of the car in the morning, he felt his eyes light up, because he felt that this actor had found the essence of the character!
After Chu Qing finished answering the question, she continued to eat with her head down!An attitude that I will answer whatever you ask.

Sure enough, Zhang Sanli also raised a question immediately.

"You acted as if you really enjoyed the food you ate during filming in the morning. Have you ever eaten it before?"

Chu Qing was taken aback, then hummed and said: "When I was young, my family conditions were very bad, I got used to it."

As soon as these words came out, Zhang Sanli and Jin Jie looked at Chu Qing with gentle eyes. Both of them were born in hard times. When Chu Qing said this, they had the scene of their hard life in their minds.

Zhang Sanli looked at Chu Qing with great satisfaction, and even thought that it would be great if this was his son!
When he thinks of his son, he thinks of his own prodigal son, it just makes his head hurt!

Lao Tzu is a hero and a hero is like a joke to him!
As soon as he was old, he also took great pains for his son, and won many roles for him.

But his son can't do anything else, he is good at offending people, and he is arrogant by nature!
His old friends were almost all offended by his son, and it was only because of his name that they didn't show up.

Later, his son became a ghost, and he didn't want to see anyone!
He also knew the virtues of his son, so he simply gave up in the end and let him go.

Thinking of this, Zhang Sanli couldn't help but sigh, and the others who heard it were at a loss.

Zhang Sanli came to his senses, laughed and said, "Looking at Chu Qing, I'm reminded of that useless guy in my family!"

As soon as these words came out, the rest of the people understood the reason for his sigh.

According to the logic, at this time, Chu Qing should accept his head and bow down, shouting 'foster father'!I can directly make Zhang Sanli shout my heart is very comforting!

But it's a pity that Chu Qing has never had the habit of identifying her father indiscriminately!

Although his father Chu Jianye didn't give him much, he also had what other children had!Although he was not allowed to be well-clothed and well-fed, he was not allowed to starve or suffer from cold either!
In his heart, his father has always been his pride!
With such an excellent father, how could Chu Qing open his mouth to call someone else's father?
Of course, except for the father-in-law
(End of this chapter)

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