Rebirth: Entertainment from the Breakup

Chapter 191 Still Too Young

Chapter 191 Still Too Young

After Xie Kun returned to the room, he locked the door. Before he could make a call, the phone rang.

The name on the caller ID is Mr. Cai!
He took a deep breath, adjusted his tone, and then connected the phone.

"Hello, Uncle Cai"

"Hmph! How did you provoke that lunatic Wu Xin?"

Xie Kun was taken aback, he really didn't know who Wu Xin was, didn't he offend Zhang Sanli?
"Uncle Cai, is it Zhang Sanli?"

"He and Zhang Sanli wear a pair of pants. What's the difference between offending him and Zhang Sanli?"

Xie Kun understood, and hurriedly began to shirk responsibility.

"Uncle Cai, it's not my manager yet, it's like this"

Xie Kun began to explain that in his narration, the whole matter had nothing to do with him at all, it was all a good thing done by his agent.

And the reason why he knew so clearly was because after the incident broke out, the manager was afraid, so he told him.

In a word, he is innocent, he is a white lotus!

But he never expected that his manager was lying on the door outside the room, gnashing his teeth!

The person Xie Kun was talking to was his biggest backer and a bigwig in the circle. His strength in the circle was similar to that of Zhang Sanli, and he had a strong background.

But compared to someone with a red background like Wu Xin, he is not enough!

So when Wu Xin said that he wanted to find someone to settle the score, he was afraid.

To him, Xie Kun and his like are just pets. After they become famous, they send them out to accompany some people.

Xie Kun is just the best of these people, worthy of his investment and support!

But when he provoked someone he shouldn't, it didn't delay Mr. Cai from abandoning him!

Mr. Cai on the other end of the phone heaved a sigh of relief when he heard that Xie Kun was very useful, and he didn't want to throw it away so easily.

"Well, then push him out and take the blame."

"Well, since he did this, who would he not resist?"

After listening halfway through, the manager outside the house gritted his teeth and began to think secretly in his heart.

He pretended to be nonchalant, and went back downstairs, but the phone was already in camera mode, holding it in his hand.

Not long after, Xie Kun came down the stairs, and the manager hurriedly looked concerned.

"How about it, what did Uncle Cai say?"

"Hey, it's okay, I took everything off my shoulders, Uncle Cai said let us wait for his news"

After hearing this, the agent sighed and said, "Hey, who would have thought that the kid's background is so big, the two of us still didn't think about it at the time."

"Yeah yeah"

Xie Kun agreed perfunctorily, but he was thinking in his mind how he could get his manager to take the blame for this.

The agent continued: "I regret it now, I shouldn't have listened to you back then."

"Yeah yeah, huh? What?"

Xie Kun reacted, looked at the manager and said, "Listen to me, didn't you do this? What do you mean by listening to me?"

"But I told you at the beginning, you promised me that it would be gone."

"I didn't say anything"

"Doesn't acquiescence count?"

"Are you trying to shirk responsibility? Hehehe, you only want to shirk responsibility now, don't you think it's too late?"

The manager lowered his head, and then slowly said: "Xie Kun, I know who you are, do you think you can get away?"

Xie Kun didn't bother to make excuses anymore, so he spoke directly.

"In this matter, there is always someone who will stand up and take the blame. As long as you recite this matter, Uncle Cai and I will not treat you badly. You set the price!"

"Hehe, are you just being honest now? Should I ask for a price? Okay, I want one billion!"

"One billion? Are you crazy? Do you know what one billion is?"

"I know, why don't you know, for you, one billion yuan can be earned in two or three years, and you may not even need it! Xie Kun, think clearly, that is your future!"

Xie Kun's face also sank when he heard this: "Aren't you afraid that you will have your life to earn your life?"

The manager smiled, picked up his phone and pretended to watch the news, but actually saved the video and uploaded it.

"I'm not afraid, even if I die, it's worth being buried with you!"

He doesn't need to record anything anymore, this video alone is enough.

"One billion is absolutely impossible! I advise you to give up!"

Xie Kun's face sank like water, and he said softly: "You have memorized this matter, and you will have no worries about food and clothing for the rest of your life!"

When the agent heard the words, he also looked hesitant, and finally said angrily: "Two hundred million! Two hundred million has been credited to my account, and I will hold a press conference immediately! Take all this matter to me!"

Xie Kun frowned and said: "People can't be too greedy, [-] million will arrive within three days, and I'm going to hold a press conference now."

The manager's complexion changed, and finally he gritted his teeth and said, "Success!"

Xie Kun breathed a sigh of relief when he heard that, if the problem can be solved with money, then it is not a problem.

In addition, [-] million is not bad for him, and he can earn back two or three endorsements. It is urgent to deal with this matter as soon as possible.

The thought of Chu Qing actually finding Zhang Sanli as a backer, and even meeting Wu Xin made his eyes spit fire!

Why?What he went through to climb to this position, only he knows!I have paid so much to get to where I am today, but the other party has only made a few movies and can be appreciated by the boss and accepted as a disciple. Why should he?
And this time, he still steals chickens and loses money, and pays a price of [-] million to get rid of his greedy manager. Thinking of this, he feels uncomfortable all over!
That person who had never been looked down upon by him before had actually grown to such a degree now!
Then if it's another two years, will I have to look at his face?
Xie Kun's face gradually became fierce, but he didn't notice the madness in his manager's eyes!
That night, Xie Kun posted a statement on Weibo, declaring that a press conference would be held three days later.

Anyone with a discerning eye in the circle could see that Xie Kun was scared.

But no one underestimated him, after all, the opponents were Zhang Sanli and Wu Xin, and losing to such a person would not be ashamed at all.

Song Dawei laughed wildly after seeing it. For him, this was the first time he had won the fight against Xie Kun.

Chu Qing didn't feel anything, because he had expected this situation a long time ago, but at this moment, Chu Qing didn't know that he was still too young, and the real situation was far more exciting and bloody than he imagined. many!

Three days later, early in the morning, the manager, Xie Kun and others arrived at the venue where the reception will be held today.

There were more than 40 bodyguards who came together, densely covering the venue to prevent any problems.

Looking at the increasing number of reporters outside, the manager seemed a little nervous, took out the cigarette case and said, "I'm going to smoke a cigarette, are you coming?"

Xie Kun frowned, how dare he smoke with so many reporters present, but he was still not at ease to let the manager out of his sight, so he could only look at the driver.

The driver nodded and silently followed behind the manager.
(End of this chapter)

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