Chapter 29 Zhuo Fengxing

After Xuan Mo finished speaking, he left the stage, and the host Qian Ning said, "Contestant Chu Qing, you are going to bid farewell to this stage today. Is there anything you want to say to the audience?"

Chu Qing took a deep breath and said with a smile: "Thank you, I just want to say thank you, thank you all for willing to listen to my singing when I am notorious, thank you everyone"

The audience in the audience was quiet, and the judges were also quiet.

Especially Qi Lele, who hugged her chest with both hands and looked at Chu Qing on the stage with blurred eyes.

What a fairy smile is this!It just melted her away!

Now she just wants to test Chu Qing's geography knowledge, such as where his home is!She wants to go to his house to listen to music at night!She can sing too!
Director Meng Fanming's voice sounded in the cameraman's ears: "Camera! Push forward! Camera No. [-], you give Chu Qing a close-up, this smile must be captured in full! Capture it all!"

"No. [-], you follow, you want a profile, profile!"

In fact, he didn't need to say anything, the photographer had already followed suit because of his professional habits.

After Chu Qing bowed to the audience again, he smiled and asked the host, "Mr. host, can I step down now?"

Qian Ning's skills are still good, and he said with a smile: "Let's applaud Chu Qing!"

The audience in the audience stood up and applauded again. They were just spectators, and they were paid spectators. They couldn't decide who would win or who would win.

They can only use their own way to send blessings to the winner in their minds.

Chu Qing felt their emotions, and bowed to them again: "Thank you, thank you, thank you three judges"

Chu Qing smiled and waved to the audience, and walked towards the actor's aisle.

As soon as she walked into the actor's tunnel, Chu Qing was hugged by Song Dawei, who was pleasantly surprised: "Your smile just now is so awesome! Can you still do one now?"

Chu Qing laughed again, thinking what's the matter, my brother is a systematic person!

Song Dawei slapped his thigh and said, "Such a good smile, if you don't endorse a toothpaste advertisement, you'll be blind!"

Chu Qing's expression froze, what?
What the hell, why do toothpaste commercials pop up in your mind when you see a sunny smile?What did you experience when you were young?
Chu Qing really wanted to hold a microphone in front of him, and then said: "The microphone is in place, please tell your story!"

The task of the two of them is over here, the chief planner Wei Zhi personally came out to send Chu Qing and the two to leave. During the period, he expressed his gratitude to Chu Qing for his "understanding of righteousness" just now, and said that the 2 yuan appearance fee will last for two days. It will definitely be hit on Chu Qingka within a short period of time!
After Chu Qing smiled and said that he was not in a hurry, he got into the car with Song Dawei.

The two went to have lunch together, and then went directly to the Blue Ocean Bar. Anyway, they are idle, so it is better to go early today.

On the other side, there was a small disturbance on the Internet.

Xuan Mo, who is recording a variety show, may not have expected that his reputation of "playing big names" has quietly started to spread on the Internet!

And it all starts with a small recording.

Not long ago, Zhuo Wei, recognized as the number one paparazzi in the circle, broke the news about a recording.

The woman in the recording is arrogant and domineering, but she brings out an artist's name, Xuan Mo!
Xuan Mo's fans went crazy at the time, saying it was fake news, fake news, how could her idol be like this!Besides, there is no Xuan Mo's voice in the recording at all, this must be framed!

Although they scolded happily, they actually had no idea in their hearts.

This sentence may be false if others say it, but the person who broke the news is Zhuo Fengxing!This person who is known as the number one paparazzi in China!He never broke the news of false information.

Finally, after voice matching and so on, everyone found that the female voice in the recording was Xuan Mo's assistant!

Bingshan Entertainment, where Xuanmo is located, will immediately issue an announcement that this matter will be reviewed!If it's really an artist assistant's problem, they will deal with it seriously!But if it is Zhuo Fengxing's false news, then he will also receive a letter from Bingshan Entertainment's lawyer!
To this, Zhuo Fengxing only replied with two words, whatever!
These two words are enough to prove Zhuo Fengxing's self-confidence, and the scolding battle on the Internet has started again.

But the instigator of this incident was chatting with the boss at the Blue Ocean Bar.

Fatty Xia brought a fruit plate for the two of them, and Song Dawei ate it while complaining to Fatty Xia about being robbed of the dressing room in the morning.

Fatty Xia was taken aback when he heard this, and then said, "Is it Chu Qing who was robbed of the dressing room?"

Chu Qing nodded and then said in surprise: "Boss Xia, you sound like you already know that he robbed someone else's dressing room?"

Fatty Xia turned on his phone, found Zhuo Fengxing's Weibo and said, "I saw it. I'm a fan of Teacher Zhuo Fengxing. I usually like his gossip. I also set a message reminder. He released a recording at noon today, so I just found out, I didn’t expect that it was your dressing room that was robbed.”

Chu Qing turned her head and glanced at Song Dawei, thinking that you can do it, the speed of spreading news is so fast, being a manager is really a bit of a waste of talent.

Song Dawei looked calm, but he was also shocked by the speed of the other party.

Boss Xia smiled and waved his hands and said, "Just that kind of stupid idiot who is so arrogant, if he can get to the third line in this life, he will be considered a high-spirited man."

After Boss Xia finished speaking, he smiled at Chu Qing and said, "Brother Chu is different, your voice is like the patriarch force-feeding you! Just last night, there were a few who came specifically for you."

Chu Qing was a little surprised and said, "Really?"

Boss Xia nodded and said: "Of course, it was because I knew you were singing at my house through Shaking Hands, so I came here specially for you. I told them that you got off work early, and those brothers are very sorry. I don't know what happened today. Can you come over?"

Chu Qing felt somewhat complacent in her heart, did you see that?Brother, this is also a person with fans!
When Boss Xia said this, he raised his eyebrows at Chu Qing and said, "Do you still remember the guest who gave you ten flower baskets for two consecutive days?"

Chu Qing nodded, the other party was his 'golden master', how could he forget it?
Boss Xia laughed and said, "Let me tell you, that's a little rich woman who has a lot of money at home! She asked me about you several times in the past two days, how is it? Do you have any ideas? If you have any ideas, brother bridge"

Before Chu Qing could speak, Song Dawei waved his hand and said, "Go away! Look at your current appearance, you are a pimp!"

After hearing this, Boss Xia took a sip and said, "Let your mother be so handsome, can your pimp make me so handsome?"

The two were laughing and playing, but Chu Qing took out her mobile phone, turned on the front camera and took a picture of her face.

Tsk tsk tsk, I didn't expect that one day I would be able to rely on my face for a living!

Sister, I don't want to work hard anymore!

 If you don't vote, I won't vote, when will the mountain ghost come out~
  One vote for you, one vote for me, Shangui Jiageng will come~
(End of this chapter)

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