Chapter 302 Acting
Chu Qing walked out of the dressing room, Song Dawei and Yin Tao were waiting for him outside the door.

Seeing Chu Qing's appearance, Song Dawei sized him up and whistled: "Not bad!"

Yin Tao didn't speak but just smiled, but her eyes were as gentle as water.

Chu Qing smiled, took the thermos from Yin Tao's hand, and took a sip of water.

"Dawei, while I'm filming in Xiangjiang, you can contact me according to the list given by Director Wang to see if I can poach some people."

"Don't worry, I'm already doing it"

Chu Qing smiled and hummed, handed the thermos cup to Yin Tao and said with a smile: "Don't stay by my side every day, there are many duty-free shops in Xiangjiang brand stores, if you have nothing to do, go shopping and buy some clothes, don't wear overalls all day long."

Yin Tao shook her head formally and said, "That's not okay. I'm your assistant. How can I work without being by your side? Besides, I feel the same about all the big brands. Isn't it clothes when you say flowers? This kind of thing is comfortable to wear.”

Song Dawei smiled and said after listening: "That's different. You are Chu Qing's assistant, and you will attend many occasions with Chu Qing. If you don't dress well at that time, won't you embarrass Chu Qing?"

Letting Song Dawei say this, Yin Tao panicked instantly, she doesn't care what she does, but if she embarrasses Chu Qing, then absolutely not!

Thinking of this, Yin Tao's eyes became serious.

"Okay, I'll choose clothes after I get off work!"

Seeing Yin Tao's appearance, Chu Qing couldn't help but stare at Song Dawei.

He asked Yin Tao to buy clothes in order to make Yin Tao happier. After all, in his opinion, the happiest thing for girls should be shopping.

But now that Yin Tao looks like she's taking shopping as a task, how happy can she be!

Thinking of this, Chu Qing nodded and said: "Then just wait, if I finish work earlier, or after I'm finished, I'll go shopping with you."

Yin Tao nodded when she heard the words, smiling like a flower.

"Come on, all departments are preparing for the first act of the campaign, God Ike!"

The voice of the field record sounded, and he quickly evacuated after hitting the board.

In front of the camera, Chu Qing crossed her legs and put one foot on the conference table in front of her, without any image at all.

There were several old men sitting around the conference table, all of them were smoking cigars, making the sealed space a bit smoky.

"Ah Qing, there is really no choice in this matter. You know Uncle Deng's position in the gang. He has already spoken, so it is very difficult for us to handle."

"Yes, yes, he is the oldest senior now, and he even opened his mouth, we don't want to lose face"

"Also, Ah Le already has more votes than you, even if we have more votes than ours, it's useless."

"Yes yes yes"

The seniors of all the gangs began to discuss, and Chu Qing, who had been lying on the chair with her head up, slowly sat up straight and looked at everyone.

He didn't say anything, just looked at them calmly, but the air seemed to freeze instantly, making everyone in front of him find it difficult to breathe.

Fatty Wang behind the director's chair noticed all of this, and hurriedly said: "Camera No. [-] moves forward, take a close-up, hurry up! The actor is in great condition, you must not miss it! Eyes, pay attention to eyes!"

Fatty Wang's face was full of excitement at the moment. He had invited Chu Qing to film the movie because he had taken a fancy to Chu Qing's popularity.

But looking at it now, Chu Qing is really worthy of his title of film king!
Judging from Fatty Wang's director career for so many years, this acting skill can be regarded as among the best!

In front of the camera, Chu Qing's performance continued.

At this moment, Chu Qing's hair was gray and her eyes were cold. Just looking at them, these actors felt as if a steel knife was slashing back and forth across their necks, ready to pierce them at any time.

Chu Qing gradually sat up straight, crossed her hands on the table, and looked down at the few people with her head slightly lowered.

"That's not what you said when you took my money back then."

Chu Qing's voice was very soft, but with an unusual shocking force, everyone who heard it felt a little numb.

"Ah, Ah Qing, things are beyond our control"

"Yes, although we have the right to vote, but the number of votes is really not enough."



Chu Qing slammed his fist on the table, which no one expected. Even the director behind the camera was startled, and the cameraman's hand trembled unconsciously.

Fortunately, with the support of the machine, the picture is not bad.

Chu Qing stared at the few people who just said that the number of votes was not enough, his expression looked a little ferocious, his eyes started to turn red, and the veins on his neck swelled up one by one.

"I just want the result! At the beginning, you swore to me that there would be no problem, but now you tell me it's not okay?"

"I threw in a few million, and you told me it's not okay?"

"Let me tell you! If I can't be the leader, you will spit out twice as much as you eat me!"

Chu Qing said those words word by word, only to hear these people's scalps go numb.

They are not young, and some of them really have experienced that era, and they even used to be members of the club.

But now, they really felt the aura of those bosses in Chu Qing!
According to the content of the script, there should be an old senior standing up on the table and shouting, "Ah Qing, don't go too far, we are all your elders anyway."

Then Chu Qing walked over, patted his face lightly, and said that times have changed.

But the other party was so frightened by Chu Qing's aura that he forgot his words, but the director, Fatty Wang, hadn't called out yet, so Chu Qing could only continue to perform.

Chu Qing slowly got up from the seat, that movement was like a tiger hunting quietly!

He silently walked behind them, those old artists were all sitting upright at the moment, with their hands on their laps, not daring to turn their heads, like good students who are listening carefully!
Chu Qing walked behind an old artist and put his hands on the other's shoulders.

The opponent's body trembled suddenly, and only then did he remember his lines, but he could no longer slap the table, and only said in a trembling voice.

"Ah Qing, don't go too far, we are your elders no matter what!"

Chu Qing opened her mouth, stepped forward slightly, leaned into the ear of the other party and said: "The times have changed!"

"Okay! Card! It's perfect! Passed!"

Director Fatty Wang's voice finally sounded, and Chu Qing also heaved a sigh of relief. This kind of bossy aura is really a bit tiring.

Almost instantly, he changed back to that Chu Qing with a gentle smile on his face.

"The voice was a bit loud just now, sorry, it didn't scare everyone."

Chu Qing hurriedly apologized to the old actors. After all, his voice just now was quite loud, and they are so old.

Several old artists also reacted, and they all smiled and waved their hands to express that there was no problem, but there was a feeling of lingering fear in their eyes.

Chu Qing's acting skills are too intimidating!
(End of this chapter)

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