Rebirth: Entertainment from the Breakup

Chapter 318 This recognition is too high!

Chapter 318 This recognition is too high!
After reading the advertisement, I started to read the rules of the game, and then introduced the members of the guessing team.

After all the introductions are finished, the first contestant will appear!

The clothes of the first contestant are very interesting. There are small white porcelain pieces all over his body, and there are still blue patterns on it. If he stays still, it looks like a large blue and white porcelain vase!
The female singer's name is 'Don't Call Me a Vase'!
As soon as she opened her voice, Chu Qing was a little shocked.

In fact, most of the scenes of this kind of music programs are relatively ordinary. They are often sent to the sound repair after the singing, and will not be broadcast until the tuner finishes repairing.

But this female singer's voice and pitch are great, and she belongs to a very high-end singer!
It made Chu Qing put away her contempt, and felt that there were still some masters in this show.

Followed by the second person, the third person, the quality of the singers is not bad.

Although they can't compare with the first ones, they are all above average.

Chu Qing, also led by the staff, came to the staff channel and listened to the introduction on the stage.

"The one who will appear next, I believe it will surprise everyone!"

"He chose to appear as a werewolf, but today he can sing a love song. Is this the romance of a man?"

"Next, please invite the fourth contestant, Werewolf to bring us his original song "DEAR JOHN"!"

Chu Qing walked onto the stage slowly, wearing a big werewolf headgear, not to mention the audience, even his parents couldn't recognize him!

Standing in the center of the stage, with the spotlights around him focused on him, he took a deep breath and adjusted his emotions before nodding to the band on the side. The music conductor signaled, and the music gradually sounded.

The audience in the audience listened very carefully. There are actually certain advantages to being a singer with a mask. The most notable point is that the audience can focus on the singer's singing!
Before singing, Chu Qing sighed softly, as if he was not going to sing, but to tell a story to the audience.

"close the door"

"one person"

"Baggage on board"

"Will the mood"

"make up"

"The Joy of First Love"

When Chu Qing sang the first line, several members of the guessing chorus laughed, and many audience members also laughed out loud.

They recognized whose voice it was right away, there was no way, Chu Qing's voice was so recognizable!
This kind of feeling is like Jay Chou or Lin JJ, their voices are too recognizable, if they can't be changed, the audience will know who it is as soon as they hear it!
Of course, that kind of imitation doesn't count.

Everyone thinks this should be JJ, but in the end you made an imitator, who the hell would have guessed it?
Chu Qing didn't think about it so much, he didn't care whether the audience guessed it or not, it was a day trip anyway!Naturally, you have to make good use of it and not keep it away.

"I want me"

"for myself"

"Finding Myself"

"find something"

Chu Qing's performance is extremely stable, like a robot that can't make mistakes, and the tacit understanding with the band is also very high, just like they have done many rehearsals!
"The bell rings Dear John's on the phone"

"You speak softly like a stone"

"Firm, lock me, my heart is turbulent, I want to cry!"

At this point, Chu Qing stopped again, and there was a small sigh, and then read like a narration: "It turns out that"

The next moment, the sound of the music suddenly became more intense, and the song entered the chorus!

"No love, abandon me!"

"Your love will get me drunk"

"I don't care"

When the song entered the chorus, the audience stood up, waving the light sticks in their hands, and cheering.

At this moment, they are completely sure that this person is [-]% Chu Qing!
After all, not everyone can imitate this voice. Chu Qing's patriarch's voice of appreciating food is really recognizable!
"How can you be intoxicated if you are too sober"

"your love"

“like a cup of coffee that was too strong”

"keeps me awake at night"

"Love this feeling"

"My Love"

On the stage, Chu Qing was singing loudly.

Off the stage, the audience is cheering.

In the judges' seat, the Guess Choir was extremely intoxicated.

Backstage, the contestants gently applauded along with the rhythm!

As Chu Qing's reputation has grown in the past two years, and he has won the best actor, everyone has the impression that he is an actor!
As time passed, many people even forgot that Chu Qing made her debut as a singer!

The song "Overfire" became popular all over the Internet!

Until now, when Chu Qing made another move, the audience suddenly remembered, yes, he is still a powerful singer!

After waiting for Chu Qing to finish singing a song, the flush of excitement on the faces of the audience did not dissipate.

"Chu Qing!"

"Chu Qing!"

"Chu Qing!"

The audience in the audience shouted Chu Qing's name loudly, and everyone in the judging panel burst out laughing.

An old-timer in the industry smiled and said: "I have participated in this show for three seasons, and you are the first one to finish singing, and the audience can guess who it is without us talking."

A female singer next to him hurriedly said: "Brother Wu, don't speak so early, if you don't guess correctly, wouldn't it be embarrassing?"

After hearing this, the singer surnamed Wu patted his chest and said.

"No! If I guess wrong this time, then I will quit the music scene!"

As soon as this remark came out, the audience burst out laughing.

The host had already stepped onto the stage at this time, and laughed when he heard his words.

"Teacher Wu threatens us by quitting the music scene at every turn"

After speaking, he looked at the camera and said: "Although everyone thinks that the werewolf contestant is Mr. Chu Qing, we still have to go through the procedure. Teachers of the guessing group, please write down the contestants you think on the handwriting board! It will be made public after ten numbers!"

When several people heard it, they wrote something on the handwriting board.

The host is very good at mobilizing the emotions of the audience. The callers count down with him, and the audience is also very face-saving.






As the audience counted down to the last second, several people in the judges' seat showed their handwriting boards at the same time, and saw that the name on it was all one person, Chu Qing!
The audience in the audience laughed even louder when they saw this. These people usually sit there like mascots. They are obviously very recognizable singers, but they are also like mentally retarded, unable to guess anything.

But this time, the opinions of these people were extremely unified!

The host couldn't help laughing when he saw this, but continued with his strong professionalism.

"So, is everyone's guess correct? Huaxia Good Car, the brand is in Huaxia. This program is run by..."

At this critical juncture, the host still took his time and read the words clearly.

This professional attitude made the audience really want to beat him
(End of this chapter)

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