Chapter 323

Chu Qing sorted out the memory of this skill in her mind, and slowly discovered the advantages of this skill.

Not only can he master the language, but even the dialect has no obstacles.

From today on, there are no dialects or foreign languages ​​in front of him anymore!
And it also made up for his terrible English, so that he can communicate without barriers when he goes international.

If you look at it this way, this is a very necessary skill, but Chu Qing still feels that she is at a disadvantage, after all, this is a skill of LV50!

If you just give yourself something, chemistry, physics, mathematics, why don't you take off right away?

Give a language?Fortunately, there is a text attached, otherwise this wave really lost to grandma's house.

But immediately after, Chu Qing thought of several ways to use this ability.

First, there are many ancient documents in the history of China that have not been deciphered, especially those small countries in the Western Regions. Can I do it myself?
What's more, I have the system identification function, and now with the accompanying text function, I can identify antique calligraphy and paintings by myself!

It doesn't matter even if no one asks you to appraise it yourself, you can pick up the leak yourself!

Thinking of this, Chu Qing's expression became much more comfortable.

You must know that among antiques, the prices of calligraphy, paintings and porcelain have always remained high. Of course, this is also because these two kinds of antiques are not easy to preserve.

The next day, during filming, the staff found that Chu Qing was reading two books with great interest.

One book was "Encyclopedia of Chinese Calligraphy and Painting Appreciation", and the other was a thick foreign language book, and they couldn't understand the title of the book.

But no one dared to ask, this time Chu Qing is not only a director, but also a producer and investor.

Simply put, in this crew, he is heaven!
Everyone didn't dare to take the initiative to talk to him, because they were afraid that if they didn't say a few words well, they would commit some taboo.

But Chu Qing didn't just read books and didn't film movies, but only took time off to read books, and she was very serious when filming.

"Ca! This one doesn't work, what's your reaction? How many times have you said it, emotions! Don't just make an expression on me and it's over! Who can't just make an expression? I'll get a robot, which is no better than your expression Much richer?"

In the crew, Chu Qing roared, calling Duan Penggeng and Zhang Mo like his grandson.

As for the surrounding staff, they are already used to it, so they pretended not to be able to see the camera and radio, and silently adjusted their positions, preparing to re-shoot later.

Chu Qing didn't want to get angry, but she couldn't!

This kind of mood is the same as that of young parents, thinking that they must become good parents and not beat their children!Make him a talent.

The results of it?
Let's not talk about whether it can be cultivated into talents, just this non-beating child will directly kill 90.00% of the parents in seconds!
There is a truth that Chu Qing also wanted to talk about at the beginning.

But later I found out that if you speak carefully, they really won't listen to you!
Some people have to be scolded!It's impossible not to scold!In other words, Chu Qing was lazy and didn't want to use other means. What could be solved with a few words of scolding?

The two were scolded by Chu Qing without saying a word, Chu Qing pushed Duan Peng away and said, "Look at me!"

After finishing speaking, he repeated Duan Peng's performance before, and he imitated it in the same way as Duan Peng's performance before!

No matter how many times I watched this scene, the surrounding staff were still shocked!

Chu Qing ignored them, looked at Duan Peng after the performance and said, "Look for yourself, is there any problem?"

Duan Peng smirked, and now he can see the problem, indeed there are quite a lot of problems.

Chu Qing rubbed her temples and said, "Play it for me! It's just such a small role, why can't you figure it out? And you! Zhang Mo! This is a rivalry between the two of you, don't act like you have nothing to do with me!" Appearance, cooperation, cooperation, do you understand?"

Chu Qing started to demonstrate to Zhang Mo again, pointing him out how to act. After both of them almost understood, he returned to the director's chair and shouted again to start!
In the filming of "The Witness" this time, Duan Peng and Zhang Mo's acting skills have improved only moderately, but Chu Qing's directing skills have skyrocketed!
Today's director skills have risen to LV8!

This data is definitely enough for the new generation of directors.

The film was shot slowly like this, and it was not finished until June, which took three full months!

If this data is not bad for other crews, neither slow nor fast, but for the crew of Chuqing Studio, it is too slow!
Usually they don't even take two months to shoot a movie!

But also because of the attitude of excellence, the quality of this movie is absolutely nothing to say!
Chu Qing even felt that it was really possible for Zhang Mo to get the Best Actor in this movie. Of course, that had to be when Zhang Sanli was in his early years and used a little energy.

After the filming was completed, both Zhang Mo and Duan Peng drank less at the finale banquet.

In the past three months, they have all been tortured by Chu Qing, especially Duan Peng, who has lost more than ten catties, and it is now over.

Immediately, Duan Peng said that he would give himself two days off, go out to take a bubble bath, and reward himself well!
Zhang Mo patted his chest and said, let Duan Peng go with him, and he will arrange for Duan Peng to go with him to ensure that he is comfortable!
Chu Qing just glanced at them indifferently, and immediately both of them shut up, and sat quietly in their seats to eat.

The movie shot this time is very important, Chu Qing chose to do the post-editing by himself, anyway, he also has post-production skills, this work is nothing to him.

So after the wrap-up banquet, Chu Qing plunged into the post-production editing room and stayed there for almost a week before perfectly editing all the shots of the movie!
As soon as the film was edited, Chu Qing asked someone to send the film for review, and then he brought the sample to Zhang Sanli's home.

Zhang Sanli also just finished filming a TV series and happened to be at home.

He knew that Chu Qing planned to support Zhang Mo and shoot a movie, but after watching "The Witness" edited by Chu Qing, he was still a little surprised.

On the one hand, I was surprised by the quality of this movie, and on the other hand, I was also surprised when my son's acting skills improved so much!

His son knew that no matter how fast he made progress, it would not be so fast. The only possibility was that it was because of Chu Qing.

Zhang Sanli sighed, looking at Chu Qing with complicated eyes.

"Those three months, thank you for your hard work"

After hearing this, Chu Qing smiled and said: "It's nothing hard, brother Zhang is also an artist of our company, and it's good for us to train him."

After Chu Qing finished speaking, he continued: "Teacher, I think this movie has a chance for Brother Zhang to win an award!"

Zhang Sanli narrowed his eyes slightly, counting the time silently.

Among the three gold medals, Zhang Sanli and Jin Jun are average in appearance, but he can still say something about the Golden Bird Award!
(End of this chapter)

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