Chapter 325 Rehearsal
And the fans of the two of them have always been united!
So the two sides formed an alliance decisively and began to target Chu Qing's fans.

Chu Qing deeply realized what it means to sit at home and the pot comes from the sky!

He obviously didn't do anything, but because of his rise in the ranking of artists, he actually offended someone!Is there anything more ridiculous in this world than this?

But before Chu Qing could do anything, the two clarified on Weibo at the same time.

Claiming that they have always liked Chu Qing's movies, and have always wanted to cooperate with Chu Qing, hope that their fans can calm down, and don't be led into the rhythm by caring people!

They and Chu Qing have never been rivals, and there is no one who takes the other's position in the entertainment circle, only the survival of the fittest!
And with Chu Qing's strength, they all firmly believed that Chu Qing would not stay in the second line for long, and that the first line should be Chu Qing's battlefield!

When these words came out, Chu Qing's fans who were preparing to fight were dumbfounded.

What's happening here?After you fans scold you, Idol apologizes, what do you want us to do?
We feel a bit disadvantaged if we don't scold them back, but it seems that we have no quality when we scold them back.
After Chu Qing thought about it, she liked the two people's apology Weibo and left a message. There is a chance to work together!
Of course, this is just a compliment between adults.

Like, have you eaten?There is a reason.

But what Chu Qing didn't expect was that Hu Xingchen actually replied to this and left a message below.

I have a concert in Guangdong City on June 25th, come to play?

Chu Qing was a little puzzled, thinking what kind of emotional intelligence are these two people?I'm being polite, can't you see that?How can I pick this up?
He called Song Dawei directly and asked if he had anything to deal with on June 25th.

Song Dawei didn't know what happened on the Internet at this time, and he was a little speechless, but he looked at the schedule and found that he still had time that day, so he said, "Actually, you can go too, it's just to expand your network."

Only then did Chu Qing reply on Weibo, see you in Guangdong City.

Now, fans of Hu Xingchen and Yang Guo made a 180-degree turn!
Before they scolded Chu Qing almost to the point of scolding, but now they are as shameless as they are boasting!

It can be seen that these fans did not leave the field at all.

Hu Xingchen contacted Chu Qing through Song Dawei, and said on the phone that he liked Chu Qing's songs so much, and wanted to cooperate with Yunyun for a long time.

In addition, he also said that this incident was purely accidental, and they definitely did not let fans scold the street.

After hearing this, Chu Qing smiled and said it was okay, this kind of thing is very common, everyone has some crazy fans.

After the two parties agreed on the rehearsal time for the concert, they hung up the phone.

Song Dawei walked into the room with a folder and said, "Our "City Hunter" has just been taken off the shelves in Japan, Bangzi Kingdom. The box office has a good reputation, and now Japan wants to buy our adaptation rights, what do you say?"

Chu Qing shook his head decisively and said, "Not for sale!"

Song Dawei was surprised and said: "The other party's asking price is not low, and the Japanese country's strength in movies is still very good, even if we sell our adaptation rights to them, they will not waste it."

After hearing this, Chu Qing smiled and said, "That's not for sale either! "City Hunter" is a movie that can be turned into an IP. If it is sold to Japanese people, then there will be two Meng Bos in the world in the future."

Song Dawei understood it in seconds, put down the file, and never talked about selling the adaptation rights.

He attached great importance to the fact that Chu Qing was going to participate in Hu Xingchen's concert, and thought that if he performed well this time, he might be able to go to the front line as soon as the heat came up!

A company of their size doesn't even have a single first-line actor, so it still looks a bit shabby.

For this reason, he contacted several endorsement agencies, and must choose the best clothes for Chu Qing, and dress up in the most handsome style!

Time passed leisurely and came to June 23rd.

Chu Qing also rushed to Guangdong City. As soon as he got off the plane, he saw Hu Xingchen and Yang Guo who came to pick him up in person.

The two of them covered themselves tightly, and they didn't take off their masks and sunglasses until they got into the car.

The two of them were actually very surprised that Chu Qing could agree, and they just wanted to give it a try before, what if it works?
Unexpectedly, it really did!

Chu Qing's joining this time is also good news for them. First of all, the popularity needless to say, must be improved to a higher level.

The second point is that only two-thirds of the tickets for their concert were sold before, but after hearing that Chu Qing would also be on stage, they were sold out in minutes.

This made the organizer dumbfounded, thinking that Hu Xingchen had done something.

"Hahaha, Brother Chu, I have admired you for a long time, but I never thought that you are more handsome in real life than what you see on TV."

Chu Qing repeatedly waved his hands and said, "Don't call me brother, we are all the same age, just call Chu Qing directly."

"Hey, that can't be done"

After hearing this, Yang Guo waved his hands again and again and said, "You are the film king, it's a bit disrespectful for us to call you that."

Chu Qing smiled and said: "Whether the actor is not the actor or not, it's all a false name, a false name"

Chu Qing's modesty still made the two of them quite comfortable. After all, we are all the same age, so why are you better than me?

But looking at it now, Chu Qing is not bad, not arrogant at all, at least he doesn't look arrogant.

The two first found a high-end restaurant, and took Chu Qing to taste the famous Cantonese cuisine in the area.

After cleansing the dust, in the afternoon I took Chu Qing to the local stadium, where the concert was held.

The staff was setting up the venue, and Hu Xingchen walked onto the stage. After adjusting the sound, he sang one of his famous songs directly.

Yang Guo accompanied Chu Qing under the stage and said, "Brother Chu, what song are you going to sing this time? I've listened to your song "Over Fire" no less than a hundred times!"

Chu Qing smiled after hearing this: "This is the first time I have participated in a concert. I have prepared a new song, but I don't know if the effect will be good."

After Yang Guo heard it, he smiled and said to the stage, "Go up and try it, you know soon?"

It's okay for Chu Qing to think about it, anyway, there must be a rehearsal before the concert.

So I directly searched for the accompaniment I made before on my phone and said, "I'll make a fool of myself in a while."

Not long after, Hu Xingchen ran back with sweat on his face. After all, the weather in Guangdong Province in June was really terrible.

"Brother Chu, how are you doing?"

Chu Qing smiled and applauded: "There is no one who is worthy of fame."

Yang Guo waved his hands and said, "You're lucky this time, Brother Chu said just now that there will be a new song at the concert!"

Hu Xingchen was inexplicably pleasantly surprised when he heard it: "New song? Brother Chu, you are really giving me face."

Chu Qing smiled and said, "I just don't know if people will like it or not"

After Chu Qing finished speaking, accompanied by Hu Xingchen, she went on stage, connected to Impression, and sang the song with the accompaniment.

After Chu Qing finished singing, both of them were almost speechless in shock.

"Cantonese, it's a Cantonese song!"

(End of this chapter)

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