Chapter 381

This draft variety show unexpectedly became popular for no reason!
This made the people in the company very excited, and even planned to make this variety show bigger, but in the end Chu Qing refused.

After all, their top priority now is to choose actors, there is no use in making a big variety show!For a company as big as theirs, are they still short of two decent variety shows?
Not to mention anything else, let's just say that "Run, Brother" is still giving him bad money.

Although he came down, everyone else was still there!And now the effect of the game is still good, it is still the top variety show in the country!

Therefore, choosing actors is the most important thing!
The audition went like this for seven days, during which Chu Qing really found two good female students, and finally picked one of them to play the role of Yu Jiaolong!
But the variety show is still playing, and the suspense continues. Even the planners in the company are thinking, why not do this when filming movies and TV shows in the future.

Not to mention anything else, just talk about the popularity and playback volume, it's really good!

The selected female student was named Wen Yu. She was about [-] in appearance, but she had a heroic spirit on her body, which Chu Qing appreciated very much.

Moreover, she graduated from a real martial arts school, and once won the National College Women's Wushu Routine Championship!
During Chu Qing's interview, she threw a set of Hong fists!
The fists are opened and closed, and the wind is blowing.

After watching her perform a set of punches, Chu Qing knew that this person was the perfect candidate for Yu Jiaolong!
Chu Qing directly signed a long-term contract with the other party, signing the other party as an artist of her company for a period of ten years!The annual salary is one million!

This price made many people in the circle a little dumbfounded.

It is not easy for a newcomer to earn more than [-] yuan a month at the beginning.

And for such a rookie who had never acted before, Chu Qing actually offered him an annual salary of one million!

All of a sudden, there is everything on the Internet.

Why is this a shady scene? If Wen Yu is Chu Qing's mistress, it will spread like crazy on the Internet!

Chu Qing hurriedly asked the company's people to start processing these messages. He was fine, but he was afraid that his wife would be jealous!
There is also a little girl who has just debuted, and it is easy to be depressed after being hacked by the Internet.

The production crew had already prepared within half a month. At the beginning of August, Chu Qing led a mighty group of people to Anhui Province.

This is the first stop for their crew to shoot, and most of the scenes will be completed here.

After the group arrived in Anhui Province, Chu Qing went to see the shooting location first.

After confirming that there was no problem with the venue, he asked Song Dawei to arrange the board and lodging of the staff and actors.

Wen Yu was filming for the first time, so she was very nervous, but she was curious about everything.

Because Chu Qing was afraid that she would be afraid of being alone, she simply invited her family, and asked her father to be her driver and her mother to be her assistant.

The agent found a newcomer in the company alone.

But don't underestimate the new agents, they are often more patient than the old agents, and the disadvantage may be that there is no way out.

But it doesn't matter if your network is in [Bright Entertainment], as long as your artist is really capable!
Then the whole company will provide you with channels and access!This is what makes [Bright Entertainment] completely different from other companies!
Of course, there is a reason for other brokers to do this, and that is profit!
All the agents in the company, including Song Dawei, can be regarded as a whole!
As long as you contribute in the process of promoting this artist, then you will definitely get your share!
When it was time to start filming, Chu Qing was surprised to find that Wen Yu was very talented.

She couldn't tell that this was a newcomer, no matter her expression, movements, or even the sense of the camera.

It's more like a professional study. Later, when Chu Qing asked, she found out that during the winter and summer vacations, she would go to Hengdian to act as a stand-in for some female artists to earn some pocket money.

Now that Chu Qing was confident, she directly selected some scenes of Yu Jiaolong and asked Han Jie to lead them to shoot first.

Chu Qing took advantage of this time to visit the other two venues.

After confirming that there is no problem with the venue, I paid directly to rent the venue for three months, which will be used for subsequent shooting and framing.

During their filming, Wang Cong and others were not idle. They contacted many big Chinese businessmen in Lijian Kingdom and asked them to help support this future kung fu movie!
If it was Chu Qing who became famous and begged them, it would definitely be useless, but the energy of these big businessmen is different!These people more or less have to give some face, and as long as each of them says a word, it will have an impact on Oscar!
Lijian country is a typical capitalist country, and the influence of capital power is huge!
Therefore, Chu Qing firmly believed that it shouldn't be a problem just to be shortlisted.

In mid-August, Chu Qing returned to the crew to start his filming.

In fact, Chu Qing's role in this movie is not too much, but fortunately, it is good enough.

Moreover, Chu Qing's own image is more suitable to play this kind of fairy-like knight.

Coupled with Chu Qing's talent in martial arts, it added a lot of credit to Li Mubai's role.

The shots he took have never been NG again!The entertainers in the company who watched were amazed.

Even though he already knew that his boss had good acting skills and was recognized as the No.1 actor of the new generation in the industry, but this kind of repeated shooting was too scary!

Moreover, Chu Qing never hides his secrets. No matter who is in the crew, as long as he asks for advice about acting skills, he will explain it patiently.

It was also because of his unassuming appearance that he quickly won the respect of a large number of newcomers!
"Everyone on your marks! Actors get ready, fight at night! The first shot and the second, Ike God!"

With the sound of the scene record, the actor quickly entered the state, and the camera followed the actor to act.

This scene was filmed when Liu Taibao and Cai Tutou came to Luanshigang, and the blue-eyed fox Mrs. Gao came over in a black dress.

This is a very important fight scene, the blue-eyed fox is one against three!

There are many fighting scenes throughout "Crouching Tiger, Hidden Dragon", which is also one of the major selling points of this movie.

Although it is still a bit exaggerated, the actor flew up immediately without moving, and there are also exercises such as acupuncture.

But fortunately, there was no acupuncture points from the air, and there was a fantasy scene of vindictiveness or something during the fight, which belongs to the middle and low magic reform!
As for the action design and martial arts guidance, Chu Qing invited Mr. Yuan's disciples to help, and the fighting moves were wonderful.

It may not have any actual combat effect, but it is really beautiful when fighting!

But it is precisely because the fighting is beautiful enough and the movements are fancy, so it is easy for the actors to NG when shooting again.

With the adjustment of the photographer's position, the three actors roared and rushed towards the blue-eyed fox!

(End of this chapter)

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