Rebirth: Entertainment from the Breakup

Chapter 413 Young Director Support Program

Chapter 413 Young Director Support Program
Not to mention other people, even Chu Qing, who created all this with his own hands, was stunned.

He knew that the box office would be high, but he never expected it to be so high!

His phone was almost blown up by those partners, and the first thing he said when he answered the phone was, what the hell, did you see the box office!
Chu Qing was speechless, and thought to herself, you rich second generations, why haven't you seen it?What are you making such a fuss about?Can't we try to look as calm as possible so we can go to Versailles?
Thanks to the horror box office, the frenzy of movie viewing has become even more intense!

Everyone wants to see what is so good about this premiere with a box office of nearly one billion, and anyone who has watched this movie will be conquered by it!

This Spring Festival is destined to belong to "The Shawshank Redemption".

It debuted in a domineering way, covering the entire Spring Festival stalls!
The envious eyes of the insiders who watched this scene turned red, why, why didn't this kind of opportunity fall on my head?
Chu Qing in the office was half lying on the sofa, but her mind was immersed in the space of the system.

Lying quietly in the system space is a large package, which contains the rewards for this main mission, peak props!
Chu Qing opened the package casually, and saw a book inside the package.

"Slightly understand the heavenly book! Passive props, after use, can help the host comprehend various knowledge and reach the first level!"

Chu Qing gasped, what are peak props?This is the pinnacle prop!
It can help you comprehend all kinds of knowledge and reach LV1!This is what the system should look like!

Chu Qing couldn't wait to use this little book, and then saw that her skill bar began to grow rapidly!
Physics knowledge lV1!

Chemistry Knowledge LV1!

With more skills, all kinds of memories also appeared in Chu Qing's mind, making him painful and happy.

A full half an hour passed before Chu Qing shook her head and stood up on the sofa.

I don't know if it was an illusion, but he felt that his head was a lot heavier, and his head was a little groggy.

After coming to the refrigerator and drinking a bottle of ice water, I felt a lot more comfortable.

"Hey, it's really bloody money this time!"

Chu Qing secretly sighed, regardless of the fame and fortune brought to him by "The Shawshank Redemption"!

Or the peak props given to him by the main mission, it gave him a feeling of winning a lottery!
Now, his qualifications in the Chinese film industry can be said to be among the first batch, and next, he can also flex his muscles!

In the next two days, the movie box office dropped slightly, but the box office data was still terrifying!
This time the movie became so popular that it even hit the news, [Bright Entertainment] has completely gained a foothold among entertainment companies, and is now one of the largest companies in the industry.

The most intuitive cash withdrawal is that people from China Opera, Yanying, and Shanghai Opera have already started to contact the HR department actively, hoping that students will have the opportunity to come to the company for internship after graduation!
This means that these three famous schools have all recognized [Bright Entertainment] and recognized his qualifications!
Then came the film appointments that followed!
The one with the highest offer even reached a remuneration of 5000 million Huaxia coins after tax!Chu Qing felt a little moved when he saw it.

Now with the improvement of technology, the market for shooting a movie is only about two to three months, and you can earn 5000 million in three months!Even with Chu Qing's current net worth, this figure would not help but move her heart.

But he still refused, because he knew that what these people wanted to invite was not himself, but his current popularity!
And this enthusiasm Chu Qing is still useful, of course, he will not consume the current enthusiasm for the 5000 million.

In addition to Bright Entertainment, Hengdian Film and Television City is also on fire!

In particular, Shawshank Prison has directly become a scenic spot, and people have already booked to visit it in the New Year's Eve.

This made the boss of Hengdian couldn't help secretly laughing, his bet on this investment was really right!

Not only has it established a good relationship with Bright Entertainment, but it has also gained a very popular building, which may even become a tourist attraction for Hengdian tourists in the future.

Time passed like this. Although the box office of "The Shawshank Redemption" continued to decline, this is also a common problem of all movies.

After all, you can't expect someone to watch a movie every day, it's already pretty good for someone to watch it once or twice.

In the twinkling of an eye, a month later, "The Shawshank Redemption" was officially off the shelves, and people all over the country were looking forward to what the final box office would be and whether it could break the record.

Facts have proved that this is inevitable!

The total domestic box office of "The Shawshank Redemption" is [-] billion!
Foreign box office, 69 billion!
The total global box office is 170 billion!

This terrifying number is shocking enough in the world, let alone in China!
Because of the previous Oscar incident, Huaxia attracted the attention of many people. When these people saw that Huaxia alone could generate tens of billions in box office, those capitalists were about to cry.

What's this?Is this the legendary No. [-] film market in the world?
Such a large piece of fat is placed in front of them, but they can't eat it. This is undoubtedly a kind of torture!

It was also because of this movie that they saw the potential of the Chinese film market, and those actors of Chinese origin in Lijian country suddenly became popular!
They plan to add some Chinese elements to their respective films, to see if they can take the opportunity to open up the Chinese market.

Just as Chu Qing thought before, just because of such a movie, the world's movie landscape is quietly changing.

And Chu Qing is still an 'international superstar'!
Of course, the biggest audience for him as an international superstar is still in China. Although he has the title of Oscar Best Actor abroad, the audience who buys him is not too much.

Foreign crews also saw the opportunity and invited Chu Qing to join, and the highest price even reached 3000 million US dollars!
Although Chu Qing was tempted by the price, she still refused.

Instead, in China, Chu Qing invited his own investors to set up a fund together!
【Youth Director Support Program】!
This time, Chu Qing plans to do something about directing!
As long as you have the strength, the book, and the dream, you can come and apply for the support fund!
As long as you pass the support fund, you can get a certain amount of money to shoot your movie!

As soon as this plan was announced, Chu Qing's image in the eyes of newcomers quickly rose!
What is the hardest thing about making a movie?
No, it's an investment!
Countless directors and screenwriters brought their own scripts and their own shots to attract investment, but they repeatedly hit the wall. After all, every filming is like Dbo, and no one is sure whether there will be a report.

According to the current market feedback, 80.00% of films with small investment will lose money.

As a result, a rather embarrassing situation has formed.

Big investment can't be pulled, and small investment has no one to invest!
And now, Chu Qing has solved this problem!
(End of this chapter)

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