Chapter 424 October

It's not good to cooperate in business. As long as there is a disagreement, things will become procrastinated.

But Chu Qing was not in a hurry at all, and wandered around Hollywood with Song Dawei and Lao Pan with a group of bodyguards.

This is a very magical place, and it can also be said to be the closest to Lijian's dream.

The humble homeless man on the street may be the hottest actor of the new generation in the past few years!

A clown holding a sign on the street may be the future star of tomorrow!
In general, it is either brilliant or depraved, ordinary and rare.

After wandering around the street for a while, Chu Qing turned around and said, "This is the world's number one film city? It feels like that, it's just a bigger scale."

Song Dawei said with a smile: "The reason why it is number one in the world is not because of its larger scale. Do you know how many movies are produced here every year?"

"I don't know, but I know that bad movies must account for most of them! The exports are all high-quality goods."

Song Dawei laughed and said, "It's all the same, it's all the same, let's say there are a lot of bad movies in our country, and we have to choose high-quality ones when we export them!"

Lao Pan on the side looked around and said: "If this place was placed ten years ago, this place is indeed very good, but our country has changed too much in these years!"

Chu Qing also nodded approvingly, the speed of Huaxia's progress has shocked the world so far!
In 30 years, it has caught up with the century-old development of other countries. Who is not afraid of this speed?
The group had been playing in Hollywood for two days, Chu Qing and Lao Pan were having a good time, but Song Dawei's mouth was frothing anxiously.

"Qingzi, it's been two days and the other party hasn't called yet, so you don't plan to sell it? Otherwise, the price is going up! If the company doesn't have enough money, I can make some money."

But Chu Qing waved his hand and said: "They are worth the money, and I won't give it any more. It's not a pity if you don't succeed. By the way, have you booked your ticket yet?"

Song Dawei sighed, and silently went to book a ticket.

He was really unwilling to give up and felt that this was a particularly good opportunity.

Just as he was starting to book tickets, Chu Qing's cell phone rang suddenly.

He took out his phone and saw it was an unfamiliar number.


"Mr. Chu, 30 billion US dollars, a deal!"

When the other party said such a sentence directly, the corners of Chu Qing's mouth curled up slightly.

"Okay, I'll let the lawyer over to draw up the contract, it was a pleasure working with you, Mr. Jerry"

The other end hung up the phone without even saying a word of pleasantries.

Chu Qing didn't care about this either. If she sold the company she had struggled with herself, it might be like this.

Song Dawei's eyes widened, and he hurriedly asked after Chu Qing hung up the phone.

"Qingzi, what's the situation? He agreed to sell it?"

Chu Qing nodded with a smile and said, "Well, you can go and notify the lawyer to prepare for the handover."

Song Dawei waved his fist fiercely and said, "It's done!"

Lao Pan was also very happy, no matter what, this time it was not in vain!
In September, Lincoln was acquired by a mysterious new energy tycoon, breaking rumors of bankruptcy.

Then the new energy tycoon began to recruit soldiers, and the conditions offered were also very attractive, the salary was [-]% higher than the market rate!
And this quickly attracted a large number of people to quit and join Lincoln.

In just half a month, Lincoln has fully recovered, even far beyond the past!

But the only regret is that, except for some company executives, almost no one has seen the mysterious energy tycoon, which has also aroused speculation from many local media.

Some people say that this is an oil field owner from the Middle East!
Some people say that this is a family from the ancient East!

Some people say that this is the new energy boss of Lijian National Laboratory!
But no matter what the real identity of this person is, at least one thing can be confirmed.

That is, this man is very rich!
After the company's framework was perfected, the company began to cultivate artists again.

This time they didn't choose to poach artists from other companies, but chose to cultivate them themselves!
They selected some local actors, signed a long-term contract and started filming.

They originally thought that the New Lincoln Company would shoot the sequels of the previous two web dramas, but they guessed wrong this time.

The web drama filmed by the new company is called "Breaking Bad"!
At this moment, Chu Qing has returned to Huaxia. As for the matter of Li Jian Country, he used the [Talent Wanted Order] again to find a suitable person to take charge of the company.

This disappointed many people in [Bright Entertainment], they thought it would be their turn to be in that position.

And this company, Chu Qing invested 100 billion, accounting for 50.00% of the shares!

The rest of the shares were shared equally by Lao Pan and others, and they would naturally make up for the shortfall.

From this point of view, it seems that they have lost money, but they are not.

Because these people know that this company will definitely make money in the future, and their investment will be returned several times by then!

And if Chu Qing didn't give them this chance, wouldn't they not even be able to earn the money.

After a full meal, they can still tell the difference.

Chu Qing was not idle when she returned to China, and wrote several American drama scripts in succession.

His scripts have all been tested by the market, so I don't believe he can't win over the market!
Of course, what he writes are all small-investment movies, like "Game of Thrones", even if he writes it now, he still can't afford it!
With the support of these few American dramas, it is enough for the company to operate normally. This level is enough for now. As for movies and so on, let's put them on later.

Now that domestic movies can't be made, there is no need to worry about foreign ones.

Now Lincoln Film Company only needs to gradually increase its popularity. After the popularity reaches a certain height, that is the time for Chu Qing to make a move.

At that time, if two or three ace movies are thrown out, the IP rights will be enough for them to eat!
As for now, there is no need to be too concerned, just let people finish shooting "Breaking Bad" first.

Although the investment in this American drama is not large, the impact is terrifying enough, and some spin-off dramas have even been born.

Chu Qing was convinced that this was enough to make a group of people popular!

The time has come to the National Day, and on this day, several movies are shown in the cinema at the same time!

National Day file, that is also a 'battlefield for military strategists'!
Chu Qing and Song Dawei simplified their makeup and disguised themselves, bought some snacks and walked into the cinema.

It's also interesting to say that Chu Qing, who makes movies, hasn't gone to the cinema to watch other people's movies for a long time.

When he turned his hobbies into his career, it seemed that he had no hobbies.

(End of this chapter)

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