Chapter 455

Just like Song Dawei said, those people are dying of anxiety!
This feeling is as if there is a sword hanging above their heads, but they just don't know when the sword will fall!
They went to the marketing department for analysis, and they felt that the two stalls that Chu Qing was most likely to attack were the National Day stalls and the Spring Festival stalls!

The possibility of impacting the Spring Festival file is the greatest. After all, there is a major drama in the National Day file this year, and Chu Qing should not poach her own corner.

After coming to this conclusion, any film production is ready to hit the May [-]st file!

After all, Chu Qing's movie started filming in March, so it's impossible for it to be released in May, right?

If that was the case, they could be sure that Chu Qing was targeting them.

So when the May Day movie list was announced, many people were dumbfounded!
One May Day, eleven movies!
It's not good just because of the amount of rehearsal!
There are also some companies whose movies have not been completed, and they have taken a fancy to the three-month summer vacation of Qi Bajiu.

In today's film market, students are definitely one of the main forces!

The results of the summer holidays are also good every year, and the May [-]st year is so miserable this year, no matter how you look at it, the summer holidays are a good deal.

As a result, many companies have also begun to promote their own movies, and the release date will be in the summer.

Of course Chu Qing didn't know these things at the moment, and even if she knew, she definitely wouldn't care.

Anyway, whenever he wants it to be released, it will be released on that day.

There is no need to consider the schedule at all.

After all, whoever refuses to accept it can come out and have a try!At that time, let's see who has a dismal box office and it's over.

This is the capital that Chu Qing has worked hard for many years!

His name alone has a terrifying appeal!
The audience knew that any movie that Chu Qing acted in would be a good movie, so don't worry about wasting money on movie tickets!

Of course, not all schedules are available. For example, this October [-]st, it is not convenient for Chu Qing to grab it.

If he is released on October [-]st, the old head of the group will be pissed off.

In this way, the time came to April, and the crew of "Let the Bullets Fly" had been filming for a month.

With Chu Qing's lucky halo and atmosphere halo, the crew has already filmed one-third of the scenes.

With such high quality, it can be said that the speed is already fast.

Judging from this speed, it will be completed in early June, and it will be released in August!
Chu Qing began to think about whether to release it in the summer file!
After all, there are still two movies released in the Spring Festival file at home, so we can't kill each other.

So Chu Qing approached Song Dawei to discuss it, and Song Dawei also thought it would be released in August!

At that time, students were on vacation, and there were many people watching movies.

As for the review, there should be no problem, after all, Chu Qing's relationship is here.

Therefore, Chu Qing asked the later stage to edit two sideshows for early publicity. At the same time, the film will be finalized and will be released in August this year!

As soon as these two tidbits were broadcast, netizens were amused, and other film companies scheduled to release in the summer were about to cry!

Brother, aren't you just playing around?
If you had released it in August, you would have said it earlier!You didn't say it until we were all announced?What kind of trouble is this!
A day later, several companies issued statements in the evening.

"Due to post-production technical reasons, the release of "The Cool Kid Walks the Rivers and Lakes" will be delayed!"

"Due to schedule issues, the launch of "Pot God" will be delayed, so we sincerely apologize for the inconvenience caused to you"

"The schedule adjustment of our company's movie "Fountain of Life"."

This scene can amuse the netizens, it is happier than watching "Let the Bullets Fly".

Some people who have nothing to do in their free time even purposely leave comments on Weibo under these movies.

"What is the reason for the later stage, the technical reason, I think it is the reason of Chu Qing!"

"Hahahaha, upstairs, it's hard to tear it down!"

"Is Chu Qing so scary now? As soon as his movie is released, everyone around him has to retreat?"

"I can't help it. Do you still remember "The Shawshank Redemption"? If you forgot, do you still remember "King Kong River"?"

"There's no way if you don't give in. They can't fight and they can't fight. Their investment didn't come from a strong wind. What can we do?"

"Stop talking, I, an outsider, feel sad when I hear it!"

The people from the movie company were crying when they saw the netizens' comments!
what can we doI am also very desperate!

Chu Qing, you are not a human being!
"Departments are ready!"





"Master Huang's mansion is covered by bamboo forests, towering watchtowers, easy to defend and difficult to attack, no one can open it!"

Zhang Mo came up with a wave of flattery, what he said was smooth and natural.

"Mr. is heroic, and master is brilliant in writing. They are a perfect match! Please, both of you!"

The one who plays Huang Silang is Xiangjiang's veteran actor, Mr. Zhou!

In order to hire this person, Chu Qing spent a lot of money.

"Liu Ye's death is heroic! The county magistrate is here today to seek justice for Liu Ye face to face!"

"If Huang is really instigating, then I will be like the sixth master, and I will cut myself open! Not only committing suicide, but also the county magistrate, please be my intermediary! Cut off my head and hang it on the Yanyang Building!"

Expensive also has its advantages, let’s talk about Mr. Zhou.

The pay is really expensive!Acting is really good too!
He was the only one who could arm-wrestle with Chu Qing in the crew!

As for Zhang Mo, although his acting skills are good, they are still a little worse than Chu Qing.

"Card! Pass! Change game!"

Han Jie yelled for everyone to change the scene.

They are all old dramas, and one thing has almost become the norm.

Unless Chu Qing felt dissatisfied and asked to re-shoot, as long as the scenes were filmed together by several of their old actors, it would almost be a one-off.

Everyone took their seats one after another. After the lighting photographer adjusted their positions, Han Jie counted down and started shooting again!
"Mr. Ma, the county magistrate, bought it! The purpose of buying an official is to make money. Moreover, Mr. Ma doesn't like to make money from the poor."

In Chu Qing's words, there is naturally a kind of domineering!
Huang Silang looked playful after hearing this: "Then whose money do you want to make?"

"Whoever has money will earn it!"

"Then who has money?"

"You have money!"

"Hahaha, cool! If the county magistrate sees something, just take it!"

The two are frantically probing, and they both know that the other party is not a good person.

"I'm not a bandit, I'm the county magistrate, and the county magistrate must pay attention to being honest and honest to make money!"

"well said!"

Huang Silang directly interrupted Chu Qing and took two bottles of wine.

"We have two big families in Goose City! Both of them sell their people to Lijian country to build railways, and they earn a lot of money!"

Seeing that the atmosphere was not right, the master deliberately pretended not to understand and said with a smile: "Still talking about the knife."

"No, no, the dollar is money used by Americans"

The master seems to understand but not understand.

"The knife? It's here! Since Mr. Huang, the money has arrived!"

Three old foxes, the confrontation began.

(End of this chapter)

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