Chapter 47 Zombie Fall

"Teachers, my talent is a bit different from other contestants. Because I have loved Quyi since I was a child, I have learned a lot about local folk art. Let me sing a local song for you today. I hope you will like it."

Although Zhang Jianshe was a little tired, seeing that an artist from his old classmate was on stage, he still directed the camera to take close-ups.

The five people in the audience also became interested when they heard it was about Quyi.

Regardless of whether they are really interested or fake, they must maintain the quintessence of the country in front of the public!
Chu Qing cleared her throat, and just sang aloud.

"The tip of the peach leaf is on the tip"

"The willow leaves cover the sky"

"The Ming Gong who is in his place"

"Listen to me"

"This matter happened at the Jingxi Indigo Factory."

The sound equipment at the scene was exceptionally good, every word Chu Qing could clearly hear in their ears.

And there seems to be a magical power in this voice, leading them to a picture scroll of stories!
Even many contestants on the scene were stunned, with their hands resting on their chins, staring blankly at the stage.

What Chu Qing sang was the very famous "Exploring the Clear Water River" in the previous life!
Of course, what he sang was Mr. Guo's version. If it was the original version, it would definitely not meet the broadcast standards.

When Chu Qing finished singing a ditty, everyone stood up and applauded!

Regardless of whether they are sincere or fake, at least Chu Qing's desired effect has been achieved!
"It's great!"

"I've never heard this song before"

"It's over, it's over, this opponent is super powerful."

The contestants continued to discuss, and the five instructors on the scene were also full of praise.

The first to speak was Jiang Liangtao, and the expression on his face also admired Chu Qing the most.

"It's really, really good! I like your voice very much. If you become a singer, I'm sure you will be very popular!"

After hearing this, Wang Zhe laughed and said, "In fact, he is really a singer, and he is also an original singer. The song "Overfire" that has become very popular on the Internet recently is his original song."

Jiang Liangtao was taken aback when he heard this, and then his smile became more sincere.

Liang You on the side also clapped and said, "I have an urge to teach you rap, your voice is as attractive as a magnet!"

But Bu Ruiwen suddenly said at this time: "Your voice is very good, and you can sing little songs well, but I haven't seen any of your dance moves. If you want to become a qualified idol, dancing is essential , I didn't see your basic dance skills!"

Chu Qing laughed and said, "Well, among the local operas, I am most interested in Peking Opera, so I have learned a lot about martial arts students in Peking Opera since elementary school."

After Chu Qing finished speaking, her body was as straight as a javelin, and she fell straight behind her!

"My goodness!"

"Come on people!"


"My God!"

There were exclamations at the scene, and Chu Qing's body fell to the ground with a bang!

Until he fell to the ground, his body was straight, like a javelin!

The on-site staff all jumped, and a few quickly ran onto the stage.

Chu Qing stood up on the stage as if nothing happened, and said to the five instructors with a smile: "This is one of the basic skills of Peking Opera martial arts students, zombie fall, please comment on it!"

What did the five people watch? Not only them, most of the contestants on the scene were dumbfounded, mainly because Chu Qing's performance was really too abrupt!Just falling backwards so abruptly, it hurts just looking at them!

To Chu Qing's surprise, the first person to applaud was Ding Cheng, who was dressed in leather.

"Good! Good! Just from this one, you can see that your basic skills must be very solid!"

It was only at this moment that the other people on the scene came to their senses and began to praise, and the other contestants on the scene also came back to their senses and began to scream and shout!
On the one hand, they were really shocked by Chu Qing, and on the other hand, it was because of this that they were able to get into the camera.

Zhang Jianshe blushed with excitement and said, "Did that scene just now be recorded?"


"What about the reactions of other contestants at the scene, have they all been recorded?"

"Don't worry, director, we have a lot of camera positions, and we must have recorded them all."

"Okay! Okay! Let's take this episode as the finale of our first episode! Hahaha! It's wonderful, it's really wonderful!"

After the five mentors admired each other, they began to discuss with each other and rate Chu Qing.

About a minute later, Wang Zhe held the card in his hand and said with a very serious expression: "After the discussion among the five of us, player Chu Qing's score is"

Speaking of this, in order to reflect the effect of the program, Wang Zhe paused on purpose.

Chu Qing also pretended to be curious and nervous.

Originally, he thought that he was flamboyant enough, but among those players, there were many more flamboyant than him!People who don't know think they are scoring them!

"The final score is!"

"Class A!"

Chu Qing waved his fist, the smile on his face was bright and sunny, and many people were dumbfounded again.

The instructor is okay, but the other contestants on the scene felt a sense of crisis!

With a handsome appearance and a pleasant voice, she can sing ditties when she smiles so brightly. It is not an exaggeration to say that she is a strong rival!
The two female mentors made Chu Qing laugh a little weakly, and suddenly there was an urge to have a good chat with Chu Qing.

What?You said it was too late, it was dark outside?

Nonsense, what is there to talk about during the day!

Wang Zhe and the others didn't feel that much, they just thought that Chu Qing's smile was pretty.

"The [-] contestants have been graded this time, but today's results do not represent your final results! All contestants please work hard! Those who are behind, work hard to move forward! Those who are ahead, don't fall behind!"


All the contestants agreed in unison, and after another seven or eight seconds, the director's voice came to mind.

"Crap! Today's recording is over! Thank you everyone, continue recording at [-] o'clock tomorrow morning! Rest early, everyone!"

This voice belongs to the chief director, and the chief director and producer are responsible for everything on the scene.

As for Zhang Jianshe, the on-site director, he was only in charge of filming and ignored the rest.

He only needs to shoot a picture that satisfies the chief director and producer, and other people will be responsible for the rest.

After the director called the card, everyone began to leave in an orderly manner.

Chu Qing could also clearly find that everyone's eyes on him had changed, none of them were kind!
This kind of talent show is actually quite similar to raising Gu.

Put a bunch of people into one place, and in the end, there's only one winner!
They have already felt the threat Chu Qing brought to them today, how could they still have good intentions?

One hundred and one people, but there were only nine people in the final A-level!Among them was Chu Qing.

At this moment, they wished that Chu Qing would be hit and killed by a car as soon as he went out, so that they would have one less opponent.

Chu Qing doesn't care what they think, it's a mediocrity not to be envied by others!
He walked outside the arena with a smile on his face, Song Dawei and Tang Jiaming were waiting for him
 I heard that all those who voted for me won 500 million~

(End of this chapter)

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