Chapter 61
"A boy like the wind, working hard like a fire"

"We don't need to hesitate at this presumptuous age!"

"Standing on the biggest stage, singing the happiest song"

"At this moment, I am the well-deserved KING!"

The contestants on the stage showed their best state one after another, and began to sing and dance.

"No. 51! Look at the camera! Look at the camera! How can you be recorded if you don't look at the camera? How can the audience vote for you even if they don't know what you look like?"

"66! The position is closer to the inside, don't you know that you look awkward now? Look inward!"

"Don't move too stiffly! Look for the camera yourself when dancing! If you don't look for the camera, do you still expect the camera to find you? Look at the camera! The audience will be so far away from you! Who can see clearly if you don't look at the big screen? Look Lens!"

On-site director Zhang Jianshe yelled loudly, and there was nothing he could do if he didn't yell loudly. This theme song was originally a fast song, with a fast rhythm and a very enthusiastic melody.

If his voice was not loud, the players would not be able to hear him clearly.

Soon, the first rehearsal is over!
Director Zhang Jianshe pointed to some contestants who had problems just now and asked them to pay attention to the problem.

Wang Zhe is adjusting the positions of some players, putting them in more 'appropriate' positions.

After giving the players some time to adjust, the second rehearsal began.

This time, almost no one had a problem, or maybe there was a problem, but Zhang Jianshe didn't say anything.

"Very good! The audience will enter the arena immediately, you all take your places! Just perform as you are now!"

The contestants returned to the backstage one after another, waiting for the audience to enter the arena before they entered the arena.

Not long after they returned to the player area, everyone heard a loud noise from outside, and the audience entered the arena!
Immediately, the faces of many contestants turned pale, and these people were nervous!

Performing in front of an audience is completely different from performing by yourself!
This is especially true for those of them who have no acting experience!

Although Chu Qing was a little nervous, he could control his emotions.

At this time, Wang Zhe and others walked in, they came to comfort the nervous players!

"Don't be nervous, everyone has a first time, go out bravely, the door to the new world is open, just waiting for you to create a legend!"

"Don't be nervous, you are an artist! You were born to stand in the spotlight, this is your home field!"

"Be brave, believe in yourself, you can do it!"

The five mentors were all using their own methods to cheer up the contestants. When Chu Qing saw the camera, he also pretended to be a little nervous.

Ding Cheng was successfully attracted, but Ding Cheng was still chewing gum like a little sister.

She walked up to Chu Qing, patted Chu Qing's shoulder like a big brother, and said, "Your strength is definitely not a problem! I am very, very optimistic about you. As long as you perform normally, your grades will definitely not be bad!"

Chu Qing made a stiff smile to reflect her 'nervousness' at the moment.

Seeing this, Ding Cheng directly cupped Chu Qing's face with both hands, and forced him to 'push' a smile!
"Don't be nervous! Don't be nervous! It's okay!"

This action instantly attracted the two photographers, and they took a close-up immediately.

A few artists next to him also made booing noises. To put it simply, it was just to rub the camera!

Chu Qing didn't expect Ding Cheng to behave like this all of a sudden, he originally wanted to show a blushing expression.

But helplessly, his face has long been practiced like a city wall!There is no shyness, blushing, etc. at all!

"The audience is already in place, and the contestants enter the arena!"

Fortunately, at this time, the staff at the scene rescued him.

The contestants began to line up and prepare for a dance for a while.

Chu Qing looked at Xie Kun, and silently used the [C-bit exchange card]!
As the C position among the C positions tonight, Xie Kun's number is one!He should also be the first to play.

And Chu Qing's number is six, ranking sixth.

When everyone was walking towards the stage, Wu Xinyuan, who was in second place, suddenly staggered and threw Xie Kun down!

Seeing this, the staff on the side rushed over, and they are about to play now!But there is no room for the slightest mistake!
Seeing this, several instructors also ran over. Wu Xinyuan had already got up on the ground at this moment, and while supporting Xie Kun, he apologized and said, "I'm sorry, I'm sorry, I didn't mean it, I don't know what tripped me just now!"

Xie Kun was sweating a little on his painful forehead, he staggered up and said, "No, it's okay."

The medical staff on the side had already caught up and were examining his injuries.

Wang Zhe looked at his watch, then looked outside, and asked with a nervous expression: "Xie Kun, how are you doing! Can you still hold on?"

Xie Kun had some cold sweat on his forehead, but he still gritted his teeth and said, "Yes! Ah!!!"

As soon as he said yes, the doctor pressed his left shoulder, causing Xie Kun to scream out.

The medical staff shook his head resolutely and said: "No, he hit his shoulder on the box just now and hurt his muscles, so he needs to relax. He must not be able to complete the strenuous movements now."

Wang Zhe looked at his watch anxiously: "Is there any way to make him persist? It's easy for others, but he is our C position!"

The medical staff shrugged and said: "He is a human, not a machine. He has to recover slowly when he is injured. It is impossible to say that there is any special medicine, just hit it. And even if there is, the sequelae of that kind of medicine are too great for people."

Zhang Jianshe also ran over at this moment, looking at Wu Xinyuan with eyes that were almost cannibalistic!
But now is not the time to talk about this, he looked at Xie Kun solemnly and said, "Can you hold on?"

Xie Kun gritted his teeth and nodded, but Ding Cheng said: "In his current state, he is too conspicuous in the C position! Change him to a less conspicuous position."

After she finished speaking, she looked at Xie Kun and said, "I'm doing this for your own good, can you understand?"

Xie Kun nodded with a tangled expression, he actually understood.

If there is no problem with normal performance, standing in the C position is definitely the best choice, and he is also confident that he can perform well.

But now he has a problem with his shoulders, and he can't do many moves, so putting him in the C position is like putting him on fire!It's not a good thing for him.

But he gave up the C position just before the door, he really didn't give up!
At this moment, even with his heart, he looked at Wu Xinyuan with the desire to kill someone!

Wu Xinyun didn't dare to look at him at all. At this moment, he only felt that the people around him were looking at him strangely.

Wang Zhe said anxiously: "But even if there is a change, who can replace Xie Kun to the C position? The C position cannot be suppressed by everyone, and the dance moves of the C position are also different from other people!"

After hearing Wang Zhe's words, everyone turned their attention to Chu Qing
(End of this chapter)

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