Chapter 64
Except for Xie Kun and Chu Qing, no one was introduced at the scene!
Jiang Liangtao led the team and led the contestants back to the contestant area, waiting for the audience to start voting!
Today, 40 people will be directly eliminated, turning the team of 100 people into 60 people!Then reclassify!
After returning to the stage, the contestants relaxed a little.

When they were on the stage just now, they kept showing their best side, and at the same time they had to find a seat, which was actually very tiring.

"It's over, it's over, it's dead, it's dead, my movements just now were so stiff, how could anyone vote for me?"

"That's right, hey, just thinking about it makes me tangled up! My location is too remote, how can the audience see it?"

"You said that more than half of the people have zero votes, so what should we do?"

"How is it possible, there are five hundred spectators at the scene, no matter how miserable it is, it is impossible to get zero votes."

The contestants began to discuss nervously, and many looked at the eight A-level players enviously.

Their position is too good, no matter what, they will definitely not be eliminated!

Especially Chu Qing, who was lucky enough to pick up a C position before going on stage!Hey, why didn't I have such a chance?

Thinking of this, many people looked at Chu Qing with envy and hatred!
But Chu Qing didn't go to see them at all, instead chatting with Xie Kun who was at the side.

"How is it? Can you hold it?"

Xie Kun moved his shoulders slightly and said: "It's not a big problem. After the recording is over, it should be fine after applying ice."

Time passed by bit by bit, and the players became more and more nervous!
Many people were even so nervous that they broke out in a cold sweat, and some were nervous, and some were not.

For example, Chu Qing, and Xie Kun, the two of them belong to the kind of people who are not nervous at all.

Because the two are confident, they will never be eliminated!

About half an hour later, the staff came to inform the contestants to come on stage!
Waiting for the contestants to come to the stage, the audience cheered again!

Especially those fans of Xie Kun, screaming and waving the lights in their hands.

Wang Zhe took a card in his hand and began to mutter: "Then, I will announce the ranking of this field! There are only 60 people on the list, and those whose names have not been read, sorry, you have already been eliminated! By me Those who read their names, please step out and come to the candidate area!"

As soon as these words came out, the faces of many players on the scene turned paler. They were all people who did not have confidence in themselves.

"Now, I'm starting to announce the list! No. 60! Brilliant Entertainment, Zhao Xinyi! The number of votes! One vote!"

In the crowd, a yellow-haired boy heaved a long sigh of relief, hugged each other with his surrounding partners, got up and walked towards the candidate area beside him.

Although one vote was a little short, at least he wasn't eliminated!

100 people eliminated 40 people. This is actually nearly half the elimination rate. He can survive, which has proved his extraordinary ability!

"Nine! Huahai Media, Li Weifeng! Number of votes! Two votes!"

Among the crowd, a boy with fiery red hair came out, his face was full of joy!
Then, 58, 57, until there were more than 30 people, none of them got more than ten votes!

As more and more people were chanting their names, the remaining people became more and more panicked.

A few people who didn't have confidence in themselves were about to cry, even Chu Qing's heart was beating so fast at the moment!
Although I know that there is a 90.00% chance that I will be able to enter the top [-], but what if?As long as there is one in case, I can't accept it!

The main task is not completed yet!

"No. 20 five, awakening the West, Hua Chen! Votes, eleven votes!"

When talking about more than 20 votes, the first person with more than ten votes finally appeared on the scene!
Wang Zhe kept reciting the name, occasionally pausing to create a little suspense.

The audience may find it very interesting after watching it, but the contestants seem to let him die!

"No.3! Lexin Culture, Wu Xinyuan! Votes, 31 votes!"

When Wu Xinyuan heard that he had won No.3, his mentality collapsed, and he burst into tears on the stage.

Of course, in Chu Qing's eyes, he suspected that this kid did it on purpose, and wanted to use the crying scene to steal the camera!

It's not just Chu Qing who thinks so, many people around him think so, but in front of the camera, everyone has to comfort him!

"It can be seen that Wu Xinyuan is very excited. Come on, we will announce No.2!"

"The No.2 contestant is Yanjing Radio and Television Station, Chu Qing! The number of votes is 130 five votes!"

The scene was quiet all of a sudden, including Wu Xinyuan who was still crying before!

Damn, how many votes?How many votes did you just say? 130 five?Why are there more fractions than the third one?
Chu Qing tightly clenched her fists, losing, or losing, there is no way, too many people who came today are fans of Xie Kun!If he can get more than 100 votes, he already thinks it's pretty good!

But it doesn't matter, all this is just the beginning, he is confident that his grades will get better and better!

"The No.1 contestant is! Xie Kun Studio, Xie Kun, with 130 votes and seven votes!"

This result was not only for the players, but even the audience was in an uproar!
It was only two votes higher than Chu Qing!This was almost his home game, and he was only two votes ahead of Chu Qing!

But no one said that there was a shady scene, because everyone saw the performance of the two of them today, and Chu Qing's performance was indeed good!And he is still C, what's more, what he got is only the second, not the first!

It would be a bit too much to say that someone has a shady scene.

Besides, even if there is a shady case by two votes, the sum of the votes of the two of them is higher than the votes of the other 98 people. How can this be calculated?

"This is the final ranking of this game. As for the other players who have not read their names, I can say goodbye to everyone on the spot. I know that you are also working hard, but the game is a game, and the rules are so cruel! In the last show, I will see you again! Goodbye!"

This time, there were more people crying, and many people didn't care about their image anymore. They were crying with snot and tears.

From the same group, some people are promoted, some people are eliminated, and there are all kinds of performances on the stage at a time.

Chu Qing and Xie Kun stood far away. They were both individual players, and they didn't have a team, so they couldn't get in the conversation.

Pretend to cry at this time, it seems a bit hypocritical, after all, I don't know these people very well.

After waiting for the forty eliminated contestants to go down, the scene began to divide into teams!
The remaining 60 of them will be regrouped and graded for a sixty-for-thirty competition!

The top three people can give priority to the people who become their team members.
(End of this chapter)

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