Chapter 74 Copyright?
In fact, working in a TV station is not so easy, especially for producers.

For example, if you create a very popular variety show on Yanjing TV!The copyright belongs entirely to the TV station, and after you change jobs or transfer away, you can't get a fart.

If you dare to make a sequel to this variety show, they can directly sue you for bankruptcy!
And if you create a variety show on websites such as or, you can negotiate copyright issues with the other party and let the copyright belong to you.

If you are no longer on this website and switch to another website, you can take away the copyright at any time and create the second season of this variety show, as well as peripheral operations and so on.

This is one of the reasons why online variety shows look better than TV variety shows now!

Good producers, who doesn't care about their copyright?Who wants to let their children take other people's surnames?

And the TV station is also used to eating for free, this time I thought Chu Qing was an employee of their TV station, so I wanted free P again!

In fact, when Li Xinyue was on the phone before, he could hear some of it, but he used Song Dawei to prevaricate it, and Li Xinyue didn't have the nerve to say it directly.

Looking at it now, those traffic broadcasters really don't want any face at all!

"Brother Song, white P is definitely not acceptable!"

"I don't want them to be free, but I'm afraid that if they ask for money, those grandchildren will become angry! When the time comes, I will put on your shoes for you. What will you do with your job in the TV station?"

Chu Qing frowned, this is indeed a problem, but to be honest, it's not a big problem!
In his last life, the TV station fired him without even investigating the cause of the incident. This incident made him not have the slightest favor for the TV station!
The reason why he planned to stay on the TV station at first was because the host certificate had not yet been issued, and the second was because he planned to use some variety shows on the TV station to speak for himself, so as to deal with Cui Qiqi.

The last point is also because he needs a stable job.

But now Cui Qiqi can't afford to make any waves, and the host card has also come down.

He earns more money from one live broadcast than the rest of a year of working in the TV station. To be honest, the work of the TV station is not that important to him.

"White P is definitely not okay! Let them not even think about it! How much money is needed, it is how much money, it doesn't matter if it is successful or not, don't do it just because I work in a TV station! But when talking, you must record it, and your attitude better, you know"


Song Dawei's voice on the other end of the phone was relaxed, obviously happy to let go of his hands and feet.

After another half an hour, Chu Qing's phone rang suddenly, and the calling number was still Li Xinyue.

"Hey, leader"

"Xiao Chu, director Liu of the traffic broadcasting department wants your phone number, do you see this?"

Chu Qing was a little surprised in his heart. He didn't expect Li Xinyue to give him face like this. Logically speaking, if a leader asked Li Xinyue to call Chu Qing, Li Xinyue would just give the other party directly.

But now Li Xinyue asked him what his subordinate thought, which really made Chu Qing feel respected.

"It is possible, but the leader, I will not compromise on copyright matters, I hope that it will not make it difficult for you"

How can someone who can sit in the position of director of a TV station be a fool.

Li Xinyue understood Chu Qing's meaning as soon as she heard it: "I am just a messenger, and the rest has nothing to do with me."

"Well, that's fine"

Chu Qing hung up the phone, her eyes flickering.

There are always some people in this world who hold chicken feathers as arrows and feel that they are heavenly kings and fathers with a little power in their hands!It seems that everyone in the world has to follow his will, as long as they don't listen to him, it is against the organization and will be condemned!

To this kind of person, Chu Qing just wants to say one thing, I'll fuck your grandma!
Chu Qing takes money very seriously, otherwise he would not have chosen to be a salesman under such pressure in his last life.

Want to white P with him, dreaming!Not to mention the Heavenly King Lao Tzu, Li Yunlong is not easy to handle!
Not long after, the other party called back.

"Xiao Chu, I'm Director Liu of Traffic Radio"

"Hi Director Liu"

"That's right, I heard that you have an original song called "Yanjing Yanjing"?"

"Yes, I don't know what advice Director Liu has?"

"It's like this. You also know that our traffic radio often plays some songs. We decided to give you a chance to let your song appear on our program! Xiao Chu, such an opportunity is relatively rare, you should cherish it ah!"

"Of course that's fine. For specific matters, the director can just talk to my agent!"

"Cough cough cough, it's Xiao Chu like this, you know the economic conditions in the station, we really don't have any spare money, otherwise we wouldn't choose your song on our show! Your manager quoted 10 yuan Yuan, isn't this the lion's mouth? He also said that we can only play this song for three years, Xiao Chu, do you hear this is human speech?"

"Oh, that's going to be difficult, director, the contract I signed with the agent is all under his control. If I break the contract, I will have to pay a lot of money!"

"Xiao Chu, don't say such silly words! Can't you make your own decisions about your songs? Let me tell you, as a young comrade, attitude is very important, and you have to share the worries of the leaders!"

Chu Qing laughed as soon as she heard it: "Leader, I share your worries, and you have to think about me too. I can't afford the liquidated damages."

"Xiao Chu, you are still a trainee announcer now, do you understand what I mean?"

"Director, I like to turn on the recording when I answer the phone, do you understand what I mean?"


The phone was hung up just like that, Chu Qing almost couldn't laugh out loud while holding the phone, what a fool, you think I just graduated?

Chu Qing called Song Dawei with a smile, and repeated what happened just now, making Song Dawei laugh out loud.

"You too, I'm not afraid that he will put on shoes for you."

"Don't do it if you wear small shoes. With this recording, I don't have to worry about their slander. Then I will be a full-time artist."

"If you want to say that, I really hope that he will wear small shoes for you."


After hanging up the phone, Chu Qing began to calculate her current property. The main property was the compensation from director Zhang Xiao, and she got 45!

In the past two days, there are more than 20 inside and outside the live broadcast, which is nearly 70. Thinking that he is about to become a millionaire, Chu Qing is still a little excited.

In his previous life, he earned a lot, but also spent a lot.

I just started working as a salesperson, and then I started to work in the field when I got some connections. If I want to go to the field, I must have the necessary connections.

It really cost a lot of money to treat guests up and down. After finally getting through the door, he started to make money, and he was reborn.

Chu Qing stretched her waist, and couldn't help but sigh, it's better to be a celebrity to make money faster!No wonder everyone is willing to be an internet celebrity!

Looking at her bank deposits, Chu Qing thought for a while and dialed the phone number at home.

 Just one word, ticket~

(End of this chapter)

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