Chapter 1 Rebirth
What's the matter, why is the bed so hard?
Turned back and forth, still not right, what's going on?

Sun Chao thought in his heart, the latex mattress cost him a lot of money, but it was very soft, how could it be so hard?

Did it fall to the ground?

Sun Chao was really uncomfortable sleeping, so he slowly opened his eyes.

? ? ? ?
what's the situation?
Why is this roof so low?
Sun Chao sat up directly.

Turning his head stiffly, what Sun Chao saw was a small room with a few bunk beds and a few desks. It seemed like a dormitory!

It turned out that Sun Chao slept on the upper bunk, so he felt that the roof was so low.

what's the situation?
But why does Sun Chao feel this scene is so familiar?

Who is messing with me?

Is it fat?Or Wang Bin?

It's not right, the fat man went to other places to follow the filming, Wang Bin is even more impossible, and now he circles around his daughter every day, how can he have such skills!

They even brought me to the dormitory!
Who is so boring.

Sun Chao looked around carefully again.

It's like, probably, maybe, my own high school dorm?

Who has such a bad taste and got himself from Pengcheng to County No. [-] Middle School.


Turning around again, I saw that the star posters that were posted before were still there, and the retro music tapes on the bedside, which are hard to find now.

Sun Chao didn't notice that some of the tapes were from stars he didn't know.

Mingming went to bed at three o'clock last night, and checked the time on the phone.

Now No. [-] Middle School is not so easy to advance, especially for social people.

Isn't it a prank?
Is it a dream?

He raised his hand and touched his body, there was warmth, and he bit his tongue, feeling pain, if it was a dream, would this dream be too real?
A ridiculous idea popped into his mind.

Could it be rebirth?
Isn't rebirth a novel routine?
Can such a good thing happen to him?
By the way, Zhang Wei was still a fat man in high school.

Take a look, as long as the lower berth is Zhang Wei's fat, you can determine whether it is reborn.

This can't be faked.

As soon as he lowered his head, he saw the fat man lying down in large characters, the same short and fat man from many years ago.

In my heart, I was almost sure that I was really reborn.

I seem to have glanced at the calendar just now, go down and have a look, this kind of calendar with celebrity photos is hard to find now.

Get out of bed, put on your shoes, and head straight for the calendar.

March 2004, 4!
04 years!
04 years!
04 years!
Really reborn!

When I was in high school in 04, I turned my head and thought about it.

Is it a sophomore or a freshman?

I remembered!

It's a sophomore!
The posters on the wall and some of the song tapes I just glanced at were all bought when I was a sophomore in high school. At that time, I spent several days of food money to buy them, and I ate steamed buns for several days.

Look at the other few, uh, I didn't see the front face.

He turned to look at the fat man again.

Sun Chao thought in his heart, is Fatty so fat now?

It's been so long since I saw Zhang Wei getting so fat. I remember that he was fat at that time, but I forgot how fat I was.

I remember that Fatty had already become a handsome man before the end of his sophomore year.

The original fat man who was 1.7 meters tall and weighed 1.8 kilograms directly became a handsome man who was 150 meters [-] and weighed about [-] kilograms.

This is really a word, fat people are really potential stocks.

Looking at it now, tsk tsk tsk, I really can't see it.

If you tell the fat man now that you will be a handsome and handsome man with a height of more than 1.8 meters and a weight of only 150 catties, even he himself will not believe it.

Sun Chao looked around the dormitory again.

A dormitory has three beds for six people.

I remember the other four people, two of them are the top students in the class, and the top [-] ruthless people in the next grade.

The other two, one of them with mediocre grades, named Wu Yong, went to a junior college, and hadn't seen each other since graduating from high school.

The other is Wang Bin, Sun Chao's buddy and Internet addict.

Looking at the immature faces, Sun Chao really felt that he was really reborn.

I really went back to my sophomore year in 2004.

In my previous life, I had a mortgage and a car loan, and I didn’t dare to resign or ask for leave. After so many years of hard work, I bought a small house of [-] to [-] square meters in the city center with a loan.

House prices always rise faster than wages.

I remember when I first started working, I felt that I couldn’t afford the mortgage and wanted to wait two years before buying.

After working for a few years, I can pay off the mortgage, but I feel that it is not good to buy a house with my parents’ pension money. I want to wait until I have saved enough down payment before buying a house. I really can’t afford it.

A few years before Sun Chao was reborn, he bought a small house with two bedrooms and one living room in the city center with a loan.

I think it's good to be able to go back to the present, so that I won't be worse than my previous life.

Now my younger brother is still young, let's see if I can be a butterfly in this life, so that my younger brother can go to a better university.

Parents are still young, in this life Sun Chao must let parents get rid of the pressure of life as soon as possible.

After thinking about it wildly, Sun Chao felt that he must be God's own son, and such things as rebirth would allow him to catch up.

You must earn money in this life, and you can't be the same as your previous life.

I worked for more than ten years in my previous life before I was able to afford a loan to buy a penthouse of sixty to seventy square meters.

I can go back to high school in my life, is it because I was too obsessed with going to college in my previous life?

Otherwise, how could we go back to the present.

In my previous life, I skipped classes and played games all day in high school.

As soon as the college entrance examination scores came out, I was dumbfounded, and I couldn't reach the three books.

I had no choice but to go out to work. I worked in a factory as an assembly line worker, and also did factory purchases. With my good looks, I quit my job and went to work as a shopping guide. I have changed countless industries over the years.

If you miss it, you will know how important education is!

Sun Chao thought in his heart, no matter what in this life, he must work hard to pass the 211 or 985 exam!

Otherwise, how can I be reborn right this time.

While lying on the bed and thinking, the fat man woke up.

As soon as I got up, I yelled loudly: "Get up, get up!"

Then, like a psychopath, he laughed loudly, and kept patting the bed frame with his hands not idle.

The people in the dormitory were all woken up by the fat Zhang Wei. Although the fat man saw that everyone was awake, he still kept knocking on the bed frame. Everyone couldn't stand the noise.

The upper berth is inconvenient, but the students in the lower berth are convenient. The students in the lower berth just beat the fat man and beat him up. The fat man saw that something was wrong and ran away.

For several years in high school, this kind of thing happened every few days. Sun Chao looked at the clock on the wall, and it was almost time for class.

Accompanied by the wailing sound of fat Zhang Wei, they all got up one after another, those who should wash their faces and brush their teeth.

Sun Chao walked over and put his arms around the neck of the fat man who had just been beaten.

Said: "Fatty, tell me about you, why are you so cheap, you get beaten every time you go crazy, and you still want to be beaten persistently."

Sun Chao misses his current high school life very much, and every bit of it is unforgettable.

How many times have I thought that if I can go back to high school, I must study hard and get into a good university.

The fat man began to act like a showman again: "I am more wronged than Dou E. Tell me, I worked so hard to wake you up early, Chaozi, how could you wrong me so much?"

He also pretended to wipe away the non-existent tears.

Sun Chao didn't even notice. If he had a mobile phone, he would definitely take a picture of it. This is a dark history.

Sun Chao remembered that in his previous life he hated the high school textbooks and got in the way, so he brought them to the dormitory.

Sun Chao thought in his heart, fortunately, he had no brains or nerves in his previous life, so he just lost it.

After rummaging through boxes and cabinets, I finally found all the books in the first year of high school.

There was a thick layer of ash on it, and after patting it, Sun Chao coughed all the time.

Just like that, I walked to the second and third classes of the second and third grades together with everyone in a daze with the first grade textbook.

On the way back to class, fat Zhang Wei put his arms around Sun Chao's neck.

He opened his mouth and asked, "Chaozi, how about surfing the Internet during lunch?"

At this time, Wang Bin also came over, nodded and said, "Go, go!"

Looking at the two of them, this is the rhythm of escaping evening self-study.

This can't be done, I don't come back to play games in this life.

"It's already the second year of high school, and it's time for us to study hard."

"Don't you two want to go to a good school?"

The fat man answered: "Brother, you don't know me yet, you only have the strength of Erben, if you work hard or not, that's it!"

"Then work harder, how about we go to a good university together?"

Fatty Zhang Wei spoke again: "You really think highly of me, I can't, I know how much I weigh!"

Seeing Fatty's self-defeating look, Sun Chao thought to himself, maybe I used to have the same mentality.

That's no good, buddy, I still have to lead you to get along better, this is the first step.

"Fatty, if you don't work hard, how do you know you can't do it?"

Fatty Zhang Wei saw Sun Chao's serious face, as if he had changed into a different person, and directly reached out to touch Sun Chao's forehead, but Sun Chao directly stretched out his hand and pulled it away.

Sun Chao said with a serious face: "Fatty, I don't have a fever, we really should study hard, and we can no longer just count on days like this.

"You and I and Wang Bin, let's work hard together."

"I'm only a sophomore in high school now, and I still have time to write seriously. There is still a year and a half before the college entrance examination."

"If you don't work hard, how do you know you can't do it?"

"Everyone has a dream, what if it comes true!"

"We worked hard together and got into a good school, so you can see more beauties, have a romantic relationship, and don't have to worry about finding a job after graduation."

"Even if you are working, you can still sit in the office and earn tens of thousands a month. It's easy."

"With a salary of one or two years, you can buy a car and a house. Once you open a class reunion, you will be the best."

"Think about it, if you go to an ordinary university, you will go to a junior college if you didn't perform well in one!"

"After graduating from university and working, it's hard to find a job. Even if you find it! It's the most tiring job, and you get the lowest salary. You won't be ashamed to join the class reunion."

"What do you say? Fatty."

"You're thinking about it, just chatting with others. When you mention that you graduated from 211 or 985, don't you have a lot of face!"

The fat man was fooled, he was taken aback for a while, and his face looked like you said it was right!
Sun Chao continued to work hard: "For the good times in the future, isn't it worth working hard this year!"

The fat man nodded dumbly, looking like he was fooled.

Sun Chao hugged the fat man, with a look of success: "Then we have agreed, and we cannot go back on our word."

"If anyone repents, he will pay for all his clothes and socks before he graduates from high school."

"How about it?"

The fat man has recovered a little bit now, and his mind wandered in the dream that Sun Chao wove for him before.

Sun Chao took advantage of the fact that he hadn't fully reacted yet, and continued his efforts, asking the fat man repeatedly whether he would agree or not.

Until the fat man nodded in a daze.

Only then did Sun Chao change the subject with a smirk on his face.

Fatty was not even given the chance to repent.

Sun Chao thought to himself, Fatty, you have to thank me for the rest of your life.

ps: The grades of Zhang Wei and Wang Bin have been sprayed all the time. I can't stand it anymore. I have changed it. If there is something missing, I hope to mark it. I will change it when I see it. The other main lines remain unchanged and will not affect reading!Thank you! ! !
 Favorite brothers and sisters, help to vote for a free recommendation ticket! ! !

(End of this chapter)

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