Chapter 107 Cleaning
Sun Chao thought it was a good idea.

"Okay! What about Binbin, what's your opinion?"

Wang Bin nodded frantically.

The three of them walked out of the school together again.

Four or ten minutes later, the three of them sat on the table in the dormitory, and the other three arrived as soon as they sat down.

The fat man yelled: "You guys are really lazy, we just bought the food and you're here."

Wang Bin also said from the side: "I'm just waiting for you three. This is our dormitory's break-up meal. What's going on without the three of you?"

The three of them quickly gathered around. This was the first time Sun Chao drank beer after his rebirth.

About four or five bottles per person, which is quite a lot for these students who are drinking for the first time.

In the end, all six of them drank a little too much, and Sun Chao didn't know when he fell asleep.

It was already eight o'clock when Sun Chao woke up the next day, and he saw that the dormitory was in a mess.

Sun Chao got up and took a shower, then began to tidy up.

After tidying up, Sun Chao remembered his mobile phone and computer, and charged the mobile phone and computer that had been shut down a long time ago from the suitcase. The mobile phone hadn't been turned on much for a month.

Sun Chao told Zhao Liang in advance that his mobile phone might be turned off recently, and even if he didn't turn it off, he would not be able to receive it.

Let him solve things by himself Zhao Liang can understand after hearing this, after all, the college entrance examination is the top priority now.

Now Sun Chao doesn’t need a mobile phone at school, as long as Zhao Liang doesn’t look for him, no one will look for him. A few months ago, Sun Chao took it out to charge when he was free, and then he just forgot about it later.

What Sun Chao didn't know was that people would go crazy looking for him.

Wang Hui, director of the distribution department of the Literary Publishing House, managed to find out the mobile phone number of the author [Mouse].

In fact, he also thought about contacting the editor in charge of [Mouse] at the starting point, but he found that [Mouse] hadn’t published a new book in the past six months. Isn’t it a proper way to directly contact him like this? After all, everyone’s energy is limited.

If the manuscript is submitted here, Sun Chao will not have time to open a new book over there.

The previously completed "Tomb Raider Notes 3" was still taken down by Huaxia Publishing House, and Huaxia Publishing House was able to give away 15.00%. Wang Hui felt that Huaxia Publishing House was a bunch of lunatics.

Wang Hui has been calling for more than 20 days, and now he calls several times a day, and the phone is turned off every time. Occasionally, no one answers the call.

Recently, the serial novels published by Huaxia Publishing House are very popular, and their publishing house can't hold their heads up because of the pressure.

Last month, the editor-in-chief decided to hold a call for papers.

Because the recent essay competition started at the beginning of the month, how could Wang Hui not be in a hurry.

This time they were planning to hold an essay solicitation event with the theme of ancient costumes. Wang Hui initially wanted to seek the author [Mouse] to solicit essays because she had two novels with very different styles, and they were very successful.

All Wang Hui wanted to try to make an appointment for a manuscript.

I still can't get in touch, and the more I can't get in touch with Wang Hui, the more I want to get in touch. Now Wang Hui is a little dazed.

After Sun Chao cleaned up and plugged in his mobile phone, he started to wake them up.

The fat man was still dazed when he woke up, and it took him a while to react before he woke up.

"Brother Chao, did you clean up the dormitory? It was still a mess when I slept last night."

"I got up early and cleaned it up. Get up quickly. It's almost nine o'clock. Didn't you say that you will go to class to clean up today?"

"That's right, that's right, I forgot about it." Zhang Wei hurriedly got off the bed.

Sun Chao called the others up one after another, and half an hour later, the three of them walked to the teaching building.

As soon as I entered the class, I saw the head teacher sweeping the floor by himself.

Fatty was more emotional, seeing the empty classroom, only the head teacher bent over and swept the floor alone.

Red eyes quickened his pace and walked to the head teacher to take the broom from the head teacher.

"Didn't the old class agree that we will clean it in the morning? Why are you cleaning it yourself?"

The head teacher said with a smile: "Isn't it because I didn't see you in the class? I know you must have worked hard and you must not get up. I will clean it when I come."

A few people also walked into the class and cleaned up together with the class teacher. Those who wiped the blackboard wiped the blackboard, those who mopped the floor, and carried the desks and chairs back to the class.

When they first started cleaning, other students in the class came to the class one after another.

It's noon after packing up.

"Old class, how about having a dinner with our classmates?" the monitor suggested.

Other students in the class who had this idea echoed.

Seeing that everyone had the same idea, the class teacher said, "Okay, since everyone wants to go, let's have a dinner together. There is still unused class fees in the class, so I just use it for the dinner."

Zhang Wei joked on the sidelines: "Old Ban, if we don't talk about going to a dinner party, are you planning to take it for yourself?"

The head teacher patted the fat man and laughed and scolded: "Stinky boy, I have worried so much for you, old class, you just miss me so much, even if you don't use it for the dinner this time, you will use it to pay for the photo, do you think it's you?" , and even swallowed it privately, it’s strange to think.”

Zhang Wei apologized with a smile, "I'm just kidding, I was just joking."

When the homeroom teacher saw that the cleaning was almost done, he said, "Look at who else hasn't arrived. If someone from the same dormitory hasn't arrived, call them and meet in the class in half an hour."

The teacher in charge looked around and found that all the students who got there were relatively better grades, and the other dozen or so students who didn't show up were all students who might have to repeat and some students who didn't perform well. "

"The head teacher didn't say anything, after all, he just finished the college entrance examination and he didn't want to talk about such a heavy topic, and he didn't want to spoil the fun. Let's wait until the results come out.

The three of Sun Chao surrounded the head teacher, and the head teacher immediately felt better when he saw these three proud students.

"The grades of the three of you are not surprising, Qingbei is determined, how is it? Are you glad you didn't give up on yourself now!"

"Actually, your grade teacher didn't expect to be able to do so well in the test. I always thought that Zhang Wei and Wang Bin would be good if you both took the heavy test at most."

"I didn't expect to improve so much in the last few months, and I didn't expect the college entrance examination to be able to perform for a long time."

Zhang Wei and Wang Bin looked at Sun Chao together, and the two of them tacitly said nothing.

The fat man was playing tricks again: "My grades are not the result of you, the head teacher, following behind your butt every day. I'm afraid of seeing you in the old class later."

Wang Bin said angrily, "If the class teacher hadn't been nagging you every day that you could get this grade in the exam? You wouldn't be satisfied."

"The other thing is who makes your grades like a roller coaster. You can drop to fifth in the next month in this month's exam. If you don't talk about who are you talking about? Why didn't you see the old class talking about Brother Chao? It's not you. Compete."

"Hey, hey, Binbin, I haven't said anything yet, your mouth is just like a machine gun talking so much."

Sun Chao rolled his eyes and said angrily: "Wang Bin is fighting for the old class. You just don't know the blessings in the blessings."

The old class was listening with a smile on the side.

"Have you all decided which major to choose?"

"Is there any alternative school? Just in case."

Added another sentence: "Sun Chao doesn't need to be a backup, you can just fill in Qingbei."

Zhang Wei was unwilling: "Teacher, you are biased! Why don't you let Brother Chao choose, you have so little confidence in me and Wang Bin?"

The teacher in charge said angrily, "Don't you know how much difference you have with Sun Chao?"

 Thank you [Broken] for the big brother's reward, the younger brother will add a new chapter first!

(End of this chapter)

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