Chapter 109
At this time, Sun Chao is still depressed, he is surrounded by beauties when he is reborn.

I didn't expect to be surrounded by beautiful women, but after the college entrance examination, both Fatty and Binbin were confessed, and in the end, I was the only one who didn't confess. This is too bad.

"Brother Chao, aren't you still depressed that there is no girl to confess?"

"It's because of your appearance that you don't want to be approached by strangers, and you have a face that is prettier than girls, and you are so confident that girls dare to confess to you."

Sun Chao looked puzzled: "I don't want to get close to strangers?"

"Can't you feel it yourself? How big-hearted you are, you usually joke and talk with Wang Bin and me. In the beginning, girls came to ask you questions. When you saw that in the third year of high school, there were girls who came to you to ask questions. ?"

You are still bluffing with a straight face, okay, Wang Bin and I are afraid to see you with a straight face, let alone those girls.

"Did I give them serious lectures? And I was joking with you when I gave you lessons before."

Zhang Wei rolled his eyes directly in his heart, he thought Sun Chao knew all about it?I found nothing for a long time.

"Yes! You are very serious in your lectures, but you are too serious, just like an elder teaching a junior."

"Before you started class, you were joking with your classmates. It was a better day. Afterwards, you were very serious when you gave lectures. You can see that there are a few classmates who have not been criticized by you, and none of the girls are spared. They don't know how to be sympathetic. .”

"Can't be wrong and don't say it?"

Zhang Wei was speechless, "Brother Chao, I found that sometimes your EQ is particularly online and sometimes your EQ is negative, especially when you get along with girls."

"You're just talking nonsense, I'm not a straight man of steel? How is that possible."

Zhang Wei looked confused, and Sun Chao knew that Fatty didn't understand when he saw Fatty's expression, so he explained it to him.

Zhang Wei immediately used it on Sun Chao: "You are the straight man of steel. I now doubt Brother Chao that you may not be able to find a girlfriend after four years of college."

Sun Chao didn't notice it at all, and still thought that the fat man was talking nonsense.

After buying the tickets, the two separated separately.

As soon as he left Sun Chao's cell phone, he thought about it. Sun Chao went to a relatively quiet corner and took out the cell phone. He found that he seemed to have called himself before this number.

At that time, Sun Chao thought it was a wrong number, after all, few people knew his mobile phone number.

"Hello. Who is this?"

Wang Hui called once in the morning and found that although the phone was not turned off, there was still no one answering. He wanted to try in the afternoon in case someone answered the phone.

But when the phone was really connected, although he heard the other party's voice, he was still stunned for several seconds.

Finding that it wasn't his auditory hallucinations, he immediately replied: "Hi, hello, I'm sorry that the signal here is not very good, are you the writer [mouse] himself?"

When Sun Chao heard a stranger speak, he looked for the mouse, where did the number leak out.

"Who are you? I am [Mouse]."

Hearing that it was [mouse], Wang Hui said hastily: "That's right, I am Wang Hui, the director of the publishing department of the Literature Publishing House. Now our publishing house has held a solicitation for essays. The first prize is 50 yuan, the second prize is 30 yuan, and the third prize A reward of [-] yuan, the author of the published novel will get [-] points of share, and our publishing house can help sell other copyrights without charging any share."

Sun Chao heard that although there were not as many publications as Huaxia Magazine, but he just had nothing to write during the summer vacation, and the bulk of these novels were actually selling copyrights.

It can also help sell the adaptation rights without charging, which is a very good condition.

"Then do you have any subject restrictions for this essay call? Either way is fine."

"This time we are creating with the theme of ancient costumes. It can be fictional or historical. There is no limit to the frequency of men and women, and the number of words is not limited. However, readers may request to finish the selected book if they don't like it after it is published."

"I still need to talk to you about this first, but I believe that your book will definitely be selected, and it will definitely become a hit."

It is understandable for Sun Chao to ask for an early completion because the sales volume is not good.

"When is the deadline and how to submit."

Wang Hui was surprised when he heard it, but he asked for certainty: "Are you willing to contribute?"


Wang Hui was very happy to hear Sun Chao's exact answer, and he didn't think there was anything wrong with Sun Chao just humming. Isn't it normal for writers to think and react a little differently from us ordinary people?

"The deadline is before the end of the month. You can search the official website of our literary publishing house. There is information on the call for papers on it. Just submit your paper directly. By the way, mark your author's name. I will call you when the results come out."

Others don't have this kind of treatment, they can only check the results on the official website by themselves, but [Mouse] was personally invited by him, so of course he has to notify the result himself.

"It's okay, then I'll hang up."


Sun Chao saw that the car he was going to take had arrived, so he hung up the phone hastily.

They arrived at home at [-]:[-]. After the lunch gathering, the homeroom teacher took the three of them to chat for a long time, and the three of them scribbled for a while when they arrived at the dormitory.

It's time to get home.

As soon as he entered the yard, he could smell the aroma of rice, so Sun Chao walked directly to the kitchen with his suitcase.

Sun Chao's mother also came out when she heard the sound of the suitcase and said in surprise, "Xiao Chao is back, how is the exam?"

Before Sun Chao could speak, the younger brother also entered the house. After seeing Sun Chao, he also asked: "Brother, you are back, how did you do in the exam?"

After listening to the younger brother's question, he said: "The number one scholar in science can't escape."

Sun Shuai ran over and hugged Sun Chao and shouted, "My brother is the best."

Sun Chao's mother also kept talking about it.

Sun Chao didn't see his father and asked, "Mom, my father hasn't come back yet?"

"I called and said that I will be home at about three o'clock tomorrow."

"What number can Xiaochao check his grades?"

"number 26."

Sun Chao's mother calculated in her heart, "It will take another seventeen days."

"But it's fast, it will be here in a blink of an eye."

"What about you, little brother? How are your grades now? I saw you the last two days and didn't have time to ask." Sun Chao turned to ask his little brother.

"I was number one in my grade in the last monthly exam!"

My mother was dismantling the stage: "I only took the first place in the test once, and I took the second No.3 in the rest of the time."

Sun Chao just looked at the younger brother who was smiling all over his face one second and his mouth fell down the next second.

Sun Chao hastened to smooth things over: "Little brother, isn't it better to take the test every time? Let alone the first place in the grade this time, even if you keep the second or third place, it's not 01:30 points better than before."

Seeing the bitter and bitter expression of the younger brother, the mother also echoed: "Yes, yes, it's great now."

After complimenting Sun Shuai for a few words, he started to praise Sun Chao as soon as his painting style changed: "Do you know how good your brother's grades are, the first in the whole grade and a lot higher than No.2, I listen to you Brother's classmates call him Xueshen, when I went to the parent meeting last time, many parents praised your brother, do you know how to give your mother more face?"

Speaking of this, he thought of the sisters and children from his natal family.

He urged Sun Shuai to do his homework, and when he saw his youngest son entering the house, he dragged Sun Chao into the kitchen.

 There is an investment share on the homepage, let's invest.

(End of this chapter)

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