Chapter 111
"You two brothers are so proud of me. I am in a very good mood when I go to work now." Sun Chao's father said in a good mood.

At seven o'clock the next morning, Sun Chao planned to go to the field with his parents.

My mother also carefully prepared an old long-sleeved coat for Sun Chao, put a straw hat on Sun Chao, and took a towel for Sun Chao to hang around his neck.

Putting on a set of equipment, the old farmer dressed up immediately, and my mother prepared the same set of equipment for the three of them.

Sun Chao and his mother each carried a basket, and Sun Chao's father pushed a cart behind, intending to break off the corn and transport it home.

The three of them walked towards the corn field. When they reached the end of the field, Sun Chao felt that it was so spectacular that he could not see the end at all when he saw the large field of corn.

When the family of three arrived at the field, Sun Chao saw that some people who had gone out earlier had already started breaking corn, and the field was piled up quite a bit.

Although Sun Chao's family has a field, the number of times Sun Chao went to the field in his previous life can only be counted on one hand.

One is that the land in the family is really small, and the other is that Sun Chao was still in school when the farming season started, and the family’s food had already been harvested when the summer vacation began.

The three of them occupied one place and started today's big corn breaking business.

An hour later, Sun Chao felt that his wrists and neck were so itchy that he couldn't stand it. Anyone who has broken corn's shoes should know this feeling.

Sun Chao looked up and saw that his father and mother were still breaking the corn quickly.

It was as if he didn't feel any discomfort at all, and he was still breaking it vigorously.

Sun Chao saw that his parents were still busy, so he was really embarrassed to say that he should take a break. Now that he is an adult, how can he be so hypocritical.

Sun Chao stopped, put the basket directly on the ground, took off the towel hanging around his neck and put it on his head, and then put on the hat that he took off so that his neck could be covered completely. Avoid being brushed by the leaves of cornstalks.

As for the arm, Sun Chao has nothing to do.

In one day, the family of three harvested all the corn and transported it all back to the yard at home. Sun Chao and his mother were responsible for breaking it, and Sun Chao's father was responsible for transporting it home.

After dinner at night, Sun Chao rushed directly to the bathroom.

Parents laughed when they saw Sun Chao like this.

Sun Chao collapsed directly on the bed after taking a shower, his face and neck were itchy all day long.

Moreover, Sun Chao's exposed skin was extremely red after being exposed to the sun for a day.

The next day he planned to harvest rice, but Sun Chao was always woken up by his mother in the morning, and his biological clock completely failed.

When it comes to cutting small rice with a sickle, all the friends in the countryside should have done this job.

Hold a handful of ears of rice with your left hand, and hold a sickle in your right hand to start cutting from the bottom of the small rice stalks. If you still don’t know, then watch how Heiwa cuts wheat in the TV series Bailuyuan. The method is the same.

Then pull the rice back to a relatively spacious place in the house, use a thresher to separate it, and finally store it in bags.

Sun Chao spent the past few days breaking corn, harvesting rice, threshing, drying rice, and cutting corn stalks.

In a few days, Sun Chao was tanned by more than one degree.

Sun Chao is resting today. Today Sun Chao is in charge of peeling corn at home, and his parents are going to plow the fields today.

Sun Chao's parents saw that Sun Chao was a little tired these days, so they let him rest at home for a day.

Looking at the corn in the yard, Sun Chao felt like, when will it be peeled.

When Sun Chao was so emotional when he was a child, Sun Chao's mother would laugh and say: "I'm worried here before I do it. If you peel it off, you will lose one."

Sun Chao was still competing with the corn in the yard, when he vaguely heard a sound outside the gate.

Taking advantage of the situation, he looked up and saw three people walking towards his home with big bags and small bags. Sun Chao carefully identified them and found that they were two acquaintances, no!Count three.

Those who came to Sun Chao's house were Zhou Dongdong and his parents.

Sun Chao stood up directly from the bench, patted the corn whiskers on his hands, and greeted him.

"Aunt Xu, Uncle, why are you here, Winter Melon?"

Aunt Xu said happily: "I originally planned to come here after getting the admission notice, but when your uncle came back, he said he wanted to come here as soon as possible. We rushed over after we finished our business at home."

"Aunt Xu, Uncle and Dongdong, please come in. Sun Chao welcomed the three of them into the main room and sat down on the sofa. Sun Chao quickly poured a glass of water for each of them."

"Aunt Xu, sit down first, I'll go to the field and call my parents back."

Aunt Xu stood up straight away: "Tell me where the land is. I'll go and see how much work is left to be done. I'll also drop by to help."

"You don't need to take me there, just tell me where your parents are. I'm familiar with this place."

This put Sun Chao in a difficult situation. Seeing Sun Chao's expression, Zhou Dongdong's mother immediately made a decision: "You and Dongdong can peel corn at home, and your uncle and I will go to the field."

That's all right, the elders have spoken, Sun Chao can only tell the location to two people, and after hearing the location, the two hurried to the field.

Sun Chao and Zhou Dongdong were left looking at each other.

"Come on, let's peel the corn."

"it is good!"

Hearing Zhou Dongdong's simple reply, Sun Chao thought in his heart that Donggua was very talkative before, why is he so shy now.

In fact, Sun Chao was thinking too much. It was because of the change of the environment that he talked less. After a while, Sun Chao knew that he was thinking too much.

Sun Chao brought a small bench to Zhou Dongdong, and the two began to peel the corn.

Sun Chao broke the silence first.

"Have you figured out which schools and majors to go to?"

Zhou Dongdong said very excitedly: "I estimate that my score is about 580 points. If you have passed the score line in one book, you can choose more."

"Then what major do you want to study?"

When Zhou Dongdong mentioned this, he even stopped peeling the corn. "I discussed with my parents and planned to apply for business management and accounting. My father said that these two majors will make it easier to find a job in the future."

"Brother Chao, which major do you think is more suitable for me?"

Sun Chao thought for a while and thought that both of them should be easy to find a job.

"Both are fine! It depends on which one you like better."

Zhou Dongdong picked up another corn and replied while peeling: "I don't know what I like, but my dad thinks these two majors are good, so I choose one to study, and I don't know which one to choose."

Sun Chao still prefers a diploma in management as a major. An ordinary one does not have much room for improvement in future work. Accounting, if Zhou Dongdong takes good classes in college, he will not worry about finding a job in the future. In comparison, it is a little bit take it easy.

Sun Chao thought about it for a while and decided to express his own opinion, "If I had to choose, I might choose accounting, because the degree is still a bit low for the management major, and there is not much room for advancement in the future. "

"If you want to study accounting, you need to get all the certificates you need to take. Then it will be easier to find a job in the future, and the salary should not be too low."

"These are my suggestions for you. You still have to decide what major to choose."

"Then I will listen to you and choose an accountant.

After listening to Sun Chao's analysis, Zhou Dongdong felt that this was the case. Anyway, he didn't think about what major to choose.

My parents asked me to choose again, otherwise I would choose an accountant.

Sun Chao laughed dumbfounded when he heard this: "This is a big deal, don't just listen to me, you have to make your own decision in the end, your parents let you think it through before you choose, you can think about it, there is still time for you to think about it think."

"Or you can think about whether there is a major you like more, or you can tell your parents."

"I believe that your parents will generally agree with it, except for special unpopular majors."

"These two majors that your parents have selected for you mainly give priority to employment after graduation."

"The two selected for you are indeed easier to find a job, but the premise is that you have taken good classes in college."

Sun Chao found that the speed of the two of them was much faster, and the corn cobs piled up in a pile of kung fu for a while.

Zhou Dongdong is now worrying that he doesn't have a favorite major.

He turned around and asked Sun Chao, "Brother Chao, what major do you plan to study?"

(End of this chapter)

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