Chapter 116 Surprise One
Just now, when Sun Chao and the teachers of the two universities said that he would go to the same school with his classmates, Sun Chao's mother guessed that it was those two children.

After Sun Chao finished speaking, he went out to answer the phone, but Sun Chao's father was confused.

"There are two other students in my son's class who also have very good grades. They may have made an appointment to go to a university together."

Sun Chao's father understood the meaning of his son's words only after hearing his mother's explanation.

When the teachers in Qingbei heard that Sun Chao was planning to go to Peking University, the teachers in Peking University were of course overjoyed, but the teachers in Tsinghua University were not so good-looking.

After staying for a while, seeing that Sun Chao was determined to go to Peking University, the teachers were inevitably a little disappointed, and drove away after saying hello.

At noon, Sun Chao's family and Peking University teachers had a meal in the town. Sun Chao heard that they had decided to live in the county directly. The three of them planned to stay in the county for a few days to fill out volunteers with him. This is because I am afraid that something unexpected will happen in the middle.

Sun Chao was a little excited during the meal, not because of his college entrance examination results, because Sun Chao had expected it a long time ago, and he was excited that he would be able to tell his parents that he was making money in the afternoon.

Dad no longer has to go out to work.

Sun Chao became more and more excited when he thought about it. Seeing Sun Chao like this, Sun Chao's parents thought that Sun Chao had just recovered and started to get excited now.

As soon as Sun Chao got home, he pulled his parents to the sofa and sat down.

"Mom and Dad, sit down."

Sun Chao's parents were confused, and they sat down when they saw their son so excited.

"Today, my son is telling your elder brother a big surprise."

Sun Shuai was the most excited when he heard this, because he was the only one who knew what his brother was going to say.

"What a surprise, it's so formal, just say no."

"Anyway, it's not as surprising as your admission to Peking University." Sun Chao's mother said.

When Sun Chao’s mother was on the way to dinner, as long as someone she knew asked her, she would start to show off that her son was admitted to Peking University.

That complacency really puts the spring breeze on his face.

Sun Chao saw that the two elders sat down, then turned around and walked to the bedroom.

Sun Chao took out the computer bag and suitcase from the bedroom, and placed the computer bag directly on the living room table.

Sun Chao ignored his parents' confused expressions.

Beginning to take out one by one, Sun Chao first took out the presents bought for his parents, both of which were packaged.

Sun Chao took out the computer again,

When he saw Sun Chao took out the computer, his father was not calm. Although he didn't have a computer, he still had knowledge, and computers were not cheap.

Sun Chao didn't give Sun Chao's father a chance to ask questions, so he changed hands and took out the mobile phone from his pants pocket and put it on the table.

Sun Chao's mother doesn't know how much a computer costs, but she knows about a mobile phone. Such a small mobile phone costs several thousand.

Sun Chao's mother started thinking about it crazily, her son must have done something illegal.

Sun Chao's actions still did not stop, and then he also took out the real estate certificates of the four houses in the city that had already been distinguished.

Sun Chao's father couldn't sit still after seeing the real estate certificate, and stood up directly.

"This, this..."

Sun Chao's mother has never seen the real estate certificate, but Sun Chao's father has.

Seeing his father standing up straight away, Sun Chao quickly said, "Dad, don't get excited, sit down and talk."

Sun Chao was afraid that his father's blood pressure would come up, so he hurriedly comforted him.

Before Sun Chao's father could speak, his mother spoke first, and said tremblingly, "Xiao...Xiao Chao, you won't do anything illegal."

Sun Chao couldn't help but smile bitterly, he only thought that his parents would be very excited, but what and what is breaking the law, his mother's imagination is rich enough.

"Mom, your son, am I such a person!"

"Then why do you have so much money?" Sun Chao's father still didn't believe it.

"I wrote a few novels on the Internet and made some money by publishing them." Sun Chao turned on the computer while talking, and his parents would not believe it if they saw it with their own eyes.

These things were bought with the money I earned from writing novels.

Sun Shuai nodded frantically.

Sun Chao's mother looked at Sun Shuai suspiciously, "Did you already know?"

Sun Shuai shook his head quickly.

Then your head nods like a chicken pecking at rice.

Sun Shuai "..."

Can I say I knew it earlier!That's absolutely not possible!

If he said so, Sun Shuai felt that he would not have a good time this summer vacation.

Sun Shuai thought so in his heart, shrank his neck and took two steps back, it is better to leave the battlefield as soon as possible.

Out of the corner of his eye, Sun Chao saw Sun Shuai's little tricks, this little clever ghost.

After Sun Chao opened the webpage to his writer background, he turned the computer to his father.

"There are income details and ID card information on it. This can't be faked."

What Sun Chao showed his father was the [Mouse] account.

After Sun Chao finished speaking, he went to his father's side.

Sun Chao's father flipped through it dubiously, clicked on the personal information page, and Sun Chao opened the text message on his phone and gave it to his father.

Dad now almost believes that his son has made so much money writing books.

Although I believed it, I was shocked when I saw the amount on the text message.

"You earn more than 200 million yuan a month!" Just now he was only in shock, but now he looked at the text messages on his phone and yelled.

"What are you doing, you startled me." Sun Chao's mother patted her chest, she was distracted just now, and this sound was really startling.

Sun Chao's mother was patting her chest when she suddenly remembered what her husband said just now?
"More than 200 million!" Sun Chao's mother stood up unsteadily and asked Sun Chao loudly.

Sun Chao felt that his mother was not as calm as his father, and the voice was louder than his father's.

Sun Chao's mother quickly sat down and looked at the mobile phone in Sun Chao's father's hand. Although she didn't know many words, she still knew the numbers.

At this moment, Sun Chao's father was feeling overwhelmed, why did he feel like he was dreaming.

His son has just turned this year, yet he can earn so much money. Does he have a genius son?

Sun Chao's mother is still picking at the mobile phone in Sun Chao's father's hand to get closer to see if it is the money her husband said, but Sun Chao's father is still in a daze.

Mom took the phone directly from Dad and counted the zeros behind it.

"Ten million, one hundred thousand, one million, two and a half million."

"Son, you are fake. Where did you get this kind of text message?" Sun Chao's mother still couldn't believe it, pointing to the phone with one hand and asking Sun Chao.

Sun Chao is helpless now, it is because Sun Chao deleted the previous text message, if his parents see it, they will not believe it.

Now I don't want future generations to be able to find such text messages casually on the Internet.

Where did he get the text messages? Sun Chao himself didn't know where he could get such text messages.

"If it doesn't work, I'll give you the phone number of my editor, who is the staff member responsible for my novel, and you can call and ask?"

This is also no way.

Sun Chao's father still wanted to confirm: "Okay, you give me the phone number, I'll call and ask."

Sun Chao reported the number to his father, and after speaking the number, Sun Chao's father dialed it directly.

Zhao Liang is sitting in his exclusive office, drinking tea leisurely, and now is the happiest time he has been in the job for so long. .

"Tomb Raider Notes 4" is also over, and Sun Chao hasn't called himself to talk about opening a new book, so now he has the right to take a vacation for himself.

(End of this chapter)

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