Chapter 119 Reform
"Xiao Chao, do you also think that doing decoration can make money?"

As soon as this topic was mentioned, Sun Chao saw his father's eyes light up.

Sun Chao heard "yes" from his father's words, so his father also thought about coming out to do decorations before?

"Dad, have you ever thought about coming out and forming a team to do decorations?"

Speaking of this father, his spirit is different: "I didn't have any money before, and I just thought about this idea in my head, and I didn't dare to bet that after all, I will earn tuition fees for you. Now that you have made money, I don't need it." I am worried that I will not make money, so I want to give it a try now.”

"Then when we go tomorrow, we'll see if we can buy a shop near the original store for your decoration, how about it?"

"You really have money?"

Hearing his father's question, Sun Chao sat directly in front of the computer: "Dad, give me the bank card number at home, and I will transfer the money to you."

After Sun Chao got his father's bank card number, he handed the bank card back to his father.

Sun Chao's transfer time is very fast now, and the bank has already upgraded his treatment.

What's more, Sun Chao's card and his parents' cards are both in the same bank: "It will be there in a while."

Sun Chao's father saw with his own eyes that the amount Sun Chao entered was 300 million.

"Xiao Chao, you transferred it to me, do you still have any money?"

"Dad, don't worry, the novels I finished before will continue to earn income."

"That's fine, keep some money with you, but don't waste money, if you can't write other novels, at least you have money with you."

"Don't be extravagant, save it for later just in case."

"dont you agree."

Sun Chao nodded.

"If you need money urgently in the future, don't spend it all."

I will use a little of the money to decorate the facade and the small courtyard, and save the rest for you. I am not in a hurry to buy the facade house now, and I will talk about it later. "

Sun Chao thinks why save the money, it is better to buy a house.

"Father, when we go tomorrow, we will buy the facade first. After all, we will need it sooner or later. If you are not in a hurry to open the store, you can rent it out. This way, you can still have an income, and the money will not increase much."

It seems to work too.

"That's fine! I'll drop by tomorrow to see if there's anything suitable."

Hearing that his brother and father had finished talking, Sun Shuai finally had a chance to intervene.

"Brother, what novel did you write? Show me."

Sun Chao felt that Sun Shuai had finished the exam now, and he had nothing to do at home when he was idle.

"That's fine, you can use my computer to watch."

"But you can't control your time by yourself. It's too hurtful for your eyes to hold the computer all the time. If I see you holding the computer and watching, I'll just put the computer away, okay?"

"No problem!" Sun Shuai said confidently.

After sending the younger brother away, I remembered what my father said about renovating the house.

"Dad, the small courtyard has already been renovated. I have replaced all the previous furniture with new ones. If you are not satisfied, you can install them. Moreover, all the things in the house are available, and you can move in with your bags."

"We can bring some clothes with us when we go tomorrow, and we can live directly in the small courtyard at night. On the 28th, I will drive to the school to fill in the volunteers."

Dad looked surprised: "You can drive?"

I can't hide this from the point of view.

Sun Chao could only bite the bullet and said, "I didn't go to make up lessons during the winter vacation. I went to Shanghai to buy a house and learn a driver's license."

Hastily added another sentence: "You must not tell my mother."

"I said there's nothing wrong with it. It turns out that you went to Shanghai, so when did you buy the house in the city?"

well!Sun Chao sighed in his heart, the lie was immediately exposed.

Sun Chao had no choice but to tell the truth: "I asked for leave to buy it. I didn't hide it on purpose. I didn't want you to worry."

"Brat." Dad patted Sun Chao on the head when he heard it.

"You are quite courageous."

Sun Chao clasped his hands together with a flattering face, please, please.

"Okay, don't tell your mother, she knows and has to worry."

The beating was finally avoided.

Sun Chao was lucky to escape the catastrophe here, and something happened to Zhao Liang that shouldn't have happened at this time.

The editorial group has been changed to category grouping, that is, the author will automatically be classified into the corresponding category editing group after selecting the subject matter.

In the past, everyone reviewed novels of any category as a group, and as long as you read them and thought they were worth signing, you could send the author a signing message, but now it is not.

In the past, you could write about any subject matter, and the editor was still the original editor, and you could always cooperate with the editor you liked.

Each category is now reorganized to add an editor-in-chief.

For example.

If you are an author, you don’t want to give up the category you have been working on for so long, but you want to write on another subject.

Then you have to get used to the new editor, and the new editor is not familiar with your previous style.

In the same way, if you are an editor, you can’t only read novels of one genre. If you encounter a novel that you think may become popular, as long as it is not the category you are responsible for, you can only stare blankly.

Category and category are completely different, unpopular and popular are two concepts,

Now many editors are worried about whether they will be assigned to the unpopular category, so what should they do!
In that way, I can only watch other editors release blockbusters every year, and I can't pick a leader under my own hands, and I will be envious of everyone.

This gossip was controversial as soon as it came out. If it is confirmed to be true, many authors and editors will have no choice but to break up because of the subject matter of the new book.

As long as the information is confirmed to be true, such examples abound.

The editor-in-chief Tian Guang communicated with the leaders for many days, and finally received the official implementation document.

In fact, Tian Guang can also understand the reform approach above. After all, the starting point is to grow bigger and bigger. If there is no change, the new editor will have no chance at all.

Those writers who have made achievements are firmly in the hands of the old editors. In recent years, there are only a few newcomers left in each batch, just like Zhao Liang's batch which only left two.

Moreover, after this division, each of them reads a category of books, and each category can be developed, and books with potential can be better selected.Otherwise, the explosive models will always be classified into those few categories, which will not be conducive to future development.

According to the original track, this matter will not be implemented until [-]. I don't know if it is because of Sun Chao's appearance or because this is a parallel time and space. This matter happened earlier than now.

Now the editorial department is in a state of panic. Although the official document has not yet been released, this matter has been widely spread.

Zhao Liang is worried in the office now, the editor-in-chief called himself over when he went to work in the afternoon, and now he can be the editor-in-chief ahead of schedule.

After this sub-category, Zhao Liang is also the editor-in-chief.

But he still hasn't figured out which category he wants to go to. After all, Sun Chao's books are all in different categories.

I also very much believe that Sun Chao will not write a classification honestly.

Now he doesn't have much time to think about it, and the time given to him by the deputy editor-in-chief is before he gets off work today.

The announcement will be officially posted tomorrow.

When it was almost time to get off work, Zhao Liang still couldn't make a choice, so he called Sun Chao directly.

At this moment, Sun Chao was still discussing with his father how to decorate the front room, when the phone rang.

Sun Chao took it out and saw that it was Zhao Liang's phone.

"Dad, I'll answer the phone. My editor is calling."

Sun Chao's father also saw the name on the note: "Hurry up and pick it up, don't be in a hurry to call at night."

Sun Chao didn't avoid his father either, and picked it up directly.

(End of this chapter)

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