Chapter 125 Go to the county seat

Sun Chao lay on the chair leisurely and said, "Law is among the majors that read the most books."

"There are many books in most of the tomes, enough for you to memorize."

Zhang Wei had a frightened expression on his face: "Really, Brother Chao, don't fool me! I'm not stupid so I don't believe it."

Sun Chao was not answering the call, and looked at the fat man with a smile.

After watching for a few seconds, Zhang Wei found that Brother Chao didn't mean to be joking at all.

Zhang Wei believed it.

"Then, when I go to school to fill out my application, I will change my major. What do you two think?"

Sun Chao didn't want Fatty to give up his favorite major because of laziness, so he said comfortingly: "It's okay! I may also minor in law after I go to college. If you really don't understand anything, Fatty, you can ask me. "

Zhang Wei was surprised when he heard it: "It's true! Brother Chao, don't lie to me, I'm serious!"

"Do you have any other lines today? This one is always true and false! True and false! Whoever lies to you, why do you have money!" Wang Bin said with a roll of his eyes.

"Isn't this, the meeting has been stimulated too much?"


"Fatty Binbin, have you applied for your driver's license? When will you start learning?"

"I have already signed up, and the notice said that the study will start in five or six days, and the specific time will have to wait for the notice."

"You two signed up together?"

"Yes, this way we can be each other's companions."

"Where did you live when you got your driver's license test, fat man?"

"Of course it's my home. The driving school is not far from my home." Wang Bin raised his hand and said.

After chatting for a few more words, Sun Chao checked the time and found that it was almost eleven o'clock.

Quickly said: "Clean it up quickly, don't expect me to clean it up, I was the one who cleaned it up when I was drinking last time."

"Small, I'll pack it up in a while."

The three of them drank two or three bottles of beer each, just chatting all the time.

The three of them are all in good condition, and the amount of alcohol they drink at the beginning is not bad.

Sun Chao didn't feel that he drank too much, but he felt his stomach was full and a little dizzy.

The three of them didn't wake up until after nine o'clock the next day, and Sun Chao saw several missed calls from his father on his phone.

You don't need to guess to know that Dad is calling to ask them to go back to have breakfast.

Sun Chao called his father directly and said that they were going back for lunch.

After washing up, the three of them went straight to Electronics Street. Today, Wang Bin had to fulfill his promise to buy MP3 for Fatty.

Before the college entrance examination, the two bet on what to say, and whoever scored lower in the college entrance examination would give the other an MP3.

Even Fatty forgot, it was only yesterday that Wang Bin himself remembered such a thing.

When the three of them came out from Electronics Street, each of them took one in their hands.

The fat man insisted on buying one for each person, and the one for Sun Chao was paid for by the fat man. Wang Bin bought two and kept one for himself, and lost the other in a bet to the fat man.

The three of them fiddled with the new toys in their hands, and walked all the way to Sun Chao's house.

Sun Chao discovered that he had never heard many of these so-called popular new songs downloaded.

Now Sun Chao has calmed down, he didn't just get into the horns of his head like he did at the beginning, and just let nature take its course.

In the afternoon, Sun Chao's parents went to see the facade of the house. Sun Chao didn't want to go and directly gave his father the phone number of the intermediary when he bought the house.

Sun Chao and Fatty Wang Bin nestled in the house on the side of Tianshan Oasis, bragging and farting while blowing on the air conditioner.

Time flies and it's time to fill in the volunteers.

At six o'clock in the morning, when Sun Chao came out of the bedroom in a daze, he saw Fatty and Wang Bin already smirking in the mirror in the living room.

Wang Bin was taking care of his curly hair, and the fat man was picking out clothes in front of the mirror.

"What the hell are you two doing? It's early in the morning."

"I'm going to fill out the application today and I have to take graduation photos. I have to dress up handsomely." The fat man said without taking his eyes off the mirror.

Wang Bin turned to look at Sun Chao, "You said when will my hair be permed, and your hair is growing now, do you want to perm it too?"

"I don't need mine. Who told you that you can't clean it yourself? If you can do styling yourself, you don't have to iron it."

Fatty is very satisfied with his current hairstyle, and he doesn't have the worries of Wang Bin and Sun Chao.

Wang Bin immediately said with dissatisfaction: "Brother Chao, you are murderous, if I know how to mess with my hair, why would I perm my hair?"

Sun Chao shrugged, without speaking, he turned and walked towards the sink.

Wang Bin: "..."

Fatty watched the whole show.

Four or 10 minutes later, the three of them walked to the car with breakfast from the small courtyard, and the three of them ate breakfast all the way to the county No. [-] middle school.

"Brother Chao, Auntie's food is also delicious. It's more than 01:30 better than my mother's food." Wang Bin boasted while eating.

The fat man still had food in his mouth that he hadn't had time to swallow, so he said vaguely: "It's not too late, Mom's cooking is delicious."

Sun Chao looked proud: "I also think the food my mother cooks is delicious."

An hour and a half later, the three arrived at the school gate.

Sun Chao found a place out of the way and stopped the car.

"Come on, let's go in."

The fat man said puzzledly: "Brother Chao, why don't we just drive in the car and get off next to the students, how handsome it is."

Wang Bin joked on the side: "You want to be the focus, right? Do you want to see it when you go?"

Wang Bin raised his chin to signal the fat man to look over.

"The banner of the three of us is already hanging in the school. Are you driving in because you want to be watched like monkeys?"

"Then forget it."

Sun Chao smiled and didn't answer.

Both of them were used to Sun Chao watching the show while they were arguing.

The three entered the campus together and walked to the class.

When the three of them arrived, there were already many people in the class.

There are three other members of society in the class, and the one sitting by the back door is the teacher from the Admissions Office of Peking University.

Sun Chao saw that the head teacher was also in the class, sitting there chatting with the teachers from Peking University.

The class teacher saw three people coming in, and the smiles on their faces were so bright.

After the three of them entered the class, they greeted the classmates together. Before they reached the head teacher, the three of them were surrounded by the classmates.

"Brother Chao, have the three of you been admitted to Peking University first?"

"Wang Bin, is this true?"

"Your test scores are too high."

Some asked questions and some were discussing the three of them.

"Our school will become very famous this year."

"It's not that the three of Brother Chao are fighting for their strength."

"I think Brother Chao can really be called my student god."

"Did you know that! Brother Chao's nickname of the God of Learning has long been known in our county."

"Go out and ask any student, who doesn't know that there is a student god named Sun Chao in our No. [-] Middle School."

"Sun Chao is this year's provincial top scorer in science, and Zhang Wei also did very well in the exam. He is this year's second place."

"There is also Wang Bin, although he did not enter the top three, but he also got No.4, which is also very good."

"It's really the latecomers who come first. They have been wasted for nearly a year, and they can still get such good results in the college entrance examination."

"Speaking of it, it's Brother Chao's credit. If it wasn't for Brother Chao, the two of them might not have been able to get such good grades in the exam."

"I really want to have such a good brother."

"That's what I said, ask the students in the class who is not envious."

 Add two more chapters today and ask for a monthly ticket
(End of this chapter)

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