Chapter 127 Unpacking Gifts

"Brother Chao, you are so popular." The fat man kept talking while putting the gift in the trunk. "You don't have it too."

"The two of us have one box, Sun Chao and you have two boxes."

Sun Chao only now asked his doubts: "Why didn't I know that I should prepare a graduation gift?"

Both Wang Bin and Zhang Wei looked strange, "Who told you that this is a graduation gift that everyone should prepare?"

Sun Chao looked confused and pointed at the school with his hand: "It was the classmate who took a photo with me who said it, and said that everyone has me, and I only accepted it when I saw you both have it."

Only Sun Chao would believe this reason.

"Brother Chao, I'm really worried about your EQ, do you believe this reason?" Wang Bin had a constipated expression on his face.

Zhang Wei also nodded heavily in sympathy.

The more they said that Sun Chaoyue was confused, pinching his waist with one hand and gesticulating with the other, when they planned to talk about this topic in depth.

Zhang Wei and Wang Bin didn't give him this opportunity at all, and they opened the door and got into the car.

It made Sun Chao stand there alone.

There was no way for Sun Chao to open the driver's door and sit in.

The fat man reached out and took the gift he had received to the back seat. Seeing the exquisitely packaged box, he asked Wang Bin curiously, "What do you think is inside?"

"You'll know if you take it apart."

"Then I'll take it apart."

The first thing Zhang Wei unwrapped was a gift that was a little bigger than a book and wrapped in blue.

Zhang Wei opened it and saw that it was really a book called "To Our Simple Little Beauty".

Wang Bin took it over and looked at it, "Is this novel good? It should have been put on the shelves of bookstores recently."

As soon as Sun Chao started the car, he saw that the gift that the fat man took out was his own novel.

Before Sun Chao sent the novel to the publishing house, he never saw the physical book. He waited for a long time until the graduation season to release it.

"Fatty, what you have in your hand is my novel."

Zhang Wei: "..."

Wang Bin: "..."

The two looked at each other.

"Is it such a coincidence?" Wang Bin said.

"It's not right, this book has just been published, you didn't have time to write novels before."

"Yeah, we didn't see you write either."

"Hey! To be honest, no one believes it anymore. This was written during the winter vacation. Who knows that the publishing house only publishes physical books now."

"Brother Chao, sign me if you have time, I have to show off at school."

"If you think too much, no one in Peking University may know about this novel." Wang Bin said with cold water.

"Then no one reads novels?"

"There are only a few parts."

"That's all right! Binbin, how do you know so clearly?"

"Didn't I say it last time, what brains do you have, you lost your brains after the college entrance examination."

Sun Chao also said from the side: "Fatty, you have lost your mind to school."

The fat man patted his forehead.

"Hehehe! I didn't remember."

"Look what else is there?"

Wang Bin dismantled it again, and one turned out to be a photo album.

Behind it all is this book.

The fat man received six gifts, three Sun Chao's books, one photo album, and two mobile phone accessories.

"Brother Chao, your book is selling really well."

"Binbin, open your gift and see if there is any book by Brother Chao."

"I'll go back and take it apart."

"Brother Chao, how about I unwrap the gift for you?"

"You take it apart."

After hearing what Sun Chao said, the fat man bent down to the trunk and emptied out the entire box.

The two of them dismantled it in the back row, startled, as if dismantling a blind box.

Fatty's action was the quickest to open one first.

When Zhang Wei got it, he felt quite heavy.

When I opened it, it was a crystal ball.

"Brother Chao, I took out a crystal ball with music on it."

As he spoke, he turned the music clockwork up.

There was also music playing in front of Sun Chao, but he couldn't tell what it was.

Wang Bin was holding a big gift box and opening it.

"Brother Chao, this is actually a basketball."

"Whoever gave it was very thoughtful, knowing that brother Chao likes to play." Zhang Wei said.

"Fatty, in the third year of high school, who doesn't know that Brother Chao likes to play basketball, which is called hard work? Do you have a misunderstanding of the word hard work?"

"And there is a letter, you can tell who sent it at a glance."

"Huh? It wasn't given by a girl from our class. It's called Zhao Ting. Do you know what class it is from?" Wang Bin asked.

Zhang Wei shook his head and Sun Chao didn't know either.

"This person has no sense of existence. None of the three of us know."

Brother Chao, do you have any impression of what kind of girl gave you this large gift box.

Sun Chao thought about it for a long time but couldn't remember it.

"No impression."

"Brother Chao, you said that if people knew that you didn't have the slightest impression of them, would you faint in the toilet?"

"There are so many people, all about the same height, short, fat, and thin. No matter how good my memory is, I can't tell who gave it to me."

"Straight man of steel."

The fat man whispered in Wang Bin's ear.

Fatty and Wang Bin took out the presents one after another.

Ornaments, night lights, mugs, pens, notebooks and more.

"Why Shengxiaomo" and "To Our Simple Little Beauty" also received a few copies respectively.

"Brother Chao, is your room well arranged?"

"Take what you want."

Sun Chao didn't have the idea that gifts given by others should not be given to others. If he gave it to himself, he would have the right to control it.

"Long live Brother Chao, Wang Bin also chose a pen, and the fat man took two."

Just after the division, Wang Bin also arrived home.

"Brother Chao Fatty, come in and sit for a while."

"No, I'm afraid I won't be able to leave this time. There will be plenty of opportunities in the future, so let's go first."

After greeting Wang Bin, Sun Chao turned around and drove towards Fatty's house.

It was almost ten o'clock when Sun Chao returned to the courtyard in the city.

The next morning, Sun Shuai saw a lot of things in the living room.

During the meal, Sun Shuai asked, "Why are there so many things on the coffee table in the living room, brother?"

"My classmate gave it to me, if you like it, take it."

real?Then I will take my house. "

During the meal, Sun Chao told about his plan to go to Shanghai.

"Mom and Dad! I'm going to Shanghai on the [-]rd of next month. Do you want to go play together?"

"You take your brother to play together, we won't go!"

Sun Chao's father saw that his youngest son looked yearning when Sun Chao said he was going to Shanghai.

"That's all right, little brother, are you going or not?"

"Yeah!" Sun Shuai nodded quickly.

Sun Chao’s original plan was to let his parents go to Shencheng together, let them choose the style they like, and decorate the house together with the house he left behind, but after seeing the reaction after telling his parents, Sun Chao still felt that he had to wait for a while. Waiting to mention the decoration with my parents.

Besides, Sun Chao's parents are so busy buying the facade and decorating the facade that they don't have the time to go to Shanghai.

Today Sun Chao also asked a question tentatively, as expected.

Sun Chao looked at his younger brother, let's go together on the [-]th, and I will take you to play.

Sun Chao's mother was still a little worried, "I still don't feel at ease when you two and a half older children go so far."

 Add a monthly ticket
(End of this chapter)

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