Chapter 129 Arrival
Sun Chao's little brother is so big, the farthest one has been to Pengcheng.

As soon as Sun Chao came out, he saw Zhao Liang and Ding Wen standing together and chatting.

After Sun Chao got closer, the two also saw Sun Chao.

"Why are you two here? Brother Zhao, didn't I tell you that Director Ding would come? Why don't you come here too?" Turning around, he asked Zhao Liang.

"I can't pick you up when you're here, Xiaochao, is your brother next to you?"

"Yes! Let me introduce to you that this is my brother Sun Shuai."

"Xiaoshuai, this is Director Ding, the director I mentioned, and this time it's Director Ding's crew who choose the actors."

"This is Brother Zhao, the editor-in-chief of the website where I write novels." Pointing to the two of them, he introduced.

Sun Shuai greeted his brother while listening to his introduction, "Hi, Director Ding, and Brother Zhao."

Zhao Liang felt that Sun Chao's younger brother was also quite handsome: "Xiao Shuai, your name is really suitable, you are really handsome."

"Let's go, shall we eat first or send you back to the hotel to eat?" Ding Wen nodded to Sun Shuai as a greeting.

"Let's go eat first, Director Ding."

"We ate some snack mats in the car, I'm so hungry now." Sun Chao answered.

"Brother Zhao, let's go have a meal together."


"Sun Chao, did you and your younger brother come together this time? Didn't your parents come?"

Sun Chao walked out and said, "Mom and Dad are decorating the store at home, so they don't want to come."

A group of people walked out of the station together.

"That's it."

"How did Brother Zhao come here this time?"

Zhao Liang smiled, "I drove the editor-in-chief's car this time."

"I thought Brother Zhao, you came here by taxi this time."

"Then where shall we go for dinner?" Ding Wen asked.

"Let's just eat something nearby, don't bother at this late hour."

Sun Shuai walked silently behind the three of them.

After arriving at the parking lot, Zhao Liang explained: "Director Ding, Sun Chao is taking my car. We just have something to discuss."


Sun Chao, Sun Shuai and Zhao Liang got into the car together.

Zhao Liang's car was parked relatively close, and the three sat in the car chatting while waiting for Ding Wen to drive over.

"Xiao Chao, when do you plan to publish the two books of "Full-time Master"?
"It's been a while since the book was finished, and it's better to publish it as soon as possible."

Before getting in the car, Sun Chao told him about it by phone, saying that his parents only knew about the [mouse] vest, and the other Sun Chao didn't tell his family.

That's why Zhao Liang mentioned the name "Full-time Master" to talk about two books, and the other name, Zhao Liang, was directly hidden. He believed that Sun Chao could understand what he meant.

Of course Sun Chao could understand, "I came this time to sign a contract to publish "Full-time Master"."

"Let's put the rest first. Isn't it not long before the physical book of "Little Beauty" has been on sale, and the publishing house will publish the physical book of "Full-time Master" around the same time."

"On the contrary, the contract can be signed first. Isn't the publishing house still preparing in advance?"

"That's fine! Which publishing house do you want to publish it?"

"Huaxia literature is fine, you can figure it out, just ask me to sign after the negotiation is over."

Sun Chao didn't think of telling Zhao Liang about his contribution to the magazine. In fact, Sun Chao thought that Zhao Liang knew about it.

He didn't even think about why the publisher contacted him directly this time.

"I had contacted the publishing house before, and I wanted to let the publishing house know about it. I wanted to see if I could raise the contract."

"But there are only three novels under [Mouse]'s name, and the contract will only last for a while."

Sun Chao didn't feel unhappy or anything like that, after all, outsiders didn't know that [Mouse] and [Previous Life Like a Dream] were the same author.

The share of the first novel can reach twelve points, which is still an advantage of adapting the TV series. The current share is higher than that of most authors.

"No problem! You can figure it out."

In a few words, Director Ding's car also arrived.

After driving together and eating some food nearby, Zhao Liang went back.

Sun Chao and his younger brother got into Director Ding's car together.

"I've booked the hotel near the film and television city, so it's convenient to go back and forth. I also prepared a car and a driver for you, so that it will be more convenient for you to travel."

"Then thank you Director Ding first."

Sun Chao thought of the stars mentioned by his younger brother again and asked, "Which actors did Director Ding look for? Is there anyone named Wu Xuebing who came to interview?"

"We invited you too, do you know Xiaochao?"

After a meal, Director Ding's address was changed from Sun Chao to Xiao Chao.

When Ding Wen heard Sun Chao asking Wu Xuebing, he made up his mind.

If this is known, the heroine may be her.

Sun Chao pointed to Sun Shuai, "My younger brother is his fan, and I will ask for an autograph when casting tomorrow."

"Yeah!" Sun Shuai agreed, and kept nodding his head.

Ding Wen felt relieved when he heard that Sun Shuai was not a private acquaintance but Sun Shuai was her fan.

The smile on Ding Wen's face became even brighter as he spoke.

"Then Xiaoshuai will go with us tomorrow, so we can meet many celebrities, and if Xiaoshuai meets a celebrity he likes, he can also ask for an autograph.

"I also planned to take him with me before, and I don't feel at ease leaving him alone in the hotel."

"What time did Director Ding arrange the casting in the morning?"

"Starting at nine o'clock tomorrow, I will ask the driver to wait for us at the hotel in advance."

"There is also breakfast in the hotel. If Xiaochao wants to take his brother out to eat, there are many places to eat near the hotel."

"Let's talk about it tomorrow morning." Sun Chao didn't know what time he would get up tomorrow, and it would be too late to see the time.

This trip will stay in Shencheng for a week at most, and Sun Chao is worried that his parents are not at ease.

"How many interviews has Director Ding notified? Can it be done in one day?"

"I've searched for more than 30 male and female leads, first- and second-tier stars, and small stars recommended by various companies."

"Tomorrow we can almost choose a good hero and heroine."

As long as it can be done, he still needs to find a decoration company. If it takes a few days here, Sun Chao doesn't know if he can go back in a week. This is the best.

"How long will Director Na Ding take to film this drama?"

"The filming took place very quickly. Before that, time was wasted on finding a house and contacting the title sponsor. Some big brands didn't like our TV series."

"It's just spending money."

"Didn't I roughly write out the layout of the house in my script before? It still took so long?"

"It's just that there is a description, so I need to find it a little bit, and I have to redecorate it to look like you describe."

"These are the most time-consuming, and they haven't been finished yet."

"After the male and female protagonists are determined, it is a messy thing to decide on costumes and so on."

"It will take two or three months to start filming at the earliest."

When Sun Chao heard what Ding Wen said, he really felt that filming was troublesome enough.

"Could you come, Xiaochao, when the machine is turned on?"

Two months later, Sun Chao had just started school, but he didn't have the time to go.

"It's too late, and I will start school by then."

Hearing Sun Chao say that, Ding Wen remembered, it seemed that it really coincided with Sun Chao's school start time.

"Although I can't come, I wish Director Ding's new drama a hit in advance."

Director Ding looked confident, "I believe it will be possible."

After chatting for a while, we finally arrived at the hotel.

After parking the car, the three of them walked to the hotel together.

Each entered the room.

 Ask for a monthly pass
(End of this chapter)

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