Chapter 133 Xiaobai
Of course, Sun Chao didn't need to ask. After hearing Yuan Hong's name, the image of this person appeared in Sun Chao's mind.

After all, he and Brother Hu are good friends, especially when Brother Hu got into a car accident and Yuan Hong was out of business to accompany him, it would be difficult for Sun Chao not to know him.

Brother Hu followed Sun Chao's question and said: "There is also Liu Shishi, I think she is quite suitable to play the heroine."

Sun Shuai heard Liu Shishi and said: "Brother Liu Shishi is very beautiful, he must be very suitable as the heroine."

Sun Chao directly patted Sun Shuai on the head, "Do you know what drama we are filming? It's suitable. We are discussing things, so just play and don't talk."

"Is Sun Chao your younger brother? That's right! He's so handsome." Brother Hu asked himself and answered.

When Sun Shuai heard his idol praise him for being handsome, he grinned to his ears.

When Sun Chao heard Brother Hu mention Liu Shishi's name, he felt that it didn't match the heroine's personality. Liu Shishi's appearance was too ladylike.

He said: "Yuan Hong's appearance does fit this character very well, but Liu Shishi doesn't quite match the heroine's personality."

While talking, Sun Chao saw Ding Wen come in.

"Brother Wen, do you have a favorite actress?"

Hearing Sun Chao ask about the candidate for the heroine, Ding Wen said as soon as he sat down.

"How about Chen Haohao and Jia Jinwen?"

Sun Chao remembered that Jia Jinwen should not be confinement at this time.

"Didn't Jia Jinwen just give birth? Is the figure okay?"

"Chen Haohao can take a look at it in the afternoon."

Ding Wen wasn't sure how Jia Jinwen was recovering now, so he said, "What do you think of the other Li Bing?"

After Sun Chao heard Ding Wen mention Li Bing, Sun Chao felt that the image was okay, and Sun Chao thought in his heart that if there was no more suitable one, she would be her.

"I think Li Bing and Chen Haohao are both good-looking, and their appearance is also suitable."

Brother Hu was shocked when he heard that Sun Chao had directly appointed the heroine, even though Ding Wen had said it before.

After Brother Hu was shocked, all that was left was happiness. If Li Bing was the number one female, Brother Hu felt that her status would be much higher than his own.

There are big-name actors, so I don't worry about not having ratings.

Seeing their expressions, Sun Chao coughed lightly and said, "Did the actors you mentioned come over in the afternoon? We are trying to see the acting skills."

In fact, Sun Chao also felt the need to take a look.

Although the first feeling is that the two people are suitable, if the Li Bing Ding Wen mentioned and the Li Bing Bing he knows are the same person.

Sun Chao is also not sure that the acting skills of the actors mentioned are not good enough now.

"Brother Wen, just now Brother Hu recommended Yuan Hong to me, wanting to play the heroine's younger brother."

"I think Yuan Hong's image is quite consistent with the character in the play."

"Brother Wen, go back and look at the actor's profile. If you think it's okay, then you can hire him."

"Is it okay? Brother Wen." Sun Chao still asked Ding Wen, after all, Ding Wen is the director of this drama.

"No problem, Brother Hu, is your friend far away? If not, let him come by in the afternoon for a mirror."

"I'll call him now." Brother Hu stood up and walked outside the king's gate as he spoke.

It's all trivial things, you can say that it's appropriate, as long as you come to the audition in the afternoon, if your acting skills and appearance are almost the same, you can use him. "

Now Ding Wen's coffee position is Brother Hu, an actor who has just become popular with a drama, saying that there is nothing wrong with Xiaohu.

Hu Ge only discovered today that getting a role can be so simple.

It was settled as if the two of them were joking in a few words.

Hu Ge returned from the phone call and directly picked up the water glass and said, "Then I will replace wine here with tea for myself and Yuan Hong. Thank you both first."

Ding Wen and Sun Chao also stood up: "I chose you because you are suitable. If you are not suitable, I will not choose you. Hurry up and sit down."

"Brother Hu, which agency is your agency?" Sun Chao asked after seeing that both of them sat down.

"Datang culture."

Sun Chao thought in his heart that this might be the Tangren Cultural Film and Television Company he remembered, but he didn't know if it was.

Sun Chao asked this question out of fear of any changes.

"What about Brother Wen? Which company are you from?"

Sun Chao asked Ding Wen again.

"I always thought you knew that Zhang Xiao and I belonged to the same company, otherwise I wouldn't have been able to persuade the company to make this show so easily, and Zhang Xiao has a lot of credit for it."

It turned out to be the case.

Sun Shuai listened the whole time, and he didn't understand what they were saying, so he sat on the sidelines as if he was listening to the excitement.

"Brother Nading, how many of our largest film and television companies are there?"

Ding Wen smiled wryly: "You are really a noob. Fortunately, you met me and Zhang Xiao. If you meet a bad-tempered director, you can make the director angry on your terms."

"After all, you're still a new screenwriter. If you're a famous director, one sentence can make you unable to get along in the screenwriting circle."

Listening to what Ding Wen said, Sun Chao also realized that he was very lucky not to meet the kind of irascible director Ding Wen was talking about.

Maybe Ding Wen was afraid of scaring Sun Chao and added: "After the TV series between me and Zhang Xiao is broadcast, you will no longer be a little transparent. I believe that there should be a lot of people asking you for drafts."

Sun Chao was also afraid of the scene Ding Wen mentioned, so Jing confessed: "Brother Wen, you must help me keep it safe, I don't want to be disturbed every day."

"If anyone really wants to book a script, let them contact Zhao Liang."

Ding Wen jokingly said: "Why do I feel that the starting point has become your big housekeeper?"

Sun Chao looked arrogant: "With so much share from me, I can't let them be too leisurely."

"You are really the master who does not suffer."

"Of course!" Sun Chao was not ashamed but proud.

"Real budgeting is an excellent virtue of our Chinese nation."

"It's the first time I've heard someone explain stinginess so freshly and refined."

Sun Shuai and Brother Hu were listening to their chat, and both of them laughed when they heard it.

Brother Hu just listened and did not speak. After all, they are not that familiar yet. Although he listened in a daze, it was not easy to ask.

But when Sun Chao asked about Huaxia Entertainment Company, Brother Hu told him the top companies he knew: "The top four companies are Datang Entertainment, Brother Media, Tianyi Entertainment, and Sun Media."

"What about the rankings of these companies?" Sun Chao asked curiously.

Among these companies, only Tianyi existed in the previous life, and it is not known whether Brother Media is Huayi Brothers.

Ding Wen heard Sun Chao's question and said: "In fact, they are all about the same in strength. If you insist on ranking one, two, three, Brother Media can rank No. 1, then No. 2 is Datang Entertainment, followed by Sunshine and finally Sky art."

Sun Chao was quite curious about the current strength of Hong Kong companies, so he asked, "If Hong Kong's entertainment companies are also included, where would they rank?"

Ding Wen smiled contemptuously: "The best entertainment companies are just behind us."

After hearing Ding Wen's words, Sun Chao pondered in his heart. This is still very different from his previous life. In his previous life, the Emperor Entertainment Company was very good.

How can it be ranked second, and the ranking may be even higher in [-].

Only now did Sun Chao realize that Brother Hu seemed a little too quiet. Didn’t many celebrities describe him as being out of character and boring?

Now that Brother Hu is only in his 20s, it should be more obvious. Why is he so silent?

 Add two more chapters today and ask for a monthly pass, brothers and sisters, give me the monthly pass

(End of this chapter)

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