Chapter 14 Signing
Here in the editorial department of, the new fat editor Zhao Liang is a veteran reader of online novels.

As a university major, I chose literature directly, and as a graduate internship, I went directly to the starting point of the interview. Zhao Liang was very excited when he was notified that he could come to work at the starting point.

The starting point is now in the limelight, and it is still relatively close to home.

Zhao Liang was thinking at that time, there are countless novels that can be read this time, but this wish is gradually fragmented in countless manuscripts that do not make sense and the preface and the afterword are inconsistent.

This is his third month in the job, and he hasn't seen a few books with the potential to become a hit.

The old editors have master-level writers in their hands, drinking coffee and slowly reviewing manuscripts every day, but those who have just joined the job are struggling.

Every day at work, there are countless manuscripts to read, and it is really impossible to read them all. Zhao Liang has read so many novels submitted, and there are not many novels that are expected to become popular.

This morning, he started to tidy up as soon as he went to work. After tidying up, Zhao Liang began to sit at his desk and plan to start reviewing manuscripts.

There are a lot of submissions every day. Zhao Liang now looks at the collection first, and then clicks to read a few. If he thinks it is good, he will pick it out first. Otherwise, there are so many manuscripts.

While watching, a book appeared in his field of vision, "Tomb Raiders Notes"!
The name is not bad, it should be a tomb-robbing adventure category. Recently, there are not many submissions for the adventure category, let alone tomb-robbing ones. This made Zhao Liang interested.

After reading the update, it was only [-] words.Collection, almost one hundred collections.

Fuck!This could have been possible, without recommendation or exposure, and the collection of tens of thousands of characters is almost breaking one hundred.

Today the author actually updated seven chapters, let's read the content first, and Zhao Liang couldn't wait to click on it to read it.

Zhao Liang, who was about tomb robbers, hadn't read it before, but found that the writing was sophisticated and the content was good.

Zhao Liang sat at his desk and read through [-] words at a time, still feeling unfulfilled.

when Zhao Liang saw

"This should be the torso of the human being left after the sacrifice. They cut off the head to sacrifice to heaven, and then put the body here to sacrifice to human beings." Zhao Liang's goosebumps came out. The headless corpse was placed inside.

Zhao Liang came to a conclusion after reading these tens of thousands of words, this book will definitely become a hit!

I said why there are so many favorites and recommendation tickets, and quickly send the author a signing text message to contact the author. If this is discovered by other editors, he will have nothing to do!
Editor Zhao Liang had finished sending Sun Chao the signing text message, and had been waiting by the computer. Here, Sun Chao was still typing like crazy. He didn't expect that there would be a signing text message with tens of thousands of words.

Hearing a notification sound, Sun Chao was sure that he did not log on to QQ, so the notification sound was only the starting point.

Sun Chao stopped the code and looked at it, and was shocked when he saw it. Is the editorial review of this website so fast?
Seeing the signing information, Sun Chao couldn't be happier. Just now he was worried about when he could sign the contract. Now that the signing information came, sign it, and sign the day earlier to make money.

In 04, the contract was signed and the contract was printed. There is a printing shop next to the Internet cafe.

Let’s do it tomorrow. I’ll print it when I come to code tomorrow. The post office is not far away. Today’s time is too late. I have to go back to eat later. After dinner, I may be off work.

The editor Zhao Liang here saw that the other party agreed to sign the contract, so he directly contacted Sun Chao in the background: "Hello, what is the QQ number and phone number, and I will email the contract to you.

When Sun Chao saw the editor's news, he directly sent the newly registered QQ account to the editor.

There is no way, the future generations will log in directly, and the password has long been forgotten and has gone to Java.

He couldn't remember his previous life, even if he had a good memory in this life, Sun Chao couldn't help it.

Sun Chao also didn't want to use the original QQ, and remembered the contents of the secondary school that he posted.

Forget it!

Close the starting point, click on QQ, log in the QQ account, after a while, a net name named Qing Qingsong added him, and saw that the note read: "Zhao Liang, editor in charge of starting point."

Click Add, and the other party will send a message within a few seconds.

"Hello, author of [Resembling a Dream], I am Zhao Liang, your responsible editor, and the contract has been sent to your email address. I see that your grades in this book are good, and I will continue to update it."

It is enough to update two chapters every day. I saw that you posted seven chapters today. What's the matter?

Sun Chao was dumbfounded when he saw it, and it won't work if there are too many updates?Sun Chao directly sent a question mark, thinking to himself, he should know what he meant.

At this time, the other party sent another message to ask: "Is there an outline for the novel? How many words are there?"

Sun Chao immediately replied to the editor: "There is an outline. This novel is a series of novels, about eight to nine series, and a book is probably less than 20 words!" After sending the message, the other party didn't reply for a long time.

Seeing the content of the reply here, Zhang Liang thought, this novel is a bit short!But if there is a series, that's fine too.

Seeing that the editor didn't reply to the message, Sun Chao sent another sentence: "The new book is still being updated, so I can send you the outline first!"

Editor-in-charge Zhao Liang was also very happy to see that he had sent the outline, and replied directly: "Okay!"

Sun Chao also wants to leave the matter of uploading and updating after school starts to the editor!Now there is no automatic update, he will have to stop updating as soon as school starts, otherwise Sun Chao can't put his mind on the editor.

Then I have to make a good relationship now, thinking that the operation at hand is not slow, and directly sent the outline to the editor by email.

After sending out the outline, I opened the contract and took a look, it was okay!In a normal newcomer contract, all copyrights belong to the author, that is, the Chinese copyright must be authorized to Qidian, and Qidian can help sell other copyrights, but a [-]% increase is required.

It's okay, it's just a commission fee, and it saves me a lot of trouble. I still have to go to college, but I don't have time to do it.

After reading the following code words, I wrote for another hour. When I saw the reminder that it was almost time to go on the computer, I saved the written novel to the draft box, turned off the computer and went home.

Zhao Liang, the editor in charge here, saw a new message in the QQ mailbox and immediately opened it. As he expected, it was an outline sent by [Resembling a Dream]. When he clicked on it, he saw the words: "Tomb Raider Notes: Seven Star Lu Palace"

Fifty years ago, at the Blood Corpse Tomb in Baoziling, Changsha, the ancestors of the Wu family encountered blood corpses, and only Wu Xie's grandfather, Wu Laogou, survived with the silk script of the Warring States Period.

Fifty years later, the old man with golden teeth walked into Wu Xie's antique shop with a silk book from the Warring States Period. Wu Xie's peaceful life was broken, and he began various thrilling journeys to find mysteries in the future.

Wu Xie took the silk book he took to find his third uncle Wu Sansheng. After Wu Sansheng looked at it, he found that it was a map. When it comes to Fatty Wang, this is the first time Wu Xie has gone to the ground, and it is also the first time Audio-Technica has met.This is the tomb of King Lu Shang in the Warring States Period. It is actually a tomb of the Western Zhou Dynasty. Several people encountered a thousand-year-old blood corpse in the tomb. Groups of corpses chased after it. Fox corpse, and King Lu Shang, who was in the jade terra coffin in the coffin, was still panting.

According to the records in the silk script in the purple jade box in the coffin and the explanation of Poker Bottle, the blood corpse was the owner of the jade terracotta warriors in the ancient tomb of the Western Zhou Dynasty. It was taken out of the jade terracotta warriors by King Lu Shang and became a blood corpse. After the death of King Lu Shang Entering the jade terracotta warriors, according to Boyouping, King Lu Shang was dragged out of the jade terracotta warriors by his military advisor Tie Miansheng, so it was Tie Miansheng who was strangled to death by Pokerping.In the end, Dakui died in the siege of the corpse, and all the rest escaped.The first snake eyebrow copper fish appeared in the purple gold box that Wu Xie brought out from the tomb.

After Sun Chao sent the outline to Zhao Liang, he got off the plane and went home for dinner, but he didn't know how excited Zhao Liang was after seeing the outline, so how could he be in the mood to go back to eat.

At the risk of being scolded, I called the editor-in-chief, and after talking for a long time, I got a scrap recommendation. There was no way, because the number of updated words was too small, and the time for the novel to open was too short.

When eating in the evening, Sun Chao remembered that he was going to give tutoring to his younger brother.

"Mom and Dad, I plan to make up lessons for my younger brother during the summer vacation."

"Do you have classes all day?" Dad asked.

"Give him extra lessons in the morning, let him do his summer homework in the afternoon, and let him rest in the evening."

Dad thinks this is the most reasonable.

Sun Shuai didn't object when he heard it.

In fact, Sun Shuai really wanted to improve his grades, but there was no way!There is a grade one for comparison, his grades are really not enough.

My brother's grades have improved too quickly. In just a few months, he has gone from sixth in grade to first in grade.

Sun Chao wanted to chat with his father after dinner, but Sun Chaoxin was not in his teens, and he would not be able to learn how to speak at the age of teens in a short time.

Sun Chao was also afraid that if he said too much, he would violate his peace and reveal his secrets.

just forget it.

Dad will go out at [-] o'clock tomorrow morning. The train will arrive at the city at [-] o'clock in the morning, and then take the train to the destination. Sun Chao thinks he should go to bed early, and he will send dad to the train tomorrow morning .

If I think about it, it will be the Chinese New Year, and I don’t feel sleepy when I lie on the bed, maybe because it’s still early and I can’t fall asleep.

Sun Chao remembered this time in his previous life, what were he doing at that time?
It seems that he surfs the Internet in the Internet cafe every day. I remember that his grades were not good at this time. When Sun Chao’s father asked about his grades, Sun Chao would not talk. Every time he was angry, his father didn’t want to talk to him.As time goes by, Sun Chao's father has a serious face every day in his impression, forming an image of not being talkative.

Sun Chao never dared to think about it in his previous life. When his father still hugged his shoulder and laughed heartily, thinking of these Sun Chao felt really emotional!

After a while, I thought that I could finally realize my college dream in my previous life in this life. Just thinking about Sun Chao made me look forward to college life.

Sun Chao joined the work early in his previous life. Once again, he must cherish this hard-won college life in this life!

I also remembered that I don't have to worry about money in this life, so should I take a postgraduate entrance examination?How many years have you stayed in school?

never mind!

Let's take one step at a time. After all, the plan can't keep up with the changes. After thinking about it, Sun Chao fell asleep at some point.

(End of this chapter)

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