Chapter 144

Seeing Cao Jie coming, everyone praised: "Cao Jie is awesome!"

"Meet the boss!"

"Is there still a pendant on the big brother's leg?"

Cao Jie felt like he was going to float when he saw a group of great gods boasting so much.

A decoration company in the afternoon.

Zhao Liang went back to work after having lunch with Sun Chao, but left a string of phone numbers for Sun Chao.

Sun Chao and Sun Shuai just arrived at the decoration company.

Before Sun Chao went in, he saw a crowd of people inside, and there were quite a few staff members.

"Brother, is this the store you're looking for? It looks quite impressive."

Sun Shuai looked at his brother standing opposite the store and asked.

This is a storefront on the first floor plus the second floor. The exterior of the building has also undergone a major renovation. The design is very novel, and you can see this special facade at a glance.

"Let's go, go in and have a look, this one won't disappoint me."

When Zhao Liang gave the number to Sun Chao, he said that the designer of this house is very good, but the price is higher than other houses, mainly for luxury houses.

An hour later, Sun Chao, Sun Shuai and three designers came out of the store together.

"We lead the way, and you drive behind us."

"Or you go directly to the community, and we will gather at the main entrance of the community."

"Let's act separately and gather at the facade of the community." The designer who led the team said.

"no problem."

The two cars drove towards No. [-] community together.

Not long after getting in the car, Sun Chao's cell phone rang.

Sun Chao laughed when he saw the name on the caller ID.

"Old Hu, are you busy today? Are you still free to call me?"

"Hey! Who told me to promise to take you to find delicious food? Didn't I ask for leave on purpose to take you to eat delicious food?"

"Xiao Chao, where are you? Are you still in the hotel? Or somewhere else? Shall I go pick you up?"

Brother Hu saw Zhong Liang's car that Sun Chao was riding in yesterday, so he said Jie Sun Chao in the past.

Brother Hu also knew that Sun Chao would only come to Shanghai for a few days, and it was not very convenient to travel.

"Old Hu, I'm fine, what are you doing in the hotel, I'm not far from Lujiazui, do you want to come?"

"Why did you go there? Is there something wrong? If there is something wrong, I will contact you at night." Brother Hu said suspiciously.

"If you have nothing to do, come here. I just came here to renovate the house. Next time I come here, I don't need to stay in a hotel."

"Okay, which neighborhood, I'm going there now."

"No. [-] Courtyard."

"It's not far from me. I'm in Xuhui District. I can get there in about half an hour."

"Okay! We arrived around the same time. When you arrive, I will be there too. See you at the gate of our community."

After hanging up the phone, Sun Shuai leaned his head over excitedly: "Brother, is my idol coming?"

Sun Chao tapped on Sun Shuai's protruding head: "Didn't you see it yesterday? Do you need to be so excited to see it today?"

Sun Shuai looked smug: "I am excited to see me every day."

Sun Chao patted Sun Shuai again and scolded with a smile: "No prospect."

After more than 20 minutes, Sun Chao arrived at the gate of the community.

When Sun Chao arrived, the people from the decoration company had also arrived.

Sun Chao stepped forward and said, "I have a friend over, let's go upstairs together."

Of course, the designers of the decoration company have no objection. This is a big customer, and they can earn a lot of money if they take care of this order.

Sun Chao was in the decoration company just now, and he had already communicated his requirements with the designers, and now he came here to take a look.

After waiting for a few minutes, Sun Chao saw Brother Hu's car from a distance.

After parking the car, Sun Chao saw that Brother Hu was not the only one getting out of the car, and Yuan Hong also followed.

After the two approached, Sun Chao said, "Why are you both free today?"

Brother Hu said with a smile on his face: "I almost don't have time, I was just taking pictures all morning."

Brother Hu pointed to Yuan Hong and then to himself, "It was a tossing morning for the two of us."

Yuan Hong answered with a smile: "We were surrounded by crowds as soon as we entered the company in the morning, and then we were dragged to the studio for a while to shoot. We ate box lunches in the studio at noon, and almost couldn't come out in the afternoon."

Brother Hu patted Yuan Hong on the shoulder and said, "Yuan Hong still had a lot of tricks. He directly lifted your golden thigh out, so that the two of us were able to escape."

"Hehe! My thigh is like gold." Sun Chao lifted his leg and jumped up on the spot.

Everyone: "..."


After chatting for a few more words, Sun Chao said, "Hurry up and go in, the designers of the decoration company are still waiting for us."

Several people swiped their cards together and went upstairs. After entering the room, Sun Shuai had the biggest reaction: "Brother! This house is too big."

Sun Chao heard Sun Shuai shouting at the top of his voice.

He yelled and ran around the house.

"Look at you who have never seen the world." Sun Chao cursed with a smile.

"Xiao Chao, you are too wealthy. This house must be three to four hundred square meters."

Brother Hu asked in amazement.

"I can't remember exactly about three hundred and six."

Yuan Hong gave a thumbs up after hearing this.

"Xiaochao, how about I buy a set in this community too? But I can't afford such a big one, and I can almost afford it for two hundred square meters."

Yuan Hong clasped his fists funny: "Two local tyrants, farewell!"

After speaking, he turned around and walked towards the door.

After walking a few steps, he turned his head to take a peek, and found that no one was stopping him, so he turned back and said, "You two are too inhuman, you don't want to stop me."

"Xiao Shuai, your idol is too inhuman." Pointing at Brother Hu, he said to Sun Shuai with a resentful expression on his face.

Sun Shuai covered his mouth and snickered: "Brother Yuan, I can tell that you are pretending."

"Yuan Hong, don't play tricks here, go inside and have a look." Brother Hu said.

Sun Shuai was the fastest runner, he had already slipped around.

"Brother, which room do I live in?"

Sun Chao and Hu Ge Yuan Hong walked to the room together and said, "The one with the sun room."

The bedroom that several people entered first was Sun Shuai's room that Sun Chao mentioned.

"This house also has a cloakroom? Isn't this a small bedroom?"

Sun Chao heard Yuan Hong's words and said, "There are only three bedrooms in this house, so they all have cloakrooms."

"Damn it! Just three bedrooms for three or four hundred square meters?"

Yuan Hong turned around several bedrooms on his own. When Yuan Hong arrived at the master bedroom, he found that the master bedroom was too big.

"Xiaochao, Xiaochao, your master bedroom is too big." Several people could hear Yuan Hong calling out loudly.

More than an hour later, Chao Sun and the designers left the house and took the elevator downstairs together.

"Xiaochao, did you buy this house through an intermediary? I see that the house has been renovated."

"Old Hu, are you planning to buy one here too?"

"Yes, when I saw your house, I really wanted to buy one."

"I'll give you the agent's number later."

In the afternoon, the four of them planned to find a place to sit and chat for a while.

The four of them found a teahouse, chatted for a while when they first sat down, and then played cards all afternoon. In the end, Sun Shuai won the most, and the one who lost the most was Sun Chao.

Sun Chao once again felt that poker was really not suitable for him. When he played with Sun Shuai before, he won less and lost more. This time, Sun Chao still lost the worst.

The next afternoon.

Literary Publishing House.

The directors, deputy directors, chief editors and deputy chief editors of various departments gathered in the conference room.

It's going to be a hell of a lot of noise.


As soon as editor-in-chief Yao Lihua spoke, the conference room immediately fell silent.

(End of this chapter)

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