Chapter 153
bonus!The amount of bonus is important.

Whether it can be successfully held depends on how much money the company can pay.

A few seconds later, Lu Bo continued: "The specific bonuses will be discussed by the bosses, but if the bonuses are too small, and the popular manuscripts cannot be selected in the end, then so many publicity resources will be wasted."

Tian Guang thinks this idea is okay, but the exact amount of bonus can only be discussed with the higher-ups later.
"I think Lu Bo's proposal is very good, what do you think?"

Of course, everyone has no objection. If there are good works, they will also get a bonus, especially the editor-in-chief of the unpopular department is very happy.

If the proposal can be passed this time, there will be no restrictions on the categories of creation. With so many manuscripts, it is impossible to only have popular categories. There are also manuscripts of unpopular categories. If there are too many manuscripts, there will always be excellent novels, like these unpopular categories. Department, how can we get some soup in this event.


Fans of [Mouse] have been blowing up over the past few days, and they started discussing in the comment section of [Mouse] novels.

"Did you see it? The blog is promoting [Mouse] and went to another website!!!"

"Upstairs, you haven't come to the comment area recently, right? We already knew about it a few days ago."

"Then why did [Mouse] go to other websites?

"It's depressing if you don't know. Everyone has been discussing it since the promotion began."

"I found that none of our authors came out to bubbly. I read a book called [Like a Dream] before, and the author is the same as our author."

Someone immediately answered: "So everyone also nicknamed [Mouse] Xianyu."

"I think it's right to call it a tentacle monster. You can see it with the [mouse]'s fast publishing speed. It's definitely a tentacle monster."

This made You send another sentence.

"I'll tell the fan group later, and ask the group owner to change the fan group into tentacle monsters."

Zhuzhu is also a [mouse] fan, and now he is watching everyone's discussion by the computer, and slowly he realizes how this topic has been related to nicknames, and hastily typed: "We are not discussing why the mouse will change jobs. Well, this topic has gone to Java.”

As soon as Zhuzhu finished posting, the next person answered: "Anyway, I'm where [mouse] is, isn't it just a change of website, what a big deal."

Someone below responded immediately, "Right! When [Mouse] opens a new book, I will reward him with a leader and support him."

"I also think so, whichever website pays you well, publish there. Isn't this just a matter of changing websites?"

"I really feel that the starting point is really incompetent, such a great master can't keep it."

Zhuzhu looked at everyone's chat content, and felt that it was just a matter of reading books on another website.

Sun Chao didn't know about these things on the Internet, so he went to bed early.

Early the next morning, Sun Chao uploaded the first five chapters of the new book using the newly created account.

In the beginning, Sun Chao planned to hand over the entire book to the editor, and Sun Chao was assigned an exclusive editor there.

But it seems that it is not good to let others distribute Chapter 1 of the new book, right?

In fact, Sun Chao is bored right now.

After uploading, Sun Chao remembered that Wu Zhenzhen, the supervisor, seemed to have asked him to register a blog, and Sun Chao would be fine if he was idle, so he sent a message to Wu Zhenzhen on QQ and told Wu Zhenzhen.

Sun Chao quit QQ without waiting for Wu Zhenzhen's reply.

Wu Zhenzhen was sitting in front of the computer watching [Mouse]'s response to the release of the new book, when she heard QQ ringing, and clicked on it, it turned out that it was [Mouse] who sent the blog account.

Wu Zhenzhen wants to communicate with the author [Mouse], let him greet fans on the blog, and by the way, promote the serialization of the new book.

Just as she was about to type, Wu Zhenzhen saw the head of the mouse darken.


This made Wu Zhenzhen dumbfounded, this [mouse] is really..."

Sun Chao began to code after eating like this, and it passed like this for five or six days.

Sun Chao suddenly felt really bored, nothing but code words.

Sun Chao turned on the computer and ran to the store to look around, and found that the facade was almost finished. Sun Chao remembered that Wang Bin and Fatty were there, and it would be interesting to see how miserable they were.

After checking the time between nine and ten, Sun Chao walked up to his father who was helping him and said, "Dad, I'll go to the county to find Fatty and Wang Bin to play for a while."

When Sun Chao's father heard Sun Chao calling Zhang Wei a fat man, he said, "Last time I wanted to ask, he is not fat, why do you call him a fat man?"

Sun Chao's mother laughed and said, "That's because Zhang Wei used to be fat. I told Xiao Chao earlier, but he still calls him fat."

Sun Chao said quickly: "Fatty is just a nickname, that guy is not fat anymore, I'm used to it, so I just call it that."

Sun Chao went on to say, "Mom and Dad, I went to play with them, and I will be back in the afternoon."

He added: "If something delays me, I will stay at Wang Bin's house for one night and come back tomorrow."

"Go ahead, drive slowly."

Sun Chao heard his father speak, and walked out of the store.

On the way home, I called Zhang Wei.

Zhang Wei just sat under the shade of a tree. He just got off the coach, and his clothes were completely soaked.

Now he regrets taking the driver's license test during the summer vacation.

This is really a hot dog, his face is at least two degrees darker.

Just as Wang Bin was practicing driving with you, Zhang Wei heard the phone ringing in his pocket.

He took out his mobile phone and saw that it was Sun Chao's call: "Brother Chao, why did you remember to call me when you are so busy?"

"I'm not free now, I just want to play with you, are you still practicing driving?"

"Where is the exact address of the driving school?"

"Brother Chao, you really want to come, then bring me something to eat."

"You foodie!" Sun Chao complained.

"I'll take you to improve the food at noon, that's fine." Sun Chao continued.

Hearing the address reported by the fat man, Sun Chao felt that it was quite far away.

Sun Chao went to the house and took the key and walked to the car.

Sun Chao was driving to the county.

Here is the starting point.

The notice came down this morning. When all the supervisors sat in the conference room, Dong Jian announced after seeing everyone quiet down.

"The paper solicitation activity has come to an end, and the notice is in my hands." Dong Jian also shook the document in his hand.

After saying this, Dong Jian also had a smile on his face.

"Boss! How much is the bonus for this event?"

"Is it true that there is no classification, and everyone can contribute?"

"Boss, when did this event start?"

 The next two chapters with more updates are supplementary, and in the last two days [Tears in the corner of the left eye] this big brother's tip will add more updates.Thank you for your continued support.

(End of this chapter)

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