Chapter 169 What a coincidence
Sun Chao looked at Gao Fan. He was about 1.7 meters five and wore a pair of glasses. He looked gentle.

Another roommate at the side also introduced himself: Huang Hao, from Tianjin, from the law school, and I don’t need to introduce which department I’m from, it’s just law. "

Huang Hao is about the same height as Sun Chao, but his skin is darker, and he looks more muscular with a cropped head.

"Hello, my name is Sun Chao. I am from Pengcheng, Gusu, and I am from the French Department of the School of Foreign Languages."

Gao Fan muttered when he heard Sun Chao's name, "Why is this name so familiar? Where have I heard it?"

Gao Fan's parents next to him immediately remembered Sun Chao's name, and interjected, "Sun Chao, are you the national champion with the highest score in Pengcheng?"

Gao Fan suddenly realized: "That's right! Why is this name so familiar to me, God! Your score is nearly [-] points higher than mine."

"These two are my parents." Gao Fan introduced by the way.

"Hello, aunt and uncle."

"There is a student god in our dormitory."

"It's the same, everyone is the provincial champion, and it's a fluke that I have more than a dozen points." Sun Chao waved his hand immediately, and everyone who lives in this dormitory has outstanding grades.

At this time, the door of the dormitory was opened again, and a classmate walked in with a backpack and two boxes.

"Which of the great gods you just mentioned has a score more than ten points higher than the provincial champion?"

The boy directly pulled the box and came over with a gossip face.

Sun Chao looked at the roommate who came over and thought to himself, the one who arrived last was a familiar character.

The new roommate found that everyone was looking at him, so he stretched out his hand and waved, and introduced himself with a smirk on his face: "Hello, my name is Fan Kexin, from Shanghai, Department of Computer Science, School of Information Science and Technology."

Fan Kexin is about 77 meters tall, and his appearance can only be described as mediocre.

"We don't have physics students in our dormitory?" Gao Fan suddenly remembered and said.

Fan Kexin answered first: "If it weren't for the college entrance examination, I wouldn't be able to study physics, and I would never have considered physics in college."

A few people were chatting, and the other two parents were making the bed, and the meeting was almost done.

Some parents suggested: "Let's go out to have a meal together, all the classmates together."

Both Sun Chao and Fan Kexin quickly said that they had made an appointment with their classmates. Sun Chao really made an appointment, but they didn't know if Fan Kexin had really made an appointment.

After a few more polite words, the two families left together.

"Let's go to the cafeteria to eat together." Fan Kexin said.

Sun Chao laughed and said, "Didn't you make an appointment with your classmate?"

Fan Kexin came over directly and put his arms around Sun Chao's shoulders and said, "I don't want to go, I don't know each other well and there are parents around, so I can't let go of eating together."

"What? Sun Chao, did you really make an appointment with your classmate?"

Sun Chao put his computer bag on his back and said, "Let's go! I'll call them and ask them to come to the cafeteria to find us."

As soon as he locked the door, Fan Kexin became curious again.

"Sun Chao, what did you just say is more than ten points higher than the champion? I have been chatting with you just now and I don't have time to ask."

"Fan Kexin, you are also the champion of your province."

"Yeah, what's the matter? Aren't you all?"

After speaking, Fan Kexin remembered, and said with a surprised face: "Don't tell me that you are the national champion with super high scores this year?"

Sun Chao nodded.

"My classmates used to call me Xueba, you are the god of learning."

"Everyone is the same. Our dormitory is all champions, and no one is worse than anyone else. The extra score I got was useless. I didn't think much about it at the time, but now I am asked to take the test. I will definitely pass the same test as you. In this way, I still have the same score. It can reduce the death of brain cells."

After hearing what Sun Chao said, Fan Kexin had a constipated expression on his face.

"Sun Chao, you are pretending to speak like this, do you know that?"

Sun Chao really didn't think that he really thought so, and it was enough to be admitted to Peking University.

Sun Chao didn't answer Fan Kexin's words, but Fan Kexin was a master who couldn't keep his mouth shut.

"Is the classmate you're talking about your two high school classmates?"

Sun Chao nodded.

Fan Kexin discovered that Sun Chao really didn't like to talk much, but he couldn't dispel his curiosity.

"Wait a minute, I want to see what those two gods look like. Your class is so awesome that there are three students from Peking University at once."

Sun Chao suddenly remembered that Fan Kexin also majored in computer science?That and Wang Bin should still be in the same class.

"One of them also applied for a computer, and you should still be classmates."


"That's great, I'm worried that no one in the class knows anyone."

Sun Chao called Wang Bin and Fatty and made an appointment to meet in a cafeteria.

Sun Chao saw the two of them from a distance, and found that they looked excited.

"Aren't you both tired from walking? How can you be so excited?"

The fat man spoke first: "This guy Wang Bin was sent upstairs by my senior, and I even exchanged my mobile phone number with my senior and made an appointment to have dinner together when I have time. I think Wang Bin may be our friend." The three were the first to leave the order."

Sun Chao looked at Fatty with a puzzled look on his face: "Then why are you so excited?"

"What else can I do, this guy also has a senior who wants a mobile phone number." Wang Bin also joked on the sidelines.

It turned out to be the case.

"Let me introduce to you, the person next to me is my roommate Fan Kexin majoring in computer science."

"Wang Bin, you may still be in the same class."

"I'm computer science and technology, Fan Kexin, how about you?" Wang Bin asked.

Fan Kexin said happily: "Coincidentally! Me too."

"We will be classmates from now on."

Sun Chao is still here to introduce, but Wu Zhenzhen from Jinjiang can't sit still.

Wu Zhenzhen sent a QQ message to [Mouse] before, and found that no one replied. Now she stares at QQ every time she goes to work, afraid that she will see the message from [Mouse] later.

Wu Zhenzhen couldn't sit still during the meal, so she called Sun Chao directly.

Sun Chao had just finished introducing them when he heard his cell phone ring, and said to a few people: "You guys talk, I'll answer the call."

As Sun Chao walked to the side, he took out his mobile phone from his pocket and looked at it. It turned out to be Wu Zhenzhen, the editor-in-chief of Jinjiang.
"Hello Editor-in-Chief Wu, what can I do on the phone?"

"Hello Rumeng, I called you today because I contacted [Mouse] teacher before but didn't get back to me. I have something to ask [Mouse] teacher now."

Sun Chao really didn't pay attention recently, so he asked, "What's the matter with Editor-in-Chief Wu? I can convey it to you."

After finishing speaking, Sun Chao felt that this would not work, since he still had to go to school. If the [mouse] vest had something urgent, but he couldn't get in touch with him, it would be a long-term delay. It would not be a long-term solution to convey it like this.

Sun Chao now wants to find a spokesperson for himself, commonly known as a broker.

And this matter cannot be delayed, but Sun Chao also knows that this is not something that can be done in a day or two. After the military training, Sun Chao wants to deal with this matter first.

"It's like this. Huaxia Publishing House contacted our website and wanted to sign the physical publishing right now, and the other party has opened up to fifteen points."

"I think the publishing house is still very sincere, so I contacted [Mouse] teacher. But they haven't replied to me yet."

"Please convey it to me."

This time Huaxia Publishing House is really sincere, but this novel has only been on the shelves for a few days, Huaxia Publishing House is very courageous, and they are not afraid of writing it themselves.

Anyway, Sun Chao didn't have time now, so he had to wait until he found an agent.

"Maybe I can't sign it yet, [Mouse] is very busy right now, I'll ask him to contact you when he's done."

After Wu Zhenzhen heard it, she thought in her heart, this [Reminiscence Like a Dream] and [Mouse] are not ordinary friends, they don't need to call to ask, it's so clear, can't they be a couple?

(End of this chapter)

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