Chapter 176
When Sun Chao entered the class, the noisy classroom suddenly became quiet.

Seeing everyone looking at him, Sun Chao waved his hands stiffly.

After looking around, he found that there were many empty seats in the first few rows. When Sun Chao was going to find an empty seat in the front row to sit down.

Not far away, a classmate shouted, "Sun Chao is here."

Sun Chao looked around, and Sun Chao saw that this person looked familiar, as if he was from Room 106.

It's good to have acquaintances, otherwise it would be boring to sit here by myself.

This is also a common situation that students living in the Zhuangyuan Building will face. Generally, four people in a dormitory are basically of different majors.

As soon as the school started, the students in other buildings were gathered together in the same dormitory, and only I was alone.

Sun Chao walked over to the boy.

As soon as Sun Chao sat down, the boy began to introduce himself.

"Hello Sun Chao, I'm Shen Yue from Room 106."

"We met when we were in the dormitory before."

Sun Chao nodded when he got the impression.

"I planned to come to your dormitory in the morning to ask you to come with me. I didn't expect that everyone in your dormitory would go out so early."


Shen Yue also heard that Sun Chao doesn't like to talk.

"That's right." Sun Chao recalled the scene when he came in just now.

"Why did the students react this way when they saw me?"

Sun Chao gestured for the class with his fingers.

Shen Yue said with a smile: "Isn't it natural for everyone to be curious about you, the number one scholar in the country?"

"When your photo is posted on the campus network, your information will be dug out.

"That's why the students in the class reacted like this when they saw you."

"I also saw your photo on the campus website at that time, and that's when I knew that you and I were still classmates in the same department."

Sun Chao was here to understand the situation, and other students in the class started discussing Sun Chao in a low voice.

Forty to fifty percent of Sun Chao's class are girls.

"I saw Sun Chao's photo on the Internet before and thought he was handsome, but I didn't expect him to be even more handsome than in the photo."

The two girls gathered together were discussing.

"Who says it's not? Not only is he handsome, but he also has a very good figure."

"Didn't you look at the list? Sun Chao is now the most popular school grass candidate." A girl next to him moved closer and said.

He lowered his voice and said, "I'm giving you gossip."

"What? It's about Sun Chao?"

"What gossip? Tell me quickly," the two urged together
Seeing that both of them looked curious, the girl also said happily: "Sun Chao signed up for the basketball club, and we can meet each other on the basketball court in the future. Even if we are not in good shape, we can watch him play."

After finishing speaking, he began to masturbate: "He is handsome, has a good figure, and is so tall. If he is playing basketball, he will have a sweaty shirt stuck to his chest."

After speaking, I began to imagine such a scene in my mind.

"Female hooligan."

The girl didn't answer the words, and said excitedly:

"Do you think it's possible for me to catch him if I chase him backwards?"

The girl's name is Wang Qingyi, she is about 1.6 meters five and can score [-] points in appearance.

The girl who was chatting with Wang Qingyi was called Wang Fang. Hearing that Wang Qingyi was going after Sun Chao, she commented: "Your figure and height are not bad, but your looks are a little prettier than ordinary people. You and Sun Chao don't you stand together?" I will feel that I am not as beautiful as a boy like him."

Wang Qingyi also nodded in agreement, "Why do you think you're so beautiful as a man? Are you still giving us girls a way to survive?"

"Damn it, I just imagined the feeling of us standing together. It made me feel inferior. I should change my goal."

"A beauty in the world." Wang Fang said with emotion.

A girl next to her couldn't stand it anymore, so she said, "This word is used to describe women."

There are also people in the class who are not interested in Sun Chao's appearance.

When Sun Chao was waiting for the counselor in the class, the starting point was very busy.

The ranking of this essay competition will be announced in the early morning.

Now the directors of various categories at the starting point are gathered in the conference room, and today's work is to determine the ranking, so that the propaganda department can announce it.

In the past, there was no such a large conference room at the starting point, and this large conference room was added after the editorial department was expanded.

Now the selected works have been selected, but the ranking has not yet been determined.

The other rankings have been preliminarily determined after the two-day evaluation, only the top three have not yet been determined.

The main reason why it is so difficult to rank this event is because there are too many categories, and there are both men and women.It is also a big project to find the best book among so many categories.

It's like picking the biggest one of the same kind of thing, of course it's clear at a glance, but it's not so easy to pick when there are more types.

No.4 in the top five this time is Songtao, who is also an active one in the starting point activity group, and the author is called [Monk Book].

Songtao had been writing books in the Xuanjian Shumeng, Songtao's last book was about to be finished, and the manuscript he participated in this event was the new book he originally planned to serialize in the Shumeng.

Just in time for the starting point event, Songtao has been thinking about this book for a long time, and he feels that his book will definitely win the top three.

Songtao's novel this time is still the fantasy that he is good at.Songtao, a writer, has never changed the subject matter since his first novel. All of his novels are in the fantasy genre, but Songtao's greatest strength is that he can write flowers in this single subject matter.

Moreover, it can completely break away from the shadow of the previous novel, and will not give readers the feeling of putting old wine in a new bottle. Songtao's novels are more exciting than each other.

No.5 is Fangzhong. In fact, Fangzhong can be ranked in the top five because it is written in the military category this time.

One is that there are not many submissions on this topic.

Second, the novel written by Fang Zhong is still remarkable.

The top three are Sun Chao's "Death Notice" and Wang Ming's "I'm Serious About Being a Doctor".

There is also a well-known writer in Jinjiang who is a female writer.

This writer is called [Feng Xiaoxiao] and his real name is also Feng Xiaoxiao.

Feng Xiaoxiao's idea of ​​writing this costume novel still comes from the novel of [Mouse].

At that time, Feng Xiaoxiao wanted to write a novel about women's strategy and strategy. This was a novel she had been writing, but she didn't expect to catch up with the event at the starting point, so she took advantage of the opportunity to vote for it.

The ancient costume palace fighting drama was written very wonderfully by Feng Xiaoxiao.

Three different themes, but very good. Whoever ranks first depends on the meaning of the editor-in-chief and deputy editor-in-chief.

Everyone in any department wants to get No.1, but the editors-in-chief can't do it either.

In fact, Zhao Liang felt that the No. 4 novel he picked out in the fantasy category was a bit inferior, so Zhao Liang wanted to fight for it during the meeting.

When everyone was discussing with each other, Tian Guang and Dong Jian walked in together.

Everyone stopped their discussions and looked at the two leaders who came in.

Dong Jian stood still and said:
"This time the ranking is out."

(End of this chapter)

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