Chapter 185
This Huaxia Publishing House is quite active, and it seems that there is a lot of movement in the publishing industry this time.

"How much are you willing to pay?"

Xu Chang answered immediately: "What do you think of 15.00%? This percentage is the only one among veteran writers."

"Don't you still have "Tomb Raider Notes 4" unpublished? Why are you in such a hurry?"

Sun Chao asked the question knowingly.

Unexpectedly, Xu Chang directly pointed out the reason.

"Although we still have your "Tomb Raider Notes 4", but this time Book Heaven Publishing House maliciously poached people, and now several of our other publishing houses have not published good novels."

"I don't need to tell you that you should know it, after all, everyone knows about it."

"Our publishing house is not striving for popular novels, and in the end our publishing house can only publish novels of average quality.

In the end, it will only be squeezed and there will be no living space. "

"Now we can only have the chance to fight Book Heaven if we sign two writers, you and 【Mouse】."

When Sun Chao heard what Xu Chang said, he had an idea.

"Is your publishing house private or not?"

Xu Chang heard Sun Chao ask nonchalantly.

If you don't understand, tell the truth.

"Our publishing house is private."

"And are all your publishing houses private?"

Sun Chao remembered that in his previous life he had an ISBN and was able to start a business in the capital, so the top few would not be private.

"There are many kinds of publishing houses. Most of the ones like ours that focus on entertainment and publish novels are private."

"For example, Boshu is state-run, and the books he publishes are all textbooks."

It turned out to be the case.

"Then please convey it to me. I want to become a shareholder of your publishing house. From now on, all my novels will be published by your publishing house. [Mouse] I can also call to help you through this difficult time."

Xu Chang: "..."

Xu Chang was dumbfounded, he talked about investing in shares.

Xu Chang was stunned for a few seconds before he hesitated and said, "Okay, okay, I'll convey it to you."

Sun Chao was also mentally prepared that this matter would not be discussed for a while.

Anyway, Sun Chao is not in a hurry.

After Xu Chang hung up the phone, he was stunned in the office for a while, and then hurriedly ran to the president's office.

Colleagues watched Xu Chang open the office door, and then disappeared in a gust of wind.

The colleagues looked at each other in blank dismay.

"What's wrong with the supervisor? Why are you in such a hurry?"

"I also want to ask, but I can't tell whether it's a good thing or a bad thing by looking at his expression."

"Didn't the supervisor just come back from a business trip? Wouldn't it be another business trip?"

"I see the supervisor hastily entered the president's office, what's the matter?"

The colleague who had just gone to pick up the water returned to his seat and asked.

"We're wondering here too."


Xu Chang hastily knocked on the door of Peng Huan's office.

Hearing that he was let in, he pushed the door open and walked in.

As soon as he entered the door, he hurriedly said: "President, I called Sun Chao."

Peng Huan looked confused and hadn't remembered who Sun Chao was.

Seeing it, Xu Chang quickly explained: "Sun Chao is [Resembling a Dream]."

Peng Huan asked in surprise, "Did he agree?"

Hearing the president ask Xu Chang like this, he was not in a hurry.

Sitting on the chair opposite Peng Huan's desk, he breathed a sigh of relief for a few seconds and said, "It's not about agreeing or disagreeing now, Sun Chao asked me to convey something."

Peng Huan looked puzzled: "What's the matter?"

"Is such that."

"I just called Sun Chao and said that I want to sign the book he is currently serializing, but he proposed to take a stake in our publishing house."

Peng Huan was also taken aback when he heard that.

"What else did Sun Chao say?"

I heard my president question Xu Chang and said: "He also said that if he takes a stake in our publishing house, all his novels will be serialized in our publishing house, and he can also persuade [Mouse] to come to our publishing house as well."

"What do you think?"

Peng Huan looked surprised: "This Sun Chao and [Mouse] are still good friends? Otherwise, how could he tell [Mouse] to come over?"

"I think it's the same, and the relationship between the two should not be so good." Xu Chang said.

"And my business trip this time is to go to the address that Sun Chao left before, but the only news I got is that Sun Chao is now at Peking University."

In fact, Xu Chang was thinking about whether Sun Chao was a student or a teacher on the way back. He thought it was more likely that he was a teacher. Since Sun Chao wanted to hide his identity so much, he didn't want to ask the bottom line, as long as he could be contacted.

Peng Huan didn't ask in detail, and Xu Chang said that he didn't get much useful information.

"Did he say how much he wants to buy?"

Xu Chang was surprised when he heard the question from his boss: "You really let him buy the shares?"

Peng Huan smiled and said: "Actually, it's not impossible to buy shares, and it will be beneficial and harmless for him to buy shares. .

"This is my idea, I don't know what the higher-ups think."

"Sun Chao didn't say how much he wanted to invest in, so it probably depends on our sincerity." Xu Chang said speculatively.

"After all, I don't know about our publishing house."

Peng Huan thought in his heart, this matter can't be delayed for too long, if other publishers know that Sun Chao has the intention of buying shares, then we have nothing to do.

Peng Huan said: "If a publishing house knows that, as long as Sun Chao becomes a shareholder, they can be firmly bound together with these two best-selling novelists, what do you think of other publishing houses?
"Of course I agree. Where can I find such a good thing." Xu Chang said without thinking.

Peng Huan spread his hands.

Xu Chang frowned and said, "Then if other publishers let Sun Chao become a shareholder, wouldn't it mean that we won't be able to publish novels by him and [Mouse] in the future?"

"That's right, so I have to contact the higher-ups as soon as possible." Peng Huan sighed.


Day by day, Sun Chao was running around in various classrooms during this time.

Sun Chao also directly forgot about his investment in Huaxia Publishing House.

Follow-up Literary Publishing House also contacted Sun Chao, but Sun Chao refused because he had no intention of signing a contract.

Sun Chao also replied to Jinjiang's editor-in-chief who had been in touch with him on QQ, and replied with the same words.

Sun Chao didn't let out any rumors that he wanted to buy shares, and because he had no extra money to buy shares after he bought shares of Zhou Zhouhe Guotian's store and bought a house.

Until this day I received a call from Zhou Zhou.

"The building opposite your south gate has a storefront of [-] square meters, and it's the kind of two-story you want."

"This is the house that I found closest to your school that best meets your requirements."

Sun Chao was also satisfied when he heard it. In the afternoon, Sun Chao took the time to go out and finish the matter. "

"This time I bought six facade houses, plus five residences. After paying the money, Sun Chao will have less than 50 yuan."

"These are still under the condition that Xiaomeimei's share is credited to the account, otherwise Sun Chao really can't afford it."

After completing the formalities, Sun Chao, Zhou Zhou and Guo Tian had a meal together in the evening.

"Now that all these are done, I have been running to register the company for the past two days. Do you want me to help you register the store you want to open?"

Sun Chao nodded immediately when he heard what Zhou Zhou said.

Zhou Zhou also thought that Sun Chao didn't have time: "You said earlier that someone would help you find a manager? How is it now?"

Sun Chao received a call from Tian Guang a few days earlier, saying that he was already going through the resignation procedures, and it should be almost the same now.

 I haven't asked for votes recently, but there are still many small partners and authors who voted. Thank you everyone. It's the last day. If you have votes, please give them to me.

  Post first and then change.

(End of this chapter)

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