Chapter 313
Low-level formatting is very harmful to the hard disk. Generally, low-level formatting will only be operated by the manufacturer when it is on the market.

And the manufacturer will also specially mark it, do not low-level format the hard disk unless it is absolutely necessary.

The infant virus designed by Lu Yang is even more vicious, that is, it can control the computer to restart again.

In fact, when Lu Yang first designed it, he didn’t forcibly restart this line, because for ordinary people, low-level formatting is enough; but in order to use it in the research institute, a place where there are many professionals, Lu Yang will re-improve it. Swaddle virus.

Maybe for other viruses, restarting this command is superfluous, but for swaddling viruses, that is the most important point.

Lu Yang not only wants to format the hard disk, but also completely destroys it; since Lu Yang intends to do this, and it is used in a place like the research institute, where there are so many experts, he must ensure that nothing will go wrong, and he will not leave a little bit to find it. possibility of returning.

Lu Yang is so confident that he can invade the computers of the research institute because of his understanding of these computers and researchers.

Know which computer is used by which researcher, know the temper of each researcher, know who is skilled and who is weak, who is careful and who is careless.

Knowing which computer to put it on will not be discovered in the first place.

Moreover, Lu Yang also knew what the consequences would be if he did so directly, so he picked himself clean and was very careful in doing things. He didn't even go to the research institute during this time, just to pick himself out.

Because Lu Yang knew very well that they would quickly find out that this virus could invade the research institute, either it was the top hacker in the world, or someone who could enter and leave the research institute and knew the computer of the institute very well.

Lu Yang knew Fan Kexin very well. Didn't he say that the person who knows you best must be your enemy.

Every Sunday afternoon, he would come to the institute to play for a while, and Lu Yang wanted to take this opportunity.

When a researcher finds that the computer displays a low-level format, he will know that his computer has a virus in the first place; and for these professionals, they will only find a way to solve the virus instead of restarting the computer.

But when ordinary people see that their computer is always displayed in low-level format, and the time of low-level format will be as long as more than 20 hours, they may shut down and restart in case of anxiety.

And for computer experts, there is no restarting the computer at all.

Even if they don't know what the virus will do, the researchers know that as long as it is a virus, it will be destructive; they will not restart, they will only find a way to solve it.

Because they know very well that even if the computer restarts, the virus still exists, and only by solving it can it be done once and for all.

For researchers, they will find out the purpose of the person who created the virus as quickly as possible. After knowing it, they will also know that restarting may completely damage the hard disk with a 90.00% chance, let alone this Do.

Because they know very well that it will be worse.

The moment the computer is restarted, this baby virus will cause the motherboard to become disordered and the head of the hard disk to vibrate, and it may also directly cause physical damage to the hard disk.

Lu Yang put too much thought into this virus and considered it very carefully.

He was afraid that a simple low-level format would be unsafe, and he was also afraid that some bigwigs would be able to retrieve the erased data.

Therefore, after Lu Yang had his own plan, he did not stop doing anything, directly improved his swaddling virus, and forced the computer infected with the swaddling virus to restart, which would have a high possibility of directly damaging the hard disk.

Since Lu Yang wanted to send his father to the position of director of the research institute, there would be no room for him to retrieve the information.

Even though Lu Yang didn't know what was in the hard drive he destroyed, he knew that the more serious the consequences, the more likely it was that Fan Kexin's father would leave his position as director.

The position of director of the research institute belonged to his father, who had been snatched away for so many years; he should return it.

And only in this way can Fan Kexin leave his own world.

Lu Yang has always felt that there is a big mountain on his head all these years, which makes him not relax for a moment.

This time Lu Yang wanted to completely remove the mountain; let the father and son completely leave their own world.

In fact, there is not much enmity between Lu Yang and Fan Kexin. Even if there is, it is Fan Kexin against Lu Yang.

However, as long as a person's thinking goes astray, it seems that the whole world owes him.

In Lu Yang's eyes, everything that happened was the fault of other people; just like Fan Kexin, the two had no conflict of interest, but because of Lu Yang's own jealousy, he planned to find a way to destroy him.

It was this kind of thinking that made Lu Yang do things so recklessly, without considering the consequences at all.

Lu Yang is very confident in his baby virus; he also believes that as long as the hard disk is destroyed by the baby virus, no one can restore the data of the research institute even if there are powerful experts.

When Lu Yang came up with this idea, he didn't care about what would happen if he damaged all the hard drives in the research institute.

A few days earlier, Lu Yang put this virus into Fan Kexin's computer. Of course, he didn't intend to damage Fan Kexin's computer, otherwise Fan Kexin's computer would have been scrapped without Fan Kexin noticing it.

Lu Yang did this because he just wanted to use the virus. Lu Yang put the source code of the virus into a hidden folder.

Putting it into Fan Kexin's computer so early is also because Lu Yang is very confident in his concealment technology, otherwise he would not have created such a highly concealed virus.

Moreover, he also changed the virus so that it would not destroy the computer directly, but Lu Yang would need to operate it manually in the background. He did this just in case.

Lu Yang asked Fan Kexin to be the scapegoat. When it was found that Fan Kexin's computer had virus source code, even if Fan Kexin had [-] mouths, it would not help.

On the other side, Wind Vane Company.

When Liang Yifei knew that his boss was the one who designed the actor's costumes in "My Love from the Star", he was so surprised.

The longer Liang Yifei stayed with Sun Chao, the boss, the more he felt that his boss was omnipotent, and the more he understood Sun Chao, the more he felt that his boss was not human.

This will say that my boss is still a designer.

How can a person be so versatile? Liang Yifei thought he was excellent before, but after working for Sun Chao, he felt that he was nothing.

In fact, Liang Yifei thought that his boss was so talented because of the influence of his family members, but it turned out that he was thinking too much. His boss's family conditions were not as good as his own, so it can only be said that his boss was completely self-taught.

Moreover, the major of the boss university has not yet chosen a literature-related major; in the end, he chose the language department that is completely unsuitable.

Can I understand that writers are just my boss' hobbies?Otherwise, why didn't my boss choose literature and the like?
This is true.

It's completely using your own hobbies to challenge other people's jobs.

And it was very successful, who can justify this matter.

"Navy, you said that the clothes designed by our boss were taken by Ai Fan? Is it the Ai Fan I know?"

Ren Haijun felt that Liang Yifei looked like he had never seen the world at this moment.

Ren Haijun is almost numb now, if one day Sun Chao says he wants to build a rocket, Ren Haijun will believe it.

"Can you be promising? Yifei, don't be so unconfident. What you think is the same as what I said."

When Ren Haijun saw that Liang Yifei heard Ai Fan, he stood up excitedly and almost pushed down the computer chair.

"This matter, the boss told you Yifei, I have other important things to do now."

"I'll give you the phone number right now; I've already conveyed what the boss said. I think it's best to get two endorsements, one is fine."

Of course, Liang Yifei also knew that his boss had invested in Datang Entertainment.

"In this case, the Navy, should we contact Datang Entertainment, after all, the beneficiary of this matter is Datang Entertainment."

Ren Haijun also thought of it: "No problem, I will contact there when I go back later, and ask them to arrange someone to go with Yifei with you."

"I also investigated Ai Fan's company. I just put the information on your desk. Take a look."

Ren Haijun investigated Ai Fan at the first time, after all, only by knowing yourself and your enemy can you negotiate well.

Liang Yifei still wants someone to check it, since it is best if there is a ready-made one.

"By the way, Navy, what urgent matter has the boss arranged for you, and you don't care about such a big matter?"

"Also, has the price been evaluated? Is there a reference price?"

Ren Haijun pointed to the information on the table, "I have sorted out the prices, you can take a look at them later, but the final transaction price still needs to be negotiated, you can talk about the specific amount; but try to negotiate as high as possible."

Liang Yifei rolled her eyes directly: "Nonsense, you think I'm just a display."

Speaking of what he was going to do, Ren Haijun rubbed his hands with a mysterious expression on his face: "I won't tell you what I'm going to do right now, but as long as you know that our boss is going to start a show operation again correct."

(End of this chapter)

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