Chapter 321 Charm
Yumi just smiled, there is no such thing as guaranteed success in this world.

Yumi didn't expect her little boss to be well educated, a child less than 20 years old could subdue his subordinates; Yumi saw Ren Haijun's eyes full of admiration, which made Yumi Mi is very curious, curious about the charm of this boss.

Ren Haijun saw You Miguang smiled and refused to answer, afraid that this guy thought he was talking big, and then said: "Don't think I'm bragging, you should also know our boss's music website, the name of the music website is Kukugou , you should know the name."

Yumi really knows about this website; she usually plays songs when the company is free.

"After this music website was acquired by our boss, it can be regarded as making a lot of money every day. After taking the money to buy the company, it made more than 300 million in just a few months. Of course, I don't know the net profit; and this It’s just the beginning, and it will become more and more profitable in the future.”

Even if he knew the net profit of Kukugou Company, Ren Haijun would not tell Yumi now.

"How about it? Our boss is amazing. Before the boss bought this website, the website can only guarantee that it will not lose money, even if it makes money, it will not make much money. You see, once it is in the hands of our boss, it will start to make a lot of money immediately."

Ren Haijun also knows a rough idea of ​​how much money the website makes. He runs to Kukugou Company every three days, and he knows better than the boss Sun Chao.

Yumi thought that when the website was established, it was Sun Chao, the boss, who made it. After Ren Haijun said this, he realized that it was his boss who bought it later.

After Sun Chao acquired the website, he did not announce it to the public. Netizens thought it was just an upgrade of the company page, including Youmi.

The few new songs released by this website recently have brought many users to the website. In the past, Yumi used listening software at random, and used whichever one came to mind, and there was no fixed one.

Youmi is also a user attracted by these songs, and also because the two favorite songs can only be heard on the Kukugou website.

After a while, I got used to using this website.

There are more than one or two such examples.

"The boss's new management is quite discerning."

Of course, Ren Haijun knew why Yumi said that. This guy thought that the signing of these exclusive songs was due to the management of Kukugou.

It is also understandable that from the perspective of an outsider, people will think so.

"You guessed it wrong. The fact that these songs are exclusive to Kukugou is all thanks to our boss, and has nothing to do with the management."

This surprised Yumi, "Is our boss a rich second generation? Family relationship?"

Ren Haijun knew that it would take a long time to explain, so he said directly: "Our boss is self-made, and he doesn't get along with the rich second generation at all. You just need to know that our boss is omnipotent."

"What is the magic of our little boss that makes you worship him so much?"

Ren Haijun didn't explain to Yumi, he patted Yumi on the shoulder, and said: "You will know later."

"Our boss, Sun Chao, also owns a company. The name of the company is Wind Vane. As long as you know that it is a company that buys and sells copyrights, that's enough; the speed of making money is also very fast."

"Let me give you a casual example. Before, Windvane Company sold a TV adaptation right for 800 million yuan, which is also the most expensive one. The copyrights in the company are generally around 300 million yuan, and the cheapest one is 200 million yuan. Is it very profitable?"

Ren Haijun did not say that the novel that sold 800 million TV adaptation rights belonged to his boss; Ren Haijun told Yumi the selling price of the novel copyright, of course, to put money on the boss's face.

Just to prove to Yumi that his boss has a good vision, and games are of course not a problem.

But as my boss is a writer, let's talk about it later.

"Is this company called Wind Vane so profitable? A TV adaptation right can be sold for 800 million yuan? How much is the price for this novel? What percentage of profit can the company make? How much can the company sell in a year?" a copyright?"

Seeing that Yumi was so interested, Ren Haijun smiled slightly: "You know how powerful our boss is, and these, I will explain to you slowly later."

"The companies I'm talking about are our boss's wholly-owned companies. Even if there are other shareholders, they still have a small share. Our boss owns more than these two companies. He also invested in publishing houses and entertainment companies; when I have time, I will slowly give you say."

"But as long as you know, none of the companies our boss invests in is losing money, and every company is making money day by day."

"There are not many people I have truly admired over the years, and our boss is one of them."

Yumi admired her boss, whom she had never met before, since she started from scratch and had no family background, so it was rare to have such a precise vision.

He became more curious about this boss.

"According to the information I found, Sun Chao, the boss, is only 20 years old, he is only a freshman this year, and he is still a famous figure in this top university."

"Yes, isn't our boss very powerful? He is so successful in his career at a young age, and he is still so powerful in school."

At this time, Ren Haijun and the two also became acquainted, and they expressed their own doubts: "Actually, I don't understand our boss. His career is so successful, why should he spend most of his time working on it?" For his studies? He doesn’t lack that kind of scholarship, wouldn’t it be enough to get a diploma, and he doesn’t need to rely on his degree to find a job.”

"Did you ask our boss?"

Ren Haijun shook his head. After all, Sun Chao is his boss, and he only needs to do his job well.

This is also a word of gossip.

Yumi speculates that his boss may regard his career as a hobby, which is not his favorite thing to do. Yumi thinks that Sun Chao’s favorite thing may be studying at school. After all, there are such students in Yumi’s former classmates. people.

He laughed and joked, "We ordinary people don't understand the world of geniuses."

Hearing Yumi say this, his eyes lit up: "Yumi, do you also think that our boss is a genius? I think our boss can only be described as a genius."

"Does our boss know that you admire him so much? If I didn't know that our boss is a man, I would have thought you fell in love with him."

"Don't think that our boss is easy to be fooled when he is young. On the contrary, I am afraid of his aura when he talks about work. Although it is a bit embarrassing to say so, it is the truth."

"How to say?"

"When the boss arranges the work, as long as I don't look at his face, I feel that he is the same age as us; he is very considerate; when it comes to work, he will only arrange the general direction, and he will not want to intervene in everything. Also knows how to delegate power; that's rare for a young man."

(End of this chapter)

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