Chapter 323 Viruses

Sun Chao searched around, but didn't find what the firewall blocked, but the firewall did make a beep; the firewall found an abnormality at the first time, but soon the virus was hidden, so the firewall only made a beep.

Turning around and looking at the three of them, "Did you send me anything before calling the police?"

Fan Kexin directly raised his hand: "I just sent you an emoji package, didn't I do anything else?"

Sun Chao stopped knocking on the table and said, "Fan Kexin, you are sending it to me again."

Looking at Sun Chao's expression, Fan Kexin knew something was wrong; he hurried back to his computer and said, "I'll send it to you right now, Super God."

"All right."

As soon as the words were finished, Sun Chao's computer rang again, but suddenly stopped again.

Sun Chao confirmed, "Fan Kexin, your computer has a virus, and it's a very well-hidden virus."

Both Gao Fan and Huang Hao looked in disbelief, Fan Kexin's technology is very good, it can be invaded by viruses silently.

Wouldn't their computers be more likely to be hacked?

"Fan Kexin, who has been in the computer since he was a child, can be so easily put on a virus by someone, so how powerful is this person."

"Then our computer was also invaded by a virus? The two of us just received the picture sent by Fan Kexin, didn't we?"

"Yes, your computer is also infected with a virus."

Fan Kexin will also find that something is wrong, but it is impossible.

"How is it possible? The firewall I use was designed by my dad. If it was so easy to intrude, wouldn't my dad's computer in the research institute be a sieve?"

"They are in the military industry. The computers and firewalls they use are the top technology in China. It is impossible for them to be invaded by viruses so easily."

Sun Chao got up directly and walked to Fan Kexin's computer, and said, "Fan Kexin, get up, let me take a look."

Looking at the source of the virus, Sun Chao didn't know if it was the virus on the picture or something else.

"Fan Kexin, where did you reprint this picture?"

Fan Kexin understood Sun Chao's implication: "I saw it on QQ and thought it was fun, so I downloaded it. According to Sun Chao's speculation, the entire QQ website is infected with this virus."

"I hope not." Sun Chao got busy after saying this.

Gao Fan and Huang Hao's majors are not computer majors. In the eyes of laymen like them, the things on their computers are like reading a bible.

Although I can't understand it, I can tell from their expressions that the matter is serious, but they can't help much, so they can only worry on the sidelines.

If QQ can be infected by the silent invasion of this virus, then this matter will be serious.

There are quite a few masters of QQ, if these people can't find it, then this virus is too powerful, if all QQ is infected by this virus; then this is not the only website that is infected.

Forget about personal computers.

Sun Chao returned to his computer. The easiest way now is to hack into QQ and try using his own firewall. This is the most direct way. Sun Chao still doesn’t know what this virus is. That's the easiest way.

"Fan Kexin, check your computer, and I'll check to see if it's a problem with the website."

"Okay." Fan Kexin also thought of the seriousness of the matter.

Sun Chao directly went to the website to download a picture and put it on his computer, but this time there was no movement on the computer.

This made Sun Chao feel relieved, and after some consideration, Sun Chao planned to hack into the QQ technician's computer to take a look.

Sun Chao didn't know what he had done, which made the technical department of QQ feel uneasy.

QQ Technology Department
Li Yiming is a technician in the QQ department, and today he works the night shift as usual.

When I work on QQ, I cannot do without people in front of the computer.

Sun Chao has not been idle during this time. Sun Chao has thousands of broilers in his hands, and besides the one he bought for the server, Sun Chao also has several in his hands.

After Sun Chao invaded, he found a random computer and installed the anti-virus software he wrote on it.

Sun Chao did it very rudely this time, directly controlling the computer and replacing the original anti-virus software with his own anti-virus software.

Sun Chao did this to help find the virus, and he didn't have any intention of causing damage.

Just clean up the traces when you retreat.

Li Yiming was checking the server, and found that his mouse did not obey the command, and no matter how he operated it, it was useless.

"Guys, my computer has been hacked."

In the quiet environment at night, everyone was shocked.

Even the technical director who hadn't left was called out of the office by this voice.

Seeing everyone gathered around, he chirped and asked, "What's the matter?"

"Which guy did this again?"

Their company's servers are usually attacked by hackers.

"What's going on now?" Wei Yi, the technical director, hadn't even walked there when his voice came over.

"My computer has been taken over by hackers and I have now completely lost control of it."

"Let me try it." An old employee next to him said.

"Why is this hacker so arrogant?"

Sun Chao saw the person in front of the computer following him, so he quickly typed a line on the computer.

"I have no malicious intentions. I suspect that your server or computer has a virus; if you want to do something, you can't stop it and I won't let you know."

Seeing this line of writing, the technicians were blown away.

The colleague next to me saw this and stood up immediately.

The technicians here are all top talents in the industry, how can they suffer such insults.

"Damn! This guy is so arrogant."

Wei Yi also saw this line, pondered for a while and said: "Wait a minute, this is not the hacker's style; he can hack into the computer quietly, but now let us find him on purpose, what this hacker said should be It's true."

After saying this sentence, ask the colleague who is chasing next to him to stop.

Wei Yi typed under this line: "What is the purpose of doing this?"

Seeing that the anti-virus software was being installed, Sun Chao replied: "My friend downloaded a picture from your website. When I sent it to me, the computer firewall issued a warning, but I haven't figured out what kind of virus it is yet, but It should be a new type of virus spread by pictures like jpg."

"And it's extremely contagious."

"I also exchanged an anti-virus software for your server. Now let's see if my anti-virus software can detect it. You will know if you wait a while."

Among the servers that Sun Chao took down before was QQ.

No matter how you say it, Sun Chao can be regarded as a shareholder of QQ; it is not illegal to use his own server.

Although the shares are a little less.

Sun Chao also got an anti-virus software for his server before.It came in handy this time.

(End of this chapter)

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