Chapter 331 Probability
Fan Kexin turned to look at Sun Chao with a look of shock.

Looking at the two professors uncertainly: "Professor Weng, Professor Bai, what are the chances of acquaintance?"

"80.00%, and they are people who are familiar with the institute."

"Otherwise, how could he thoroughly study this firewall, and know your activity trajectory."

The two professors spoke one sentence at a time.

"You'd better talk to your father about this, let him pay attention, that man is in the dark, so you, Fan Gang, can only be more on guard." Bai Xu said.

Sun Chao knew that this was the only way to go. As Professor Bai said, there was nothing they could do about this person in the dark; if they wanted to catch him, they had to wait and see what happened.

"The computers in our dormitory are all infected, can the professors do anything?"

Bai Xu said confidently: "It's not a big problem. What I'm good at is viruses, and you still have the source code in your computer; give me half an hour and it will be enough."

"Can I copy this source code away?"

Bai Xu went on to say: "Of course, as compensation; I'll help you improve the firewall. Since this person wants to harm your father, there are those who can be a thief for a thousand days but not those who can prevent a thief for a thousand days, then we might as well use the trick and see if we can catch him." To this behind-the-scenes black hand."

"Also, I can make a small program for you according to this virus, causing the illusion that the computer hard disk is damaged; see if this person will pop out by himself."

Weng Ye expressed his thoughts: "I think this person should be very familiar with the computers in your father's research institute. If it is true what Professor Bai said, this person should come out, because there is still you."

"Since he contributed all the source code, for this person; you, Fan Kexin, are also an important part of his design."

"I just don't know how much hatred this person has with your family, and even the entire research institute was buried with you."

Fan Kexin was of course happier when he heard that his teacher was about to make a move; this way he felt more at ease, since this person is in the dark, who knows when he will make a move.

Fan Kexin immediately showed a big smile: "The teacher can copy it away if he wants, anyway, it's useless to put it on me; but if Sun Chao and I guess well, he may make a move this Sunday, and we only have time left One and a half days, because I still need time to make arrangements, you have time?" Fan Kexin looked at Professor Bai and said uncertainly.

Bai Xu rubbed his hands together, and after pondering, he said, "I work overtime, so there should be no problem. If it doesn't work, I'll find a friend to help me. Do you have a USB drive here?"

Fan Kexin took out a USB flash drive from the drawer and handed it over.

Weng Ye looked at the big boy standing quietly on the side. He was not very old, but he had an aura around him.

Weng Ye felt that Sun Chao was not a child from an ordinary family.

No one could have imagined that this child with aura who hadn't left school was a country boy.

Even in school, Sun Chao didn't dress like a child from an ordinary family.

Although Sun Chao's clothes are not expensive, they are not affordable by ordinary families.

At this moment, Weng Ye became interested in talents and wanted to recruit Sun Chao to the computer department. Weng Ye never thought that Sun Chao would refuse. Since Sun Chao can minor in computer science, it proves that Sun Chao likes this major.

Weng Ye didn't take it seriously before, thinking that it was a bit exaggerated to let this student change his major just because of his good grades.

Majors and minors have different professional courses. Majors can enter research projects, but students with minors do not have this opportunity; and in top universities, students with good grades are the most indispensable.

But it is not easy to make a firewall in the freshman year, which cannot be made by the seniors in the junior and senior years, and it is still a minor student who has been in the computer major for only a few months; this is not easy.

Those who can excel in the computer science major are those with relatively strong talents, which is unenviable.

Some people are born to eat this bowl of rice, and some people can barely get started even if they work hard.

And Sun Chao is that very talented student. If he changes his major to a computer major, he can take it with him and teach in person.

Now I want to start a new project, and I happen to be short of manpower.

Weng Ye felt that if Sun Chao could follow him into the research room, his resume would be much more beautiful, and according to Sun Chao's talent, his future achievements would be limitless.

After copying the source code of the virus, Professor Bai said, "I'll get rid of the virus on your computer first, otherwise the three computers will be scrapped, and Fan Kexin's computer is not cheap; I just wanted to ask, if It's not surprising that your father is the director of the research institute."

While talking, they didn't stop, Sun Chao and Fan Kexin stared at Professor Bai's operation.

Weng Ye, who was sitting on the side, kept staring at Sun Chao, and even Sun Chao, who was dull, noticed it.

"Professor Weng, what's the matter?" Sun Chao asked suspiciously.

Weng Ye was a little embarrassed when asked by Sun Chao: "Sun Chao..."

When Sun Chao heard the end of Professor Weng's words, goosebumps came out.

Sun Chao really couldn't stand a gentleman speaking in such a gentle tone.

"Professor, tell me."

Fan Kexin also looked over.

"Sun Chao, do you want to change your major to a computer major? As long as you are willing to leave the procedures to me, you just need to wait to go to class."

Sun Chao didn't expect the professor to do it for this.

Fan Kexin interrupted immediately, it would be the best if Sun Chao really changed to a computer major, and he could go to class with Sun Chao in the future, and he would not have to scratch his head when doing homework.

For his own sake, Fan Kexin also wants Sun Chao to transfer to the computer major.

"Sun Chao, come here, so we can still be a companion. The French department is too easy for you."

Sun Chao has his own plans, but he doesn't want to change his major now.

"It's not necessary to be so troublesome, and I'm also minoring in computer science now."

Before Professor Weng could speak, Professor Bai, who was in front of the computer, answered first: "You bastard, who said that Sun Chao just studied better before you came here, and now you are robbing me, Sun Chao is me. The student you fancy, don't rob me."

Sun Chao, Fan Kexin looked at the excited Professor Bai together.

Professor Bai couldn't sit still anymore, and stood up directly.

"Sun Chao, why don't you come to our computer major, your talent is too wasted in the French department."

"That's right, professor; learning French with a super-scientific IQ is like killing a pig with a sledgehammer. He can get the first place in the grade by reading the book before the exam."

Fan Kexin also helped to persuade.

Seeing that they were going to talk endlessly, Sun Chao quickly stopped talking.

"Professor Weng, Professor Bai, it's like this. I plan to spend two years to complete the undergraduate courses. Do you think this will work? When I take the postgraduate entrance examination, I choose to major in computer science. What do you think?"

(End of this chapter)

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