Chapter 334 Meeting
Fan Kexin is also Sun Chao's fan now, but he doesn't have that much money, so he only tipped 5000 yuan.

"Qi Yu, you are out of class too."

Sun Chao heard Qi Yu's name and looked over.

Sun Chao saw a man who was nearly 1.8 meters tall and looked very thin; with glasses, he didn't look like a college student at all, but looked very mature; he looked like a 23-year-old adult.

"Are you roommates?" Sun Chao wasn't sure if this person was the one Wang Bin mentioned. Although the names were the same, it wasn't just one or two people with the same name.

"Yes, this big brother is our other mysterious roommate, Qi Yu."

"Qi Yu, this is Sun Chao, a freshman."

Sun Chao doesn't know Qi Yu, but Qi Yu knows Sun Chao.

Not only Sun Chao's fame, the campus website has already released the list and photos of the ACM participants.

Although Qi Yu did not participate in this competition, he has been paying attention.

Qi Yu took the initiative to step forward and greeted Sun Chao: "Hello Sun Chao, I'm Qi Yu."

That's right.

"Hello Qi Yu, the other two should be coming soon."

Li Peng and the three looked confused, pointing at Sun Chao and Qi Yu: "Do you know each other?"

The reason Wang Bin gave Qi Yu was that he wanted to ask him about the competition, so he made an appointment to meet at noon.

"Sun Chao, school grass! There are still a few people in the school that I don't know."


"I have something to do with Qi Yu, come to our dormitory tonight." Sun Chao said to Qian Haobo and the others.

Qian Haobo knew that they had something to do, so he nodded, "Then let's go first, and we'll have to line up again if we don't go, there's a lion's head today."

Seeing that the three of them left, Wang Bin and Fan Kexin also arrived: "Let's go, let's go to the second floor to eat today, Brother Chao treats you."

Several people walked to the cafeteria together.

A few people walked away while talking: "Do you know that I, brother Chao, is the richest among us, and most of the time I eat Xiaozao is invited by brother Chao."

Hearing what Wang Bin said, Sun Chao shook his head helplessly.

"Your brother Chao is Hao, and there is a guy like Fan Kexin."

Wang Bin also heard Sun Chao say that Fan Kexin's family is very rich, but that is completely different from Sun Chao's situation. Sun Chao is self-made: "This is not..."

Sun Chao coughed, and Wang Bin immediately understood.

Fan Kexin felt that Sun Chao's family conditions were no worse than his own, and he had the same watch as Sun Chao brought to school.

It was a birthday present from his mother on his birthday. Fan Kexin cherished it very much, but Sun Chao always lost it at any time.

Fan Kexin looked at the watch on Sun Chao's wrist. The watch on Sun Chao's wrist now costs more than 20 yuan.

Sun Chao didn't wear this watch much, and the one he wore the most was the 2-odd Longines.

Fan Kexin looked at Sun Chao meaningfully, this guy is really hiding his secrets.

After Wang Bin arrived on the second floor, he began to order food, and Sun Chao and the others found a place to sit down.

Sun Chao said directly: "Hello, Qi Yu, we are here to find you this time, and we just want you to join us; let's go to the ACM competition together."

Qi Yu didn't expect to find him this time because of this incident.

He knows his situation and doesn't have so much time to participate in this competition.

And if they are promoted, they will have to go abroad to compete.

If he wants to participate in this competition, his time will be spent on doing the questions, which means that he has no time to work part-time.

That means no living expenses.

"Wang Bin said that you are very powerful. He thinks he will drag us down, so he wants you to take his place."

"Of course, it also depends on your willingness."

"The food is served, brothers." Wang Bin shouted.

After everyone came back from serving the dishes, they sat down; Wang Bin spoke first: "Qi Yu, I know you really want to participate in this competition."

"Isn't your number just right? Besides, when did I say I'm going to participate in the competition."

"You said you didn't want to participate, so why are you so familiar with this competition?"

"Although we haven't known each other very often, I know that you are very powerful and your knowledge is very solid, and I also know that it is not limited to the knowledge in books; you should have memorized all the books about this competition."

The others didn't start to eat, they were all quietly watching the two talking, whether they could agree or not was a matter of one action.

Of course, Fan Kexin also knew that if this person was really good, it would be the best decision to replace him.

This way they can really think about the championship, even if they are not the championship, they can get the top three.

But if Wang Bin participates, then they really can only pray that their opponents will not be too strong.

Judging from Wang Bin's tone now, this person is really good.

Qi Yu didn't say anything, just looked at Wang Bin.

Qi Yu didn't expect that this classmate, whom he hadn't met a few times, would invite him to participate in this competition.

"As for me, I know how much I am; I can't keep up with these two academic masters in knowledge; if you can take my place and participate, then you will not be far from winning the championship."

"I do not have time."

In fact, Qi Yu still wants to participate, but...

Wang Bin knew that it was a coincidence that Qi Yu was working at the food stall. Wang Bin had already gone back with his classmates, but Bao Wang was at the food stall. Wang Bin returned to the food stall and saw Qi Yu cooking.

"I know your family situation Qi Yu."

"You don't have to feel ashamed of poor family conditions. My family is a little bit better than yours. What about the computer..."

"See, this Fan Tuhao is ready."

Qi Yu didn't think there was any shame in his family's poor conditions. He said bluntly: "I really want to participate, but I have to use my time to work."

After speaking, he smiled and looked at everyone.

"No way, people still have to eat."

Sun Chao looked at Qi Yu: "Do you know network programming or multi-thread programming?"

Qi Yu didn't know why Sun Chao would ask such a question, but he still answered: "Yes, but my main focus is on game engine development."

"We didn't learn this, did we? Sophomores?" Wang Bin said.

Sun Chao, Qiyu and Fan Kexin looked at Wang Bin together: "Teach yourself."

In one sentence, what Wang Bin said was dumbfounded.

She clasped her fists together and said, "Bosses are awesome, and the younger ones leave."

Several people laughed.

Sun Chao continued the above topic and said: "Qi Yu, can you see if this works? Your sophomore classes are running out, so you can be free on Saturdays and Sundays."

There are indeed few classes on Saturdays and Sundays in the sophomore class.

Qi Yu nodded.

"I know Bertha, the CEO of, you can go to work two days a week, and the salary should not be low; in this way, you can have living expenses and participate in the competition."

Sun Chao looked at Qi Yu: "What do you think?"

Qi Yu didn't expect that Sun Chao also knew the CEO of Kukugou Company, who is now in the limelight. It would be the best if he could really go to work there, so that he could apply what he learned and participate in this competition.

(End of this chapter)

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