Chapter 34

The boss Zhou Zhou has spoken!
Whoever can win the order will get 0.5 commission, and a total of 2 points will be charged as the intermediary fee. They used to get 0.1 commission.

Hearing the boss speak, he immediately moved, making phone calls, checking records.

Sun Chao walked forward again, entered several agencies, and said again what the first agency said, and came to see the results at this time tomorrow.

I went to Houhai today to have a look. Although I have never been there, the name of this street in Beijing is no stranger to me. Colleagues who have been to BJ have heard a lot of it.

He forgot to go around the neighborhood.

Take a taxi to Nanluo Ancient Alley first to see what delicious food there is. There are all kinds of ancient buildings along the way. Sun Chao is very hungry now and has no time to appreciate it. He wants to find a place to eat first.

When Sun Chao was looking for a place to eat, he saw an acquaintance, Qian Haobo, the rich second generation who sold his house to buy a sports car.

Seeing that he was talking to two young people, he came here on a whim, and still met acquaintances. It was really fate, so he had to say hello.

He raised his foot and walked towards him. At this moment, Qian Haobo might have felt someone walking towards them and looked up.

Seeing Qian Haobo smile, he quickened his pace and took a few steps forward.

Putting his arms around Sun Chao's neck, he asked:

"Why did you come to BJ?"

"Come and play."

"Why are you here?"

Sun Chao can’t say, I’m coming to Peking University next year to study, now I’m going to buy a house, that’s not too pretentious.

Qian Haobo heard that he came to have fun, so he continued to ask: "Aren't you in the third year of high school? Why do you have time to stroll in the capital?"

After asking, I remembered that I still had a companion, so I took Sun Chao to the companion, and introduced: "This is Sun Chao from my hometown, and now he is in the third year of high school."

Turning around and introducing to Sun Chao, these two are my classmates, both from Peking University, and my roommates.

Sun Chao looked over and found that both of them were 1.8 meters tall, about the same height as Sun Chao now. One was Li Peng and the other was Xu Fan.

They said hello to each other, even if they knew each other, the two had familiar personalities.

"Hello, Sun Chao, you are handsome enough to go to Beijing Film Academy."

"I think so!"

The two of you praised Sun Chao one by one.

Sun Chao, who has lived for two lifetimes, is embarrassed.

At this time Qian Haobo interrupted.

"I know my little brother is handsome, but you two are too exaggerated. Do you two have special hobbies? Then we have to stay away from you two."

He really pulled Sun Chao back two steps, which made the two of them blush.

I'm not, I'm not, don't talk nonsense.

Seeing how anxious the two were, Qian Haobo stopped teasing them.

"Sun Chao, you are not in school and come to the capital to play. Can your grades keep up?"

"I finished my studies in my second year of high school, and I came out to play when I was really bored in school."

I rely on!

You are still a top student!

"Seeing you running around, I thought you were just an ordinary student, but you are actually a top student!"

"Come to Peking University next year, we will be alumni!"

"Go, my classmates and I have made an appointment to go to Peking University together." Sun Chao replied.

Very good!Qian Haobo said.

"You're here for dinner, right? Let's go together." Qian Haobo asked.

"We are also here to improve the food."

"It's fate to meet, let's go to eat together."

Li Peng and Xu Fan also agreed.


Eating alone is enough, and there are many people and it is lively, so it’s a big deal to treat yourself.

And they are more familiar with this than themselves.

"What shall we eat?"

"How about eating hot pot?"

"Go to eat hot pot in summer?" It's autumn, okay?I haven't eaten for a long time, and I know one that is particularly delicious, Qian Haobo said.

Then he turned around and asked Sun Chao: "Do you like hot pot? The copper pot."

I have never eaten copper hot pot in BJ, and I want to try it too.

When Qian Haobo heard that he wanted to eat, he took the lead and walked to the hot pot restaurant. Together they reached Nanguan Hutong, and saw the signboard of the hot pot restaurant from a distance.

It may be noon, there are not many people in the store, a few people found a table and sat down.

The waiter came over with something similar to a brochure.

I ordered a few plates of mutton, beef, and meatballs, and I also ordered some vegetables. The waiter wrote it down in a small notebook.

Return the booklet to the waiter when you are done reading.

Several people adjusted the dipping sauce again, Qian Haobo highly recommended his family's secret sesame sauce, and Sun Chao also added some sesame sauce to the dipping dish
Back at the table we chatted.

"Sun Chao, how many days have you been here?"

"Are you alone?"

"I just arrived yesterday afternoon, and I met you today."

"Students have to go to class, so I came alone." Sun Chao said.

"Then you are quite powerful, and you came to the capital by yourself."

"What about you? No class?" Sun Chao didn't want to lie, so he changed the subject.

"We don't have any required classes today, so we ran out to improve the food. Xu Fan said."

"Yes, freshman year is the busiest. Finally, there was no compulsory class one morning, and the three of us ran out." Qian Haobo echoed.

"Are you all computer students?" Sun Chao continued to ask.

Li Peng, who hadn't spoken much, said: "Your fellow and I are in the same major, and Xu Fan is in administration." "He was transferred to our dormitory.

Our dormitory was not full, and there was one extra him in their department, and he was the extra one. "

"You are the one who is redundant. God asked me to find you two to be brothers." Xu Fan rolled his eyes as he spoke.

While we were talking, the dishes were served, and we put the meat into the pot together.Sun Chao wanted to taste the beef, so he put the whole plate away.

I picked up a piece of beef, dipped it in some dipping sauce, and tasted it. It tasted really good. If you can’t find it by yourself, it’s the right choice to come with them.

Qian Haobo ate a few mouthfuls and asked again: "Has the house you bought been renovated?

"Not yet, I can't get out of school every day, how can I have that time."

Sun Chao said.

"Then why did you buy so many houses?"

"A lot?"

"The place I bought you is for going back to live in the future, the other one is for my parents' retirement, and the front house is for the old couple to open a shop, start a small business, and kill time."

Hearing their chat, Xu Fan and Li Peng both asked with interest, what house?
When Qian Haobo heard Sun Chao say that he was buying a house for his parents, he realized that this guy is of the rich generation. Otherwise, why would he need him to buy a house for his parents?
Quickly asked: "Didn't you buy the house with your pocket money?"

Now all three of them are interested.

The three of them stared straight at Sun Chao who was still eating beef.

Sun Chao looked up and met three pairs of straight eyes.

"Why are you looking at me like that? I have flowers on my face?"

Qian Haobo hurriedly said, "Don't change the subject! Talk quickly."

"I didn't say that I bought it with the pocket money given by my family, but I made some money by writing books."

(End of this chapter)

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