Chapter 371 Hyperamnesia

Is it possible to boldly assume that this young man has only minored in computer science for half a year, and he has achieved this intrusion technology?
From the information obtained by the investigators, it can be seen that this person has a particularly strong learning ability.

And he was also the national champion with super high scores in the college entrance examination last year.

If it was really like what I guessed, then there was no figure of this person before, so I could match up.

But whether it is true or not, you have to find yourself to confirm it.

But Teng Xun believes in his intuition and believes that his ideas are close to the truth.

Doesn't this just appear out of thin air?

At this time, Teng Xun thought of a word.


In fact, hypermemory is a disease.

It is very rare in the world, and there are only dozens of people in the world who suffer from this disease. People with this disease have a real super memory, and they can remember any tiny details in life.

Teng Xun tapped lightly on the armrest under his hand, and fell into deep thought.

In fact, Tencent's initial plan was to recruit Sun Chao to its own company.

But when thinking about this, Teng Xun felt that such a child would not choose to work for others, and later learned that this child asked for cooperation.

It also confirmed Tencent's guess.

In fact, Teng Xun did think so when he didn't know Sun Chao's true identity, but now, the possibility of finding this person is almost very slim.

However, in the end, you have to see people to know.

Although it is unlikely to be able to recruit this person to his company, Tencent appreciates this child who has not met yet.

In his view, although Sun Chao is not very mature in his work, it is important to have a degree of advance and retreat, and he is also very good at seizing opportunities.

For a student who has just stepped into university, it is really good that he is not blinded by the interests in front of him, but maximizes his interests.

Teng Xun nodded approvingly in his heart.

This is what Tencent admires most about Sun Chao.

Moreover, Sun Chao can come here in person and reveal his true identity after arriving at the company, which is also very sincere to Tencent.

This also made the little unhappiness in Teng Xun's heart disappear.

I don't know what kind of expression Tencent will have when it receives more detailed information from Sun Chao in a week.

Tencent Technology Department.

When Wei Yi and Mahjong took Sun Chao for a stroll in the technical department, the front desk and the technicians were all curious, but the immediate superior didn't dare to stare at them blatantly.

When the three of them approached, the employees would look at them from the corner of their eyes.

Everyone guessed the identity of this person in their hearts.

When Sun Chao followed Wei Yiyi into the office.

Everyone's heart of gossip finally couldn't bear it anymore, and they gathered together to discuss.

"Tell me, who was that handsome guy just now? Why are you still accompanied by three bosses?"

"Who knows, this person doesn't look very old, and he is too prestigious. The president doesn't need three people to accompany him. And I think our boss is very polite to this person."

"If you look at it like this, then this person must not be a new employee who came to work in our company. If anyone of you has inside information, please let me know."

"If you want to know, just ask Lao Sha and you'll know."

Don't let Lao Sha and Sun Chao talk politely, but they don't take care of everyone in the company, and ordinary colleagues don't dare to join Lao Sha and Mahjong.

Someone guessed: "It can't be the boss' son."

As soon as this person's guess came out, the colleagues next to him couldn't listen anymore.

"Fatty, your guess is too unreliable. You say that this person is a new expert hired by our boss, which is more reliable than this guess. You don't want to think about how old our boss is."

"To be honest, I'm not saying that our boss is ugly, even if the boss's age is right; do you think it is possible to have such a handsome son?"

A colleague next to him thought of something, got up and ran to Li Yiming's seat.

"Xiao Li, tell me, is that handsome guy just now Hawkeye?" Although the person asked a question, he used an affirmative tone.

There were already a circle of people around Li Yiming. Hearing this person's guess, everyone thought it was very likely.

It's really possible, although this person looks a little small, but in the computer world, it's not impossible for a minor to have superb computer skills.

And this person needs a few bosses from their department to go downstairs to pick him up, but Hawkeye didn't run away.

They saw Li Yiming and this handsome guy come in with their own eyes at that time, so it was right to ask him.

After hearing this person's words, everyone waited eagerly for Li Yiming's answer.

Li Yiming looked at everyone's hot eyes and panicked.

This is the most popular time since Li Yiming came to the company for more than a year.

Of course, he didn't hide it on purpose, and said with a smile: " guessed it right."

Everyone didn't think about it, but it was because Sun Chao looked too young.

Some sons and daughters here are only a few years younger than Sun Chao.

After everyone got the news, they all dispersed.

The news spread in an instant.

Li Yiming didn't expect that as soon as he finished speaking, the people around him would all leave with a swipe.

This made Li Yiming's excited mood reach freezing point in an instant.

Scratching his head helplessly, Li Yiming went on to deal with the work at hand.

The little girl at the front desk also came to join in the fun.

But Lao Sha Mahjong and the others were not in the mood to join in the fun.

They are now looking at the USB flash drive that Sun Chao brought.

Soon, several people confirmed that the four bug patches brought by Sun Chao were all the most serious bugs.

It has just been confirmed here that Tencent has also arrived downstairs in the company.

As soon as the girl at the front desk saw the boss coming, she thought about the current situation in the office.

In a hurry, he shouted loudly, "Hi, President."

This stunned Teng Xun for a moment, and the secretary behind him was also taken aback.

In an instant he knew why.

But the president of Tencent doesn't speak, and his little secretary can't say anything.

Teng Xun smiled and walked in without saying anything.

As soon as the two entered the office, Chao Sun saw a lean middle-aged man in his 30s walking ahead.

It's not hard to see pictures of this guy.

Seeing that Wei Yi stood up, Sun Chao followed suit.

"President, this is Sun Chao."

When Sun Chao heard this introduction, he knew that Wei Yi had already told Tencent about his identity.

"Hello, President of Tencent, you don't need to introduce your name. There are still a few people who don't know, but you are my idol."

After Sun Chao finished speaking, he stretched out his hand with a smile and said.

Sun Chao was looking at Teng Xun, and Teng Xun was also looking at this big boy.

She is indeed worthy of being a school grass, and her appearance is indeed outstanding.

But what caught his attention the most was the child's aura.

Like those before, Teng Xun's first impression was that the child's family background must be unusual.

As soon as the three of them sat down, Sun Chao spoke first: "I'm sorry Mr. Teng, it's really my fault for invading your company, but I really didn't mean any harm."

(End of this chapter)

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