Chapter 381
He really has nothing to do with the boss, and there is nothing he can't say. Even if he doesn't know the boss well, I believe that with Wang Kai around, he won't be bullied in the company. Who told Wang Kai's uncle to be Ren Haijun?

Now Ren Haijun's name is well known in the entertainment industry, and no one who doesn't have a good eye comes to trouble Wang Kai.

Who doesn't want to participate in the script or adaptation rights of Vane Company.

Even if he doesn't know Sun Chao's overlord clause, he still knows not to offend Windvane Company, and Ren Haijun is the spokesperson of Windvane Company.

If he offended Wang Kai, once he and his uncle sued, they would never get a role in his script.

And even if what I said today is spread, no one will come to provoke me.

Although this is a bit of a fake tiger's prestige, but no one in the entertainment industry has to have a backstage.

Jin Dong spoke first:

"I used to hit it off with a little brother when I was playing tricks. That little brother was not easy at the time, so every time I got a role, I would try to find a way to get him a role. Later, he met our boss Sun Chao by accident. It was only later that I found out that his uncle was Ren Haijun, and Sun Chao, the boss, probably took Wang Kai’s contract to our company because he liked Ren Haijun’s face.”

In fact, when he first got the role of the male number one, Jin Dong really thought that Wu Heng knew Sun Chao, the boss, otherwise how could this opportunity fall to him.

When Jindong got the role, he also thought that Wang Kai helped him win it, but after asking Wang Kai, he realized that it was not the case. It turned out that Sun Chao, the boss who only met him once, directly named him to play the role. .

It was at this time that Jindong thought that Sun Chao gave him this role because of Wang Kai's face.

Moreover, he had only met Sun Chao, the boss. If it wasn't for Wang Kai's face, Sun Chao might have forgotten himself a long time ago, so he didn't even remember who he was.

Jindong went on to say:

"Wang Kai is also a man who repays his kindness. When he signed into our company, he told the boss about my relationship with him, so he took me along."

"You should know the little brother I'm talking about, Sister Meilian, that is Wang Kai. In fact, I never thought that there would be such a good contract. If there is no Wang Kai..."

"I think I can be regarded as a good person with good rewards."

This sentence is really Jin Dong's sincere words. No one knows that a certain person who has helped before will bring them good luck.

Meilian also heard some things from Jindong before, but what Jindong said to Meilian was very general, and he just said that she was lucky, and the boss signed herself when Wang Kai was signed.

At that time, Meilian thought that Jindong was perfunctory, and Jindong was not famous at that time, so Meilian didn't ask carefully.

According to what Jindong said, it is true that good people are rewarded with good rewards.

At this time, Meilian looked at Wu Heng again. She only knew that Wu Heng was one of Sun Chao's list, but she really didn't know why he got into the eyes of Sun Chao, the boss.

Wu Heng also saw the scrutiny from Meilian and Jindong.

Of course Wu Heng knew what Meilian was thinking now, but he really didn't have anything to do with the boss.

With a wry smile on his face: "I really don't know why the boss named me to play the role of the number one male. I was also surprised at the time."

"And I really don't know the boss Sun Chao."

"If you didn't say that this little boss is called Sun Chao, I wouldn't even know which boss in our company you were talking about. And I didn't know that it was the boss Sun Chao who named me to dig me until after I arrived at our company. .”

"To be honest."

"When I knew that my contract was going to be transferred to Datang Entertainment, I thought it was Brother Media who wanted me to switch roles with our company."

Both Meilian and Jindong knew about Wu Heng's work in the original company, and they both looked at Wu Heng with sympathy.

If it was true as Wu Heng said, then he would be considered a blessing in disguise.

Now Wu Heng had thought about it a long time ago, and he didn't think much of it when he saw the eyes of the two. He even joked to himself: "If the boss hadn't dug me into our company, I should have been blocked by now."

After chatting with a few people, Meilian talked about today's business.

"You have a role in "Langya Bang", Jindong, you should have known about this a long time ago."

Of course Jindong knew, he had been excited for a long time, but he didn't know why Meilian brought this up now.

At this time, Jindong had a bad premonition.

"I'm just saying hello to you in advance. Someone has taken a fancy to your role and may want to bring money into the team."

Wang Kai understood, this is some kind of inside information that Meilian got, maybe there is an actor who wants to bring money into the crew of "Nirvana in Fire", and even took a fancy to her own role, this is trying to steal her role.

He also knew what Meilian meant when she said this to him, that he wanted to find a relationship with him to see if he could keep the role.

Judging by Meilian's appearance, she can't afford to blame this person.

Even if you want to keep this role, you have to see who this person is.

"Sister Meilian, can you tell me who this person is from? In this way, I will also look for connections."

Seeing that the two of them had something to talk about and nothing about himself, Wu Heng said, "Sister Meilian, do you have anything to do? I'll go out first if I don't have anything to do."

Mei Lian just waved her hand, there really was nothing wrong with Wu Heng at this meeting.

Seeing Meilian's serious face, Wu Heng knew that he was in no mood to worry about himself, so he stood up and walked out.

Seeing Wu Heng left, Mei Lian revealed the person's background: "It's very simple, that is, a nouveau riche wants to praise his lover, and he is willing to spend money. Our president means that if he wants to spend money, let her Fuck, as long as the price is satisfied by the company."

Meilian looked at Jindong.

If you are satisfied with the price, let your character be sent to others.

"One, I'm afraid of a rat shit. Two, I want you to play this role. Three, that's it. Our president made the decision without telling our boss. I'm afraid Sun Chao It’s hard for us to do anything when we’re angry.”

Making it difficult for you to do this sentence in the future is the point of Meilian's sentence!Jin Dong said something in his heart.

This is to make himself a bad person, Jindong guessed that Meilian dared not talk about it, but wanted to spread it with her own mouth.

In fact, Jin Dong was a little puzzled after hearing what Wan Wanlian had said.

Why did the president hide it from the boss and the others?

Or...only hide it from the boss, Sun Chao?

Thinking of this, Jindong felt that it was more likely to hide Sun Chao.

If the president really hides from all the bosses, then he will do so.

Unless the president has gained something in the middle, there is no reason to hide it from all the bosses.

But if it is only hiding from the boss, Sun Chao.

Although Jin Dong hadn't had much contact with the boss Sun Chao, his understanding of the boss Sun Chao was only learned from Wang Kai's narration.

But even with this sporadic understanding, Jindong also knew that Sun Chao would be very angry if he found out about this matter.

And at this moment, Jindong boldly guessed again, if Sun Chao knew about this, he might replace the president.

Or let the company pay liquidated damages or not give the company a good script.

Although Sun Chao is also the boss of this company, it is really uncertain whether this will happen.

I don't know what Wang Kai and Jindong said to make Sun Chao leave such an image in Jindong's heart.

(End of this chapter)

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