Chapter 386

Sun Chao has been in the school for more than two years now, and everyone is not as curious as when the school started.

Sun Chao even rode his bike around, purposely finding a basketball court farther away from his dormitory.

The president of the original basketball club has also changed, and Sun Chao rarely goes to the basketball club now.

People have changed, and the original feeling has changed. Sun Chao simply stopped going to the basketball club.

Hu Xiao’s roommate Mimi was drying clothes on the balcony when she suddenly found a person playing basketball alone at the basketball game in front of her window.While drying the clothes, Mimi said in a novel: "What a fool, he came out to play in the middle of the day. Fortunately, there is still some shade, otherwise he would have suffered from heat stroke."

Mimi also casually complained, not knowing that the idiot below is the school grassroots.

After Mimi finished drying the clothes, she took a closer look at her. She only glanced at him just now, and felt that this person was not short.

Even looking at the basketball court from the third floor, I feel that this person is quite tall.

Although Mimi is less than 1.6 meters, she just likes tall boys.

After finishing the work at hand, she looked at it carefully. At this time, Mimijue noticed that the boy's figure was really good.

But looking at it, it seems something is wrong.

"Huh?" Mimi's puzzled voice came out.

Why does this person seem familiar? Could it be that he has seen him a lot?
Mimi hurriedly pulled the clothes dangling in front of her eyes aside, her head stuck out from the balcony far away, and she wanted to get closer to see who this familiar person was.

When Sun Chao was tired, he stopped.

It just so happened that it was facing Mimi.

It was only when Sun Chao was idle and stood there that Mimi recognized who this big fool was.

"Sun Chao? Sun Chao!"

Mimi looks at this person more and more familiar, so it's because she has seen it before, isn't this the male god of Hu Xiao.

After confirming that it was Sun Chao, Mimi quickly ran back to her desk and took the mobile phone. Mimi stood on the balcony and watched Sun Chao call Hu Xiao.

At this time, Hu Xiao was still in class, when suddenly the phone in his pocket vibrated.

Seeing that it was Mimi's call, I thought it was someone looking for me for lunch, so I hung up the phone directly. It was like this before, every time I hung up, Mimi knew that I hadn't finished class yet.

But just after hanging up the phone, the phone rang again.

This is wrong, Hu Xiao was worried that Mimi was busy and wanted to answer the phone.

But before I could answer it myself, the call was automatically hung up.

Seeing that Hu Xiao hung up her phone, Mimi made another call.

Mimi hung up within a second of being on the air.

Now she had forgotten that as long as Hu Xiao hung up the phone, he was still in class.

Even if he calls again at this time, it is not convenient for Hu Xiao to answer the phone in class now.

Mimi picked up the phone and edited a text message to Hu Xiao.

Hu Xiao stared at the phone for a few seconds, trying to understand why Mimi got through the call and then hung up, but after hanging up the call, there should be nothing wrong, so he put the phone back in his pocket.

But before he could withdraw his hand, the phone vibrated again.

Hu Xiao knew that there was a text message coming in from the phone.

Lie on the table, Hu Xiao secretly opened the text message.

"Your god Sun Chao is playing ball across from our dormitory."

Hu Xiao blinked his eyes, never expecting to meet his idol so soon.

The surprise in my heart.

He quickly replied: "I'm coming now, you must show me the person."

After Mimi saw this text message, she laughed hahaha.

He could still imagine Hu Xiao lying on the table furtively, replying text messages to himself with excitement.

Luckily, Hu Xiao sat in the last few rows, found a gap where the teacher was writing on the blackboard, and slipped out of the classroom.

With a lucky expression on his chest, he trotted towards his bicycle.

When Mimi found out about Sun Chao, Sun Chao had already been fighting for more than half an hour.

And it was almost eleven o'clock, and Sun Chao was drenched in sweat.

After resting for a few minutes, Sun Chao took the basketball and walked towards the bicycle.

Mimi saw Sun Chaoyue beyond the basketball court, standing on the balcony with a worried expression.

This move is to leave.

Mimi quickly picked up her mobile phone and called Hu Xiao, if she didn't come out, then don't come, this person has left.

Hu Xiao was so excited now, how could he still feel the vibrating sound of the mobile phone in his jacket pocket.

When no one picked up the call, Mimi knew that Hu Xiao had come out. If she was in the classroom, she would have hung up.

Now that it's out, forget it, and let this girl get excited for a while.

Mimi stretched her head out on the balcony, watching Sun Chao leave. She dared not go down to stop him or something.

He had seen Sun Chao on two sides, both with a straight face.

Mimi looked terrified.

She couldn't understand what Hu Xiao liked about Sun Chao, except that he was taller, handsomer, and had better grades.

The face is still so smelly.

Every time Mimi asked Hu Xiao, Hu Xiao was vague and unwilling to say. Later, when Mimi pressed Hu Xiao, Hu Xiao said that he had met Sun Chao from a distance before.

After getting to know Sun Chao, I found out that Sun Chao was a student of Peking University, so she wanted to be admitted to Peking University.

Although she felt that Hu Xiao wasn't telling the truth, she didn't hear any flaws in Hu Xiao's words. Since she said so, Mimi didn't ask.

When Hu Xiao asked his boss about Sun Chao, his father only knew of Sun Chao's identity as one of the writers, but when he got home and saw Hu Xiao, he called Sun Chao both [mouse] and [like a dream].

Although Hu Feng told his precious daughter about this matter, he emphasized: Don't reveal Sun Chao's identity.

I also said that none of Sun Chao's roommates knew Sun Chao's identity as a writer.

Hu Xiao also confirmed what his father said when he arrived at the school. Although he knew about Sun Chao's deeds at school, no one knew that Sun Chao was still a writer.

In this case, Hu Xiao did not tell Mimi the truth.

When Hu Xiao rode to the basketball court in one breath, the basketball court was already empty.

He ran to the dormitory in one breath, and he was still out of breath, so he asked Mimi: "Where is Sun Chao... Has he left?"

When entering the dormitory, you have to pass the basketball court. Hu Xiao asked this question knowingly.

"Didn't you see it all, the person has already left."

After saying this sentence, Mimi saw that Hu Xiao's eyes were red, and hurriedly made amends: "Don't worry, Sun Chao will definitely eat in the cafeteria. Let's block him at the door of his dormitory."

Hu Xiao had also found out that Sun Chao hadn't moved the dormitory, and now he was still living in the Zhuangyuan Building where the undergraduates lived. At this time, Hu Xiao thought that Mimi's idea was not bad.

Turn around and pull Mimi to run outside.

Mimi hasn't changed her clothes yet, so she hastily stopped her.

When the two waited for Sun Chao outside Sun Chao's dormitory in the shade for more than ten minutes, they finally saw him coming out of the dormitory.

Sun Chao didn't go out to eat when he had class in the afternoon, and rode his bicycle to the nearest cafeteria.

At this time, everyone had not finished class, and there was no queue at the cafeteria at this time, and there would be a queue at the cafeteria later, so Sun Chao simply took a shower and came out.

(End of this chapter)

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