Chapter 389
Qiu Ning was originally a writer from Qidian, but this time he was recruited by outsiders.

Qiu Ning's job-hopping also had a little impact on the starting point. After all, Qiu Ning is not one of those ordinary great writers that can be seen everywhere.

When they signed the contract with outsiders, there was no news that the mouse would write a book.

The two of them didn't know whether they were deliberately hiding it from the outside, or they really didn't know.

The fame and contract content of the two are similar to that of the mouse. After all, the fame of the three is similar now.

In detail, the number of years the two wrote books and the number of books completely crushed the writer of the mouse
The two had already written novels on the forum before the Qidian and Jinjianger websites were created. In contrast, the mouse is a newcomer who cannot be used.

The two went to the computer early because they wanted to see how the new novel released by the mouse was. If it was really good, they would avoid it and release the new novel later.

If this novel is like that, they plan to step on the mouse and this writer will gain a firm foothold in Jinjianger.

It's not time for this meeting yet, the two of them are chatting on QQ, after all, there are still a few minutes left.

"Wanwan, do you think the two of us made a big fuss, slept well and waited for the mouse here. Although the development of the mouse in the past two or three years is really good, it can't be compared with the two of us."

"Before this mouse author wrote the novel, we started selling the copyright of the novel many years ago."

"What is this man's virtue and ability? Wanwan, you can even give up running for more than ten years, just to wait in front of the computer for the mouse's novel to be released."

Wanyue has been paying attention to the mouse. This person is no worse than the novels she wrote. She hasn't seen a novel written by the mouse in the past half a year. Wanyue knows the speed of the mouse's creation.

She is looking forward to how wonderful the novel will be when the mouse is used for more than half a year.

Wanyue's novels are really good, otherwise she wouldn't be able to achieve the No.1 status of female online writer.

Not to mention the quality of the novel, even the speed of creation is graceful and invincible.

What's more, the quality of Mouse's novels is not inferior to hers.

If this time Mouse's novel is more exciting than the previous novels, then Wanyue intends to avoid it and release a new book after Mouse's novel is finished.

She is not strong, of course she knows what choice is best for her.

It's not that she's afraid of the mouse, but that she doesn't want to hurt each other. After all, the readers of the two have a lot of overlap.

If she publishes the book regardless, it will only make both of their novels get bad grades.

After receiving a glass of water, Wanyue went to the computer.

As soon as I sat down, I saw a message from my little sister.

Shaking his head, this guy is still so defiant, he feels that no one can surpass her.

Wanyue and Qiu Ning can become friends because they don't know each other.

After putting down the water glass, he typed: "Ning Ning, don't you feel that your current behavior seems familiar; when I posted a book with you on a forum, you also had the same attitude."

It was a long time ago, so Qiu Ning recalled it carefully.


When Wanyue switched to Qiu Ning's forum to post novels, Qiu Ning remembered that he felt the same way.

At that time, Qiu Ning knew that Wanyue didn't pay attention to Wanyue when she posted novels on the forum he had run for several years. Even at that time, Wanyue was a well-known writer, but Qiu Ning felt that this was his home game, so Wanyue came here There are no old readers at all.

everything has to start over

Facts have proved that I think a little too much, and the reader is not dead; if Wanyue can come, why can't the reader come.

At this moment, Qiu Ning had a bad feeling.

"Wanwan, don't scare me, my little heart is not very good."

Wanyue saw that the time was almost up, so she didn't answer Qiu Ning, she just replied: "I'm talking after seeing it."

Sun Chao's novel comment area.

"What kind of novel do you think the mouse is writing this time? As long as it's not a costume novel, it's really not my thing."

There are readers who like youth novels, and there are readers who like costume novels, and there are almost no messages left.

"Youth is not bad, but I still like costume novels."

"Jin Jiang'er's work is too badass, and I don't say what type of novel it is. If other writers really don't have any suspense, but if our mouse is too big, maybe. Don't say in advance what type of novel it is. No one can imagine what kind of novel he wrote."

"Hurry up! The results will be out soon. There are still 2 minutes."

Time flies.

The novel was published, and the bickering began again.


"We are too biased, we have written so many youth novels, why not write costume novels."

"Da Da, if you don't write costume novels, you will lose us."

"I was looking forward to it a few days ago. Who knew it was still a youth novel. At that time, I thought that most of the mouse had written so many youth novels, and it was the turn of costume novels."

"But the results still let me down."

"Who says it's not? It's okay if you don't expect it. Now it's good. I've been looking forward to it for many days, and finally this is the result."

"Slip away."

After Wanyue and Qiu Ning finished speaking, the time came.

Just clicked in.

I didn't expect that the mouse would update ten chapters on the first day. Is this a benefit for readers?

Qiu Ning also clicked into the mouse's novel.

Wanyue read the introduction of the novel as before.

The more I look at it, the more familiar I feel.

Aristocratic school, poor female students, four noble children, why is this so similar to the TV series "Meteor Garden" before the mouse?

Although "Meteor Garden" has no novels, there are TV series.

Now it's not a matter of similar missions, even the names of the novels are similar.

The previous TV series was called "Meteor Garden", and this one is called "Let's Watch the Meteor Shower".

Is this a sister chapter?Or the mouse has also fallen; plan to rub your own heat?
Frowning, he muttered in a low voice: "The more you look, the more you look like it."

If Qiu Ning was here, he would know what she seemed to mean.

Now whether Sun Chao is rubbing her own heat is no longer the point. The point is that Wanyue's novels are also written according to this feeling. Her new novel is also a multi-male protagonist, in school, and a poor female college student.

Although she refers to the TV series of Meteor Garden, there are also a lot of changes.

But So Immortal is very similar to the new novel Mouse.

Isn't this noisy?

Her novel is nearly finished, almost finished.

This time they hit each other directly.

With the mouse as the first novel, her novel would be for nothing.

Wanyue stayed in front of the computer for a long time, but was still brought back to her thoughts by the voice of the QQ message.

Qiu Ning was also dumbfounded after reading it. What's the situation? Although she has read Wanyue's novel, although it is a bit uncomfortable, the plot and direction are almost the same. Now she suspects that the mouse stole Wanyue's novel and published it.

After reacting, Qiu Ning sent Wanyue a message.

(End of this chapter)

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