Chapter 394 Something Happened!
After Ren Haijun received the call from Wu Zhenzhen, he knew that the matter was serious.

He stopped calling and drove directly to Sun Chao's school.

At this time, he didn't know that this matter would be over without Sun Chao's hands.

There are too many things that Ren Haijun needs to take care of now. I didn't expect such a big thing to happen if I didn't pay attention to it for a week.

Ren Haijun knows Sun Chao's current schedule better than Sun Chao.

Knowing that Sun Chao was in class at this time, he couldn't sit still, so he might as well go to school and wait.

Having said that, if you want to find Sun Chao, you need to know when he is free and when he has classes.

When Sun Chao got the schedule, Ren Haijun asked for a copy.

After Ren Haijun arrived at the school, he went straight to the classroom where Sun Chao was currently studying.

When Sun Chao finished class, Ren Haijun greeted him.

As soon as Sun Chao looked up, he saw Ren Haijun standing outside the door.

This is something, otherwise Ren Haijun would not come to the school to find him.

Sun Chao thought about walking out the door.

At this time, Sun Chao also saw the little girl standing outside the door, Hu Xiao.

Sun Chao pretended not to see it, and walked out with Ren Haijun directly.

Hu Xiao saw that Sun Chao was busy, so he didn't follow him.

During this time, Sun Chao could see Hu Xiao whenever he ran in the morning or after class, and he was used to it now.

The two were talking while walking outside the school.

When Sun Chao knew about it, he didn't take it seriously.

But Ren Haijun didn't take it seriously.

"Boss, don't worry about it. It's obvious that someone is behind this matter, and it's aimed at destroying you. If this matter allows them to succeed, it will be no small matter to you."

"Although you don't care, you can't let this person slander you like this."

"Many fans of your mouse vest have been brainwashed by them."

Sun Chao just smiled lightly, and said without emotion: "Didn't that person say that I hired someone to write it for me? Then I'm serializing a few novels."

Ren Haijun couldn't understand it anymore, wouldn't this add fuel to the flames? Originally, you said that you were looking for someone to write for you, but now you are publishing a few novels, wouldn't it be true for this person's statement?

"No, boss, why don't you just come out and clarify; there's no need to be so troublesome."

This person wanted to press himself to death, and it was too simple to think of a solution, that person should have been prepared for a long time.

"Brother Haijun, your thinking is too simple."

Ren Haijun was indeed a little anxious about this meeting, and he understood it after being told by Sun Chao.

"Boss, what are you going to do? Are you deliberately hitting this man in the face?"

Sun Chao didn't speak, but asked instead: "Brother Haijun, what do you think is the identity of this person who wants to harm me?"

"What identity?" Ren Haijun repeated.

Can hurt Sun Chao so much...

After Ren Haijun became less anxious, his mind also turned.

"Writer." Ren Haijun blurted out.

"Tell me."

"You're so low-key, it's impossible for you to come for yourself, then you can only come from the writer's status as a mouse. The biggest beneficiaries of your unlucky luck are other writers. You have blocked many people's money over the years; Could this be called literati's despise?"

Ren Haijun continued Sun Chao's plan and said: "Then I will ask the actors of Datang Entertainment who have filmed your script to clarify for you, and then I will ask the person in charge of Qidian and Jinjianger to speak for you."

"And then when things are at their height, you're publishing several novels in a row."

"I'm guessing that you want to find something for them to do, so that they don't have time to come out and spread rumors, and then add celebrities and two websites to come out and let them know that you are not something they can move."

"more or less."

Sun Chao actually didn't want the stars of Datang to come out to join in the fun, but if Brother Hu and the others knew about it, they would have to come out to join in the fun without Sun Chao's mentioning.

"Recently, you are releasing the fact that the company wants to buy the copyright, and by the way, revealing that I am the boss of Windvane."

"Actually, even if I don't say it, it's not a secret. When you bought the copyright before, you went there personally, Brother Hai."

"This move is ruthless." Ren Haijun said with a smile.

Now Windvane Company is considered to be the best among copyright companies.

This person was able to calculate Sun Chao in such a way because Sun Chao had never said it himself, and it was all speculation.

If he knew that Sun Chao was the boss of Wind Vane Company, he would have to think carefully about doing so.

It is not 01:30 that the price given by Windvane Company when buying the copyright is higher than others, and it is not just a matter of price. Now writers know that Windvane Company has a strong relationship with the entertainment industry.

Based on this, Wind Vane Company has become very famous in recent years.

Sun Chao hasn't written any novels for more than a year, but Windvane Company has bought a lot of novel copyrights.

When Sun Chao was not writing novels, Sun Chao took out several novels from the novels bought by the company and adapted them.

Not only Datang Entertainment re-shooted, but also sold three copyrights to Brother Media and Sunshine Media respectively.

Moreover, these TV dramas have been filmed one after another, and some of them are about to start broadcasting, and they have already come to a finale.

The ratings were still good, but the plot was a bit too routine, so Sun Chao helped to change it.

The most popular are Mao Jun's "Journey to the Tomb" and Feng Xiaoxiao's "Legend of Liluo".

It can be regarded as one of the hottest TV series in the past two years.

"Legend of Li Luo" is still broadcast on TV.

Sun Chao is very optimistic about this "Legend of Liluo", and he didn't take advantage of others, so he left it to Datang Entertainment.

It took more than a year for this show to finally air. In fact, the time was wasted on custom-made costumes and asking teachers to learn etiquette.

Now the popularity of the two writers, because after the novel was adapted into a TV series, the fans did not increase by 01:30.

The reward income of physical books and novels of novels has also increased by more than 01:30 points because of the adaptation of TV series.

Moreover, Ren Haijun's price every time he bought the copyright of a novel was about 30.00% higher than other companies.

It is because Sun Chao is the boss of Datang Entertainment that he has the confidence to pay a high price for the rights to the novel, because Sun Chao is not worried about losing his hands at all.

Sun Chao is currently developing video playback software, and some of the company's developers are recruited by Sun Chao from other companies in Bangziguo.

There are also some people who borrowed from Tencent.

The reason why Ren Haijun didn't notice the anomalies in Jin Jiang'er and Blogger was also because he was busy with this new company recently.

Sun Chao didn't let anyone else join this company, he was the only boss.

This is also Sun Chao's confidence in buying the copyright of the novel.

Because of this, now as long as Windvane and other companies have taken a fancy to the same novel, the writer will definitely choose to sell it to Windvane.

Everyone is not stupid, and they can sell at a high price and make their own fame, so why not do it.

Other copyright companies are not as confident as Sun Chao's company, and now almost few of the novels they buy are sold.

If they want to sell it, they have to contact the entertainment company, and at the same time, the entertainment company has to be interested.

Now is not the era of big IP, copyright is not so easy to sell.

If the copyright is not sold for a day, their money will be on the company's copyright for a day.

(End of this chapter)

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