Chapter 399 Seeing the Parents

This meeting was only focused on chatting, and no one noticed Hu Xiao's little gesture.

In fact, Hu Feng didn't even know how his daughter would agree to go out to eat with him. In the past, Hu Xiao was desperately unwilling to come out to eat with his uncles. It was really boring to say that there was no common topic.

But Hu Xiao was willing to go out for dinner with him and Hu Feng was very happy.

What Sun Chao saw just now was Hu Xiao and his daughter.

As soon as Sun Chao came in, he saw the only girl standing.

Sun Chao never thought that he would meet Hu Xiao here.

Standing there and blinking his eyes, Sun Chao was thinking in his mind, what is the situation.

Look at Hu Xiao and look at Hu Feng.

At this time, Sun Chao understood something.

But he still felt that the fate was wonderful. He never thought that Hu Xiao was actually the daughter of the big brother Hu Feng.

Sun Chao knew from Shen Dong how much Hu Feng doted on this girl, but in Sun Chao's contact with Hu Xiao for more than half a year, he didn't feel the style of a big lady in Hu Xiao at all.

In fact, Sun Chao sometimes thought, if it doesn't work, try it with Hu Xiao, if it's not suitable to talk about, but now.

just forget it.

If Hu Xiao, a daughter slave, knew that he had dumped his daughter, Sun Chao would have suspected that Hu Feng would fight for him.

Don't do business in the future.

Seeing that Sun Chao had been looking at his daughter after he came in, Hu Feng did not expect the two to know each other.

I just think that Sun Chao may be curious about how there is an extra person.

Hu Xiao quickly stood up and introduced to Sun Chao, "Hu Xiao, my daughter."

Hu Feng still wanted to introduce Sun Chao, but Hu Xiao spoke first.

Hu Xiao smiled and looked at his father: "I know Senior Sun Chao, and he is the student of our school."

Shen Dong also came to join in the fun, and said with a smile: "Little niece, if you have any problems at school in the future, just ask Sun Chao, and he can solve it for you."

Although Hu Feng felt something was wrong, he agreed.

Hu Xiao smiled and winked at Sun Chao: "Okay, I must go to Senior Sun Chao if I have something to do."

Seeing Hu Xiao's reaction, Sun Chao wasn't surprised at all. He knew that he would come and his identity.

He really didn't have the slightest impression of seeing this little girl, and he didn't know why he knew himself.

Since you don't know, then ask directly: "Hu Xiao, did you know me before entering school?"

Hu Xiao didn't say that he didn't know each other, but he didn't tell the truth either: "I've known your name, Sun Chao, for a long time. My dad always mentioned you. At that time, you were my idol."

"The reason I worked so hard to get into Peking University is because your idol is at Peking University."

It was the first time that Hu Feng knew that his daughter would be admitted to Peking University if she repeated her studies, and it turned out that she was going for Sun Chao.

At this time, a bad thought appeared in Hu Feng's mind: his daughter might have taken a fancy to Sun Chao.

No, no, no.

His daughter is not yet eighteen, so he doesn't want to marry her off so early.

No matter how long it takes to be over thirty, if he can, he hopes to raise his daughter for a lifetime.

Hu Feng wanted to find a son-in-law for his daughter before, but now the momentum is wrong.

A young man I liked very much at first, no matter how I look at it at this time, it is not pleasing to the eye.

He looked at Sun Chao from top to bottom.

He looks pretty good, a little handsomer than himself, and his stature is not bad, just a little taller than himself.

In terms of money, Sun Chao can't compare to himself.

Although he thought so in his heart, Hu Feng still felt guilty.

Now it's really hard to say whether Sun Chao's worth is less than his own.

He knew that Sun Chao had several particularly profitable companies.

Hu Feng felt that Sun Chao was not worth as much as himself, and it was because Hu Feng started making money many years before Sun Chao.

Now that I think about it, it would be nice for Sun Chao to be his son-in-law.

When he had this thought, Hu Feng quickly put it aside.

Even the son of the richest man in the world is not worthy of his daughter.

When sitting down, Hu Xiao wanted to be by Sun Chao's side.

When Hu Feng saw his daughter's actions, he quickly pulled Hu Xiao over.

Sun Chao also saw the eyes of Hu Feng, the daughter slave, and Sun Chao also wanted to distance himself from Hu Xiao, so he pretended not to see the small movements of Hu Xiao and Hu Feng's father and daughter.

Went to the other side of Shen Dong and sat down.

Hu Xiao looked disappointed when he saw Sun Chao was so far away from him.

At this moment, Hu Xiao felt that something had changed.

Sun Chao didn't say a few words all night, treating Hu Xiao as air.

They were all human beings, and it was quickly seen that Hu Xiao, a girl, seemed to have taken a fancy to Sun Chao.

I wanted to match up a few words, but Sun Chao didn't answer at all.

After a meal, everyone knew that Hu Feng was a hot girl who shaved her hair, and Sun Chao didn't mean that at all.

Hu Feng was happy and a little disappointed seeing Sun Chao's actions.

I am happy that my daughter will not fall in love early, but I am disappointed that Sun Chao is indeed a good candidate for a son-in-law, but Sun Chao has no idea about his daughter.

When Hu Xiaozai appeared next to Sun Chao the next day, Sun Chao avoided it from a distance.

Until the day of the holiday, Hu Xiao was still blocking Sun Chao.

It's not a problem to hide like this, Sun Chao didn't hide this time, but directly greeted him.

He was not polite, and said directly after standing up: "Hu Xiao, I don't want to make my words too harsh."

Hu Xiao seemed to have guessed what Sun Chao meant, and stood there pouting.

Sun Chaoquan pretended not to see it, and then said: "Your father and I are partners, and I don't want to make our relationship stalemate because of you, and it is impossible for me and you, please don't appear in front of me in the future."

After Sun Chao finished speaking, he pulled the box and left.

Hu Xiao is so likely to give up.

At that time, she felt that Sun Chao's attitude had changed, but she did not expect that Sun Chao would reject her so directly.

Hu Xiao endured the tears that had originally reached his eyes, put on a smiling face and chased after him.

Sun Chao hadn't walked a few steps when he heard a voice behind him.

Originally, I was waiting here for Wang Bin to leave together, but I didn't expect to see Hu Xiao. If I had known earlier, Sun Chao would have been waiting in the community instead of the dormitory.

At this time, Sun Chao heard Hu Xiaodu's voice.

"It's okay, idol, we can be friends first."

Sun Chao didn't expect that Hu Xiao still didn't give up, and it wasn't good to say bad things, so he just pretended he didn't see it.

At this time, Wang Bin came out.

As soon as Wang Bin came out, he saw a girl chasing after Sun Chao.

Still an acquaintance.

Now Wang Bin is used to Sun Chao being followed by a little tail.

Wang Bin originally wanted to step forward to make a joke, but seeing Sun Chao's cold face, he closed his mouth wisely.

Follow Sun Chao and walk outside the school.

Wang Bin also turned around and waved to Hu Xiao.

Seeing that Hu Xiao didn't follow, Wang Bin said with a smile: "I don't think you hate Hu Xiao, Sun Chao, do you want to try?"

Sun Chao didn't hide it from Wang Bin either, and said: "It took me two days to find out that Hu Xiaodu's father and I are still partners. If it's not suitable for us to break up, his father and I don't even have to be friends. Don't mention it in the future." gone."

(End of this chapter)

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