Chapter 4 The Threesome

The classmates in the class also slowly accepted their changes and stopped paying attention to them.

This is the second year of high school, and the college entrance examination will be over in a year. Whoever has that spare time has been paying attention to the three of them.

This college entrance examination is like crossing a single-plank bridge. If one is not careful, all the hard work for so many years will be in vain.

Day by day, Sun Chao spent this month in Chinese and English in the first year of high school.

Teacher Yao, the head teacher, also saw the changes in them.

Also ask the three of them to the office to understand the current study situation.

Knowing that the students are really determined to study hard, Teacher Yao is very relieved.

Which teacher doesn't want his students to make progress, and when he thinks about it occasionally, he will find some papers for them in the first year of high school!

office one afternoon

"The three of you will soon be adults!"

"I also have to be responsible for my own future. I didn't say it before. I just know how to make progress. It's not too late to study hard now. As long as you work hard, you will soon catch up with the current progress."

"Fortunately, you woke up early. If you are in the third year of high school and want to make up for the past, it will not be so easy."

"Your hardworking teachers can see it, and if you don't understand anything, you can ask the teachers in each subject."

"Okay, thank you teacher!"

Teacher: "Go back, do you study hard, have you learned it in your mind, you can deceive others, but you can't deceive yourself, you will know as soon as the test results come out."

As for Sun Chao, during this time he found that his memory was better than he had imagined.

In the past month or so, I have caught up with Chinese and foreign languages. After learning one subject, I took out the test papers, and the scores were all around 120 points. Most of the wrong questions were caused by carelessness.

And the fat man!

In this month's study of foreign language and Chinese, I have also gone from about 110 points to 45 points now. Thousands of people let alone [-] points.

Although Fatty has only reviewed two subjects, but this is not just to watch flowers on horseback. He is really studying hard. Now the time is short, and the results will be even better after a long time.

What's more, Fatty's grades have always been good. For Fatty who plays games and skips classes from time to time, it can already prove his IQ. Wang Bin is the best example!

What about Wang Bin!
The grades are also improving very quickly, but I always want to go online.

Sun Chao and Fatty threatened him together, "If they don't pass the exam, they will treat this brother as nothing, and they can't afford to lose that man!"

This remark dissuaded Wang Bin from playing games a lot. A young man who has not stepped into society pays much attention to brotherhood. How could he be willing to say so, so he started to learn from Sun Chao and his wife. Grades are also on the rise.

The biggest headache for Sun Chao is mathematics. Before he was reborn, he knew every single formula, and he asked me how to do this problem together.

Still looking for an answer?

What the hell is this ghost drawing? Answer?
They know Sun Chao, Sun Chao doesn't know them!

After finishing the previous two courses, Sun Chao planned to focus on mathematics, and then science and comprehensive science.

At this time, the bell rang for the end of get out of class, and the fat man jumped up all of a sudden.

Play agility that doesn't match his weight.

Pulling Sun Chao and Wang Bin, they rushed out of the class, saying, "I have chicken legs today, hurry up and we'll sell them out!"

While walking, Sun Chao said calmly, "Fatty, it's time for you to lose weight, your waist is about to catch up to mine twice.

Wang Bin also stabbed at the side: "It can't be two laps, at least three laps."

After hearing this, the fat man had a black line on his face: "You two are enough, if you don't hit me, you two will die!"

Playing and joking along the way, chatting while walking.

"Chaozi, have you been hiding your clumsiness before? Your grades are going to go to heaven!"

Sun Chao: "..."

I looked depressed and thought, if it is really like what the fat man said, then it would be so miserable in my previous life, and now I have only caught up with the second class, and there are still four classes, and now I have caught up with the progress, the third year of high school time is less tense
Then he asked Wang Bin: "Binbin, how is your progress now?"

Wang Bin directly placed a satellite!
"I have finished three subjects."

Sun Chao kept repeating in his mind that he had finished three subjects.

My mind was stunned for a moment, damn it!no?In the end who is cheating, I only finished two subjects and you three subjects!

Sun Chao looked at Fatty with question marks on his face, and Fatty also looked surprised.

Go straight up and touch Wang Bin's neck and ask:

(End of this chapter)

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