Chapter 6 Crazy
Thinking clearly, not bad, Xiaopang saw me looking up, with an expression on his face that he was about to praise me.

With a black line on Sun Chao's face, he got a question right, which is like solving a world problem!
But you can't hit him, if you hit him too much, what can you do if you hit this guy with broken pots, what can you do, praise!

Sun Chao had a smirk on his face: "Great! Keep up the good work! We will still be alumni for the university!"

He tapped Wang Bin on the back and said encouragingly: "Binbin, you work hard to catch up with the progress. You may be the biggest dark horse in No. [-] Middle School this month!"

Wang Bin turned around and said, "Actually, when you two were studying hard at first, I didn't study by myself. I felt like I was about to lose you two brothers."

"Even playing the game is by myself, there is no atmosphere at all."

"So I will accompany you two to learn. Slowly, I found that I know everything, but I just don't take classes well, and the truth is getting farther and farther away from me!"

"I was a little scared, so I started to study seriously, and found that if I didn't study, I might have to work part-time after I graduated from high school!"

Seeing Wang Bin, Sun Chao was a little frustrated: "Your foundation is better than the average classmate. As long as you make up for the less than a year's work, you will definitely have a good grade!"

The fat man suddenly said, "Binbin, how about we work hard to get into a university together?"

Sun Chao then said: "This idea is okay, you all tell me, what kind of university do you want to go to, what major do you want to study?"

"Tsinghua University, Peking University, Fudan University, Zhejiang University, as long as I can get in, I can choose any, but if I can choose, of course I want to go to Qingbei University." Wang Bin said.

"Any good university is fine, the main thing is that I have to be admitted! If I can choose, I also want to go to Tsinghua University and Peking University."

"Actually, I want to go to Shanghai the most. If both of you have good grades, then I might accompany you to Beijing too!"

If the students in the class hear it, the last three people will pick and choose at Tsinghua University and Peking University.Definitely say they are out of their minds.

I spent the whole afternoon in the sea of ​​math problems, there are still two months before the summer vacation, time flies so fast!

For more than a month, Chinese and foreign languages ​​have caught up with the current progress.

There is still the hard bone of mathematics. I have time to study physics, chemistry and biology. This is definitely a confidence in my memory. Mathematics is only a little more difficult than English.

Last year, I scored 560 in the first line of science. According to this rhythm, I should maintain a score of 130 in each subject, and get [-] points in physics, which is almost the same. The school I want to choose should be fine.

Arriving at the dormitory at night, the three of them were still studying.

The exam is about to come, this math can’t be too exaggerated, in class tomorrow, I will turn over the physics and chemistry as a whole, I believe that as long as you understand the textbook thoroughly, any test papers will not be a problem!

The other two top students in the class returned to the dormitory, and they were already used to it.

From the beginning, I thought I went to the wrong dormitory, and I looked like you were teasing me.

Up to now, their faces are calm. Although there is no expression on their faces, they still have a sense of urgency in their hearts.

Sometimes they would see the finished test paper with the grades given by the teacher or Sun Chao on it. The grades, the rhythm of riding a rocket, it's no wonder they weren't nervous!
After washing up, the two returned to their beds, picked up their textbooks, and looked, some were reciting English words silently, and some were learning math formulas.

Thinking of English, I bought some English tapes to practice speaking when I went home during the holidays. I can’t just write but not speak. If I didn’t announce the exam today, I should have a rest.

Sun Chao thought again, should he go home to see his younger brother on Sunday? Sun Chao has a younger brother who is four years younger than himself, and his name is Sun Shuai.

Now I am in the second year of junior high school in the town, and my grades can only be considered above average. According to the trajectory of my previous life, I failed to enter the county No. [-] middle school, and spent money to enter a private school in the county. The tuition fee is several thousand more expensive than the public school every year!
He made a girlfriend in the second year of high school, and the girl chased him actively, but she didn't refuse, and kept talking about the third year of high school.

In the third year of high school, I felt that time was tight, and the two got along less, so they separated.

In the end, my younger brother only took the second exam. He studied graphic design and went to university in the next city.

(End of this chapter)

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