Chapter 64

Sun Chao waited for about 10 minutes before receiving the call.

Put on your shoes, go downstairs and swipe the elevator card for them, otherwise they will not be able to get up, especially if it is still more than ten floors high.

When I arrived at the lobby of the unit building, I saw three people coming. Two of them were here to move things, and the other was the driver. Sun Chao bought it at that time, but I didn’t expect it to be quite a lot. It’s okay to stand there, so I walked over to help get it. It's almost enough to move back and forth twice.

After sending away the workers who helped move things, Sun Chao went upstairs and started sorting.

The things in the kitchen are placed under the cabinets, and the things in the bedroom are placed in the wall cabinets above the wardrobes.

After tidying up, I classified everything that should be classified.

Here he also adopted Aunt Tian's opinion.

When it is necessary to live in it, it should be demolished. At the beginning, Sun Chao thought that it would be better to live at home, but now he does not live in it. If he lives in it, he should demolish it.

Sun Chao looked around and went downstairs when there was nothing to clean up.

What a day!They were all running around and took a taxi to the house on the first floor.

When I got to the door, I saw three or four workers moving things in, and saw that there was no furniture outside, because they should have moved in.

Sun Chao entered the room directly, and saw that the sofa was placed in the living room with a plastic film, the washing machine was also placed where the washing machine used to be, and the shoe cabinet was also put away.

Aunt Tian was cleaning around the washing machine with a mop.

Two workers were installing curtains. They went to the back room and found that the curtains in the room had been installed, and the only thing left was the curtains in the living room.

The air conditioner was not delivered, it should have been delivered during the installation, and now the workers are putting small things in the living room.

Sun Chao still wanted to help, but he saw that there was nothing on the car, and the master who installed the curtains had also finished it at this time. Sun Chao saw that the workers had finished, so he greeted them, and the workers drove away. up.

Sun Chao helped Aunt Tian to classify together, and Aunt Tian mopped the ground that the workers stepped on just now, and it was almost nine o'clock when it was finished.

Fortunately, it was in the city, so it was very bright everywhere, especially there was a street light in front of Sun Chao's house.

If it was a home in the town, it would be pitch black everywhere.

It was almost done, and Sun Chao gave Aunt Tian 300 yuan, which was regarded as overtime pay.

Just now Sun Chao went to his bedroom to have a look. Aunt Tian was very considerate and helped Sun Chao spread quilts on the beds in Sun Chao's room, and also finished a four-piece suit.

After sending Aunt Tian away, Sun Chao also went out.

After a busy day, he was so hungry that his chest was stuck to his back, and he strolled around to see what to eat in the city

Suddenly Sun Chao saw a crayfish shop, and he hadn't tried it since he came back for so long.

Sun Chao raised his foot and walked over.

The diners who came to eat were all together, calling for friends, and only Sun Chao was alone.

Sun Chao ordered two catties of lobster, one spicy and one garlic, and Sun Chao could definitely finish it with ease.

Eat and drink enough to go home.

The next day, Sun Chao didn't get up until nine o'clock. Today he planned to buy a car.

Install the air conditioner tomorrow, and buy a house for my younger brother the day after tomorrow.

Sun Chao had already thought about buying an SUV for his dad, and Volkswagen is pretty good, it won't be high-profile, and it can be sold.

In the future, I can occasionally pull goods when opening a store.

I went to the roadside of the community and ate a portion of bean brain, with tea eggs and rice dumplings.

Sun Chao felt a little full after eating, so he strolled around with his computer bag on his back, looking at the buildings at this time, it was all for digestion.

Unconsciously, I arrived at Huaihai Road in the city center, looked up and looked around, saw the largest bookstore in the city not far away, and walked over.

Because Sun Chao remembered that "Tomb Raider Notes 2" was still on the shelves, and now he went to buy a copy. This time, the publishing house did not send him a sample book, bad review!

It hurts me to buy it myself, and I am so kind to want to sign some books and help them sell books.

If I didn't want to give benefits to readers, I wouldn't even want to sign them.

In fact, it arrived before the exam. The old man who was the doorman asked for leave, and the other man was on duty, and he didn't know Sun Chao either.

In the lobby on the first floor, Sun Chao found that his novel was placed in the most conspicuous place.

There are several people around who are holding books and reading.

Sun Chao also had a bad taste.

He took a novel, walked up to someone who might be a high school student and asked, "Handsome guy, is this novel good?"

Hearing the sound, the young man raised his head and found that he was talking to himself, so he replied: "A friend recommended it and said it was very good. I just started to read it, and the dozen or so chapters I've read so far are not bad."

"You can have a look."

As he was talking, a young man in his 20s approached beside him.

After walking back, he began to recommend: "I've already read it online, it's very good-looking, I'm here to buy a collection today, you can buy one each, it's absolutely true."

Sun Chao felt very happy. He didn't expect to come to the bookstore and meet a book fan.

After exchanging a few words with each other, Sun Chao took a copy and went to the cash register to check out.

Sun Chao noticed that among the first few people in line, several of them were holding "Tomb Raider Notes 2" in their hands.

When it was Sun Chao's turn to check out, he asked, "Sister, for this novel, Sun Chao also raised "Tomb Raider Notes 2" in his hand and said:
"Is it selling well?"

The cashier girl said happily: "These just arrived today, and they were out of stock twice in the middle. There are a few people in front of you who didn't buy them last time, so they came here specially today."

Sun Chao knew it when he heard it. If it sells so well in small third-tier cities, then this book may really break through 500 million copies.

Sun Chao paid the bill, said thank you, and walked out of the bookstore.

Sun Chao put the book directly in the computer bag.

The design of this bag is good. The computer is installed in the innermost interlayer, and the outside is a normal backpack after zipping it up. There is still a lot of space after installing some keyboard chargers. It doesn’t take up much space to put books in the bag. It’s still relatively Can hold things.If it is not practical, Sun Chao will change it early.

After leaving the bookstore, I hailed a taxi from the side of the road and rushed directly to the nearest Volkswagen 4S store.

The 4S stores are far away, and it is convenient for test drives, and there are not so many places in the city.

After 10 minutes, I arrived at the 4S store.

After paying the fare, he went to the store. When he entered the store, he found that there were still a few waves of customers. Sun Chao thought that there should be more people before.

When Sun Chao came in, he didn't look for the service staff. Seeing that they were all busy, he came in and walked directly to the exhibition hall in the hall. Sun Chao wanted to choose first by himself, and just go through the formalities after making sure.

Strolling, seeing the Phaeton and Passat of this era, Sun Chao found that the cars at this time were all round.

After looking around, Sun Chao took a fancy to an SUV, a Touareg 04 standard model that was just launched in 3.2

Sun Chao picked up the brochure of this car and looked at the price. The price tag was 82 yuan. Sun Chao thought it should be able to save tens of thousands of yuan and landed at more than 80 yuan. Point, or four-wheel drive.

After reading the brochure, Sun Chao opened the driver's door and sat in. It felt good, the seat was relatively soft, and it was more comfortable to sit on. He took a look at the black interior and the wooden center console. The pattern matching is more suitable for dad at this age.

Sun Chao got out of the car and walked around the car again. The car is quite long, so I don't know how his father's skills are.

If you buy this, it seems that Dad will not be willing to buy it.

If not, I will buy a van to carry goods for my dad in the future.

Sun Chao strolled around the hall again, and there was nothing he liked more. It was already noon, and he didn't want to look at other brands of cars, so let's just this one.

I was just about to find a salesperson, when I thought about calling.

He took out his mobile phone and saw that it was Zhao Liang calling.Sun Chao thought, what's the matter?
Then the phone went out the door.

"What are you doing, editor, why are you calling?"

"When are you going to have a book signing?"

"Didn't I tell you before that I wouldn't hold a signing event?"

"What made you call this time?"

Zhao Liang said: "The group has been @你, this time most of them are your golden leaders."

"After all, I have tipped you so much money, and there is still a part of it that has tipped more than one golden lord, so it's not good to ignore it."

"I thought of a compromise, I said you listen?"

Sun Chao replied, "Then tell me."

"We will hold a meeting similar to the author's meeting, and only invite those golden leaders, so that the scope is small, and it can meet the readers' wishes, and it will not violate your wish to not want to be famous."

"what do you think?"

Sun Chao thought it would be fine, and it wouldn't affect just these few people from all over the world.

"Okay! Where do we do it?"

Zhao Liang heaved a sigh of relief when he heard that Sun Chao agreed.

He made this call out of concern, because he was afraid that Sun Chao wouldn't be able to talk about it.

"Then wait for you to come to Shencheng and do it in Shencheng. You don't have to worry about anything else, as long as you arrive on time."

"I'll arrange the rest."

Sun Chao was very happy to hear that Zhao Liang had made arrangements so he didn't have to worry about it. Sun Chao hated trouble the most.

"Okay, you are calling me at the exact time."

"Then when will you come to Shanghai? I'll arrange it." Zhao Liang asked.

Sun Chao calculated his own time and said, "Four days later at the latest."

"That's fine, then you call me in advance, and I'll pick you up." Zhao Liang said immediately.


After hanging up the phone, Sun Chao turned and walked into the shop.

Since Sun Chao decided to buy it, he came in and directly found a salesman who was free.

"Hi, do you have a current car for the Touareg?"

What Sun Chao asked was a pretty girl in her twenties named Gu Xiaoyan, a newcomer who had only come to work for less than three months.

Gu Xiaoyan just received a customer who came to see the car with her family. She said that her mouth was dry and she didn't buy it in the end. Didn't she just sit down for a rest when she heard someone talking to herself.

(End of this chapter)

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